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Sociology Of Corruption  73

Corruption As Void

October 9, 2022

One of the purposes of corrupters is to promote a void without the complexities created by rationality or social structures. Corrupters need a void to eliminate the challenges to their incompetence and corruptness. It's an ethic to them. They believe in that ethic and assume only ignorant persons create social complexities.

Of course, anyone with brain one notices that you can't get rid of rationality and social structures just because they are complex. Corrupters don't know that. They are clueless on the consequences of their corruption.

Corrupters assume the wisdom of promoting a void makes them superior persons; and since they always were that way, they must be innately superior—no analysis required.

The "new normal" of the Reaganites had the purpose of instituting that ethic as the official purpose in life. They succeeded in prevailing with that ethic resulting in fascism which is rapidly approaching Nazism. Getting "government off their backs" and throwing out critical laws as so-called deregulation was their starting point in reducing human existence to a void of realities which could be filled in with their corrupt motives.

Corrupters are against everything and for nothing. They are trying to get rid of ordered existence—not only as laws acting upon them but as complexities which create demands for rationality. Eliminating all of that leaves nothing but a void.

In their void, corrupters lash out at their environment with nothing getting in their way but their victims. They place unmeetable demands upon others and allow no impositions upon themselves.

Getting that result is the net effect of the conservative agenda. When only partially complete, it is a conservative process. When it gets close to completion, it is fascism. When it gets as extreme as humanly possible, it is Nazism.

Conservatives conceal nothing in their ethic of stripping ordered existence from their purposes and attempting to destroy vulnerable persons. Eliminating functional government and fighting a war against the lower classes are their most visible results.

Reaganism was the institutionalization of the conservative agenda as a replacement for rationality. A "new normal," the Reaganites called it. It wasn't a political agenda; it was an ethic designed to replace the ethic of normalcy.

Normalcy is determined by the laws of the universe, because the universe defines life and the solution to problems. Since no one can defy the universe, normalcy is working with the laws of the universe to sustain life. Life doesn't exist otherwise.

That means the ethic of destructivity requires normalcy to be replaced with a different ethic. Attempting to replace something that can never be replaced requires a lot of effort aligned upon a futile ethic. When it is the universe being replaced in the definition of life, it is normalcy being replaced with a futile substitute.

Since there is no substitute for the influence of the universe in life, attempts to replace the universe with anything can only be a total absence of anything. It is an attempt to create a void in place of the complexities of life.

Contempt For Reality

It's not easy to produce a void. Objective reality gets in the way. That's because the universe is big and bad. It doesn't get pushed around. But pushing it around is what corrupters try to do—not knowingly but out of sheer stupidity.

Corrupters need to remove objective reality from their fakery to avoid accountability. It's like trying to make a hole in the ocean. The impossibility is what characterizes corrupters. They don't look right. So at some point, they quit trying to look right and get defiant.

Being defiant instead of trying to convince is the path to terrorism. Terrorism is based on defiance in contempt for anyone else's concerns.

The first element of rationalizing corruption is to accuse opponents of what corrupters are doing. Then the corruption is supposedly a fix for the corruption of opponents.

Corruption is always a fix for something. It's half way true in that corrupters are trying to fix their conflict with existence through corruption. If it gets them there, then it is supposedly a law of existence that everyone would benefit from and needs to be poured in concrete.

Everyone supposedly benefits from the results of corrupters; and therefore, corruption is the most sacred thing in existence. But imposing it is not easy, because, of course, it is not a benefit to anyone. So the revilement involved is a primary feature of corruption being imposed.

The mockeries aren't as new as the "big lie" that the 2020 election was stolen. The imposition of absurdities are an inherent part of corruption, such as conservatives perpetually burning tax dollars on corporations as a supposed fix for the economy, so the deficit can be used as an excuse for destroying social programs.

Futurism As Void

Corrupters use futurism as their escape from reality. The future allows corrupters to disconnect from the contradictions that expose their frauds as frauds.

Extremely clear and visible examples are the fake science and technology being imposed onto society by know-nothings in journalism and organizations. Greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving are nonfunctional traps of waste, fraud and abuse which will supposedly solve everyone's problems in the future. It takes a void of realities to make that much of a leap out of reality and into fraud imaginations.

(Greens are not liberals. They impose the expense of their frauds onto the lower classes with no attempt to mitigate the results.)

The Force Medium

Corrupters Believe In Lawlessness

Disconnect Is Not Valid Methodology

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Draining The Economy Dry
Consensus As Rightness
Why Corruption
Why Nazism
The March To Fascism
Corruption Is An Ethic
What Corruption Is
How Power Mongering Works
Renewable Eenergy
Electric Vehicles
Greenhouse Gases Are An Infantile Assumption
Renewable Energy Is An Infantile Assumption



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