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Why A War Against The Lower Classes

December 1, 2022

Corrupters assume they are what they associate with, because they have no real value in themselves. That's why Trump surrounds himself with gold paint—he assumes it makes him worth gold. So corrupters assume the lower classes make them worth nothing and make them objectionable.

That's the part corrupters are aware of. Then there is the reality element. Where there are problems, humans have a responsibility to solve the problems. Solving problems is extremely demanding requiring rationality applied to objective reality as determined by the laws of the universe that define life and the solutions to problems.

Corrupters fight a war against rationality, because it exposes them as the worthless destroyers that they are. Problems create a demand for rationality, which corrupters cannot tolerate.

So corrupters want problems to not exist. That means eradicating the lower classes and all objectionable persons. Then there are no problems that need to be solved; there's just fake reality that glamorizes corruption. And the rest is history.

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