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How Power Mongering Works

The reason why power mongers do so much lying is because they don't care about actual results; their concern is the power they acquire through fakery.


Mongering power is a process of taking over social structures and using them for personal gain at everyone else's expense. The social structures must already exist. That means taking them over is an exploitation process, not a constructive process. It also means the purposes of social structures changes from solving social problems to personal gain by incompetent corrupters.

Incompetent corrupters assume everyone is trying to be a winner and power is needed to be a winner.

On that basis, power is assumed to be the highest achievement. But what is achieved? Just a personal result as a feeling; not anything anyone else benefits from.

The reason why power mongers do that is because they cannot get where they want to be through constructive means which require rationality. Rationality exposes incompetent corrupters as the incompetent corrupters that they are.

So corrupters need to use force and violence to get what they want. That means they use domination to prevail instead of producing constructivity to accomplish something. Dominating to prevail is the use of force to overwhelm constructivity. And it is a selfish, personal motive replacing the purpose of social structures in solving the problems of society.

Power mongers view constructivity which benefits everyone as foolishness which doesn't get people where they want to be in acquiring power. They don't know that rational and constructive persons have no desire to monger power.

That means the basic error of corrupters is the assumption that everyone should be striving for power. That error causes them to assume that constructivity is for fools. Being opposed to constructivity, power mongers are destroyers.

Reaganites reconstructed the purpose of existence in that manner, which they called "a new normal." To make winners out of incompetent corrupters, they reduced government to nonfunctionality through so-called deregulation, which cleared the path for power mongers to take over the social structures and convert them into power structures.

Getting there over the past forty years put Trump in power as totally unqualified and using government for his personal gain only.

Reagan said, if you have to explain, you are already a loser. That means he assumed everyone is trying to be a winner (a power monger) and rationality, which requires explanation of claims, is for losers.

With no concept of what constructivity is or why anyone would want to be constructive, power mongering corrupters assume that power is the source truth, knowledge and virtue. They look for consensus to determine what truth is. Bigotry is the assumption that power is virtue and powerlessness is corruption.

Power mongering strips the social structures of functionality to put incompetent corrupters in control of everything. Social structures are supposed to be problem solving tools, not power mongering exploitations.

To create a power structure, subservience to power mongers is required. A need is created for climbing a vertical power structure by building up a few persons at the top and destroying vulnerable persons at the bottom. Alignment upon a vertical power structure requires positivism to replace criticism.

The largest part of mongering power is lying to glamorize incompetent corrupters who can't add and subtract. With rationality, the persons disappear; with power mongering, the persons are the central focus.

Power mongers assume that concealing is a higher standard than explaining. "Just trust us" is the only explaining power mongers do. The first problem is that concealment prevents anyone else from getting involved in the process. How much good can power mongers do by themselves with no one else getting involved? They couldn't chew food without others getting involved. They can lie about it, because they don't accomplish anything; they just monger power for their own selfishness, not for the good of society.

To do anything for the good of society requires explanations which allow everyone else to get involved in the processes. No explanations, no constructivity.

The word power does not have clear boundaries around its meaning. It takes some form of power to lift an object. So the subject here is mongered power. That means the power is synthesized for the purpose of humans prevailing over other persons. It's a social form of power.

That type of power is in conflict with the universe, because it is artificially created in conflict with surrounding realities. That means rationality must be destroyed to produce and use that type of power. So the persons who monger that type of power are fighting a war against the rationality that destroys that type of power.

Corrupters are control freaks. That means eradicating rationality, because rationality is allowing the laws of the universe to do the controlling. The universe needs to be disconnected from everything before subjective and arbitrary control can occur. Without the universe, whim is the only standard that exists.

Corrupters assume corruption is the secret to success, because it takes corruption to monger power and power is the test of everything. Their hate for more rational persons is due to the insistence upon objective reality as the answer to problems instead of defiant corruption as the answer.

During the 1990s, progressives including Al Gore tried to get government backing for fiber optic cables connected to every household computer. Industry shot it down. Now they have fiber optic connections for businesses and privileged characters, while everyone else has crap or nothing. That was the purpose. Power means stomping under everyone else.

Power flows as destructive and criminal activity through every nook and cranny, business and organization, of society taking the form of conspiracies overwhelming rational persons.

There is no such thing as constructive power in society, because the purpose is to replace rationality with corrupters prevailing, while all constructivity is based on objective reality applied through rationality.

The result is malfunctioning and subverted products of all types including computers, software, education, information and news. Corrupters promote the destructivity, because it puts competent persons below the feet of degenerates.

Corrupters know they don't deserve what they acquired by mongering power, so they are afraid truth and justice will catch up to them. Their illogical arguments have the ulterior motive of trying to prevent truth and justice from catching up to them.

Power is mongered by incompetent persons who want to get more out of life than their incompetence produces. They overwhelm rational persons through the use of force and impose fake reality onto society. To create overwhelming force, the social structures are hijacked for the purpose and misused for the personal gain of corrupters.

One of the consequences is converting science into a religion or cult as a method of control devoid of openness and accountability. Control is needed to protect errors, incompetence and corruption from being exposed.

Because of their fake worth and corruption, power mongers must obliterate the past which condemns them and fantasize a fake future where their corruption is pretended into worth. Fake technology is a power mongering tool which must be continuously moved into the future to escape the obvious evidence of corruption. There has been no significant improvement in renewable energy, electric vehicles or self-driving for many years, yet the fraud is endlessly promoted as the answer to everything in the future.

Gullible persons assume that mongering power is the proper and necessary social standard; so they promote, teach and impose power mongering. Then they are moved up the ladder by power mongers for solidifying the power mongering structure.

One of the most tragic things about mongering power is that it creates a motive for being destructive, which causes some persons to assume that destructivity is an essential part of life.

Power mongers are driven to be winners. Gullible persons assume everyone is trying to be a winner, because winning is solving their problems. They don't understand that reality is needed to solve problems, and mongering power destroys reality.

Power is a force and religion which moves incompetent persons upward in society. A synthesized structure is used to create power. The structure which makes power mongering possible is so important to power seekers that they demand subservience to the organized, power structuring activity first and foremost in everything they do.

You cross power seekers if you don't worship power. A war is fought against the lower classes for not worshipping power. Social justice is opposed, because justice defies power. Socialism is opposed, because it defies power.

Fraud is a tool for mongering power. It disconnects from objective reality creating freedom to subjectively prevail over reality—a requirement for mongering power.

Separation From Reality

Power is a disconnect mechanism. It replaces reality, which is a disconnection from reality. Fools assume power replacing reality is a good thing, since acquiring knowledge is difficult, while acquiring power requires nothing but corruption.

Power mongers are disconnected from reality due to their corruptness which puts them in conflict with reality. The most important realities are the abstractions which show relationships between realities.

Knowledge is the essence of abstract reality. Power mongers are opposed to knowledge as abstract reality, because abstractions give reality meaning and complexity. The meaning and complexity of reality expose their incompetence and corruptness.

But power mongers need a substitute for knowledge, so they re-imagine what knowledge is by transforming it into a replicating process which requires no evaluation. As a replication process, knowledge is an inert tool which does not conflict with their corruptness.

All of physics is in error except Newton's laws. Errors are irrelevant to physicists, because they view knowledge as a replicating process rather than an evaluation process. There is no such thing as error without the evaluation of abstractions which create knowledge.

Incompetent corrupters do not assume they are incompetent corrupters, because they assume reality must be transposed onto power, and they are the lords of transposing reality onto power.

One of the preposterous characteristics of corrupters is their ability to lie to themselves. They have themselves convinced that reality transposed onto power is the real reality, and conversely that rationality is corruption, because it is not transposed onto power.

To power mongers, the power that is linked to reality creates the validity of falsehoods. For them, falsehoods become truth and knowledge when linked to power.

It's the entire reason why the preposterousness of global warming, renewable energy and electric vehicles are assumed to be the answer to everything, while rational persons see the absurdities from a mile away. The majority of scientists and nonscientists viewed those corruptions as falsehoods, until they were silenced.

Power mongers promote fake science and technology, because there is no wrong way to screw things up. It doesn't place demands upon their stupidity—that is, until critics say otherwise; so criticism is not allowed.

It's not a question of opinions. Corrupters don't express opinions on relevant realities; they omit relevant realities. It's a question of standards. The standards of imposing fakery with no criticism allowed are not valid standards. It takes corrupt standards to produce corruption.

Path To Failure

Power mongers assume they are going places in defiance of objective reality. They fail at everything, because objective reality defines everything. But they assume someone else is the cause of the problems, because power must equal success.

Power mongers are driven due to their constant failures, while they are certain that power must be the answer to everything. They keep looking for the cause of their problems without realizing that it is their conflict with reality that causes their problems.

The need for power by incompetent strivers causes them to substitute power for truth and knowledge. Therefore, powerless persons (the lower classes) can never be right or justified. And therefore, the lower classes are assumed to be a drag on society which must be ended to end social problems. An extermination mentality grows out of those assumptions.

But in fact, nothing could be more worthless than power mongers corrupting everything they touch. The power which they worship degrades everything about human existence. Degradation becomes worthiness in the reversal of realities for power mongers.

Rationality Is The Alternative

The alternative to mongering power is rationality, which means aligning upon reality. I claim that promoting rationality is the essence of liberalism. Liberalism means promoting equality, social justice and assistance for the needy. Inseparable is progressiveness, which means solving problems for everyone instead of a privileged few. Rationality means using explanations in arguments allowing truth to increase as alignment upon objective reality instead of attacking opponents with single word accusations, which corrupters do as a mechanism for projecting what applies to themselves onto opponents as a defensive mechanism.

Conflict with reality would inherently weaken the position of corruption, but it is compensated for with group power. The power of numbers is the most important element of power. The size of the group includes all power structures linked together to form one large force. A group also provides the psychological security which incompetents need to defy normalcy and rationality.

Missing Abstract Reality

Power is mongered by persons who lack sufficient abstract reality to get results. Abstract reality is required to create meaning and relevance.

Failing to develop abstract reality conceals the underlying causes of problems. So a path for solutions in never considered.

Without a reality path, conflicts reduce to a mentality of "us vs. them." Conflicts cannot be resolved under such conditions, because there is no other solution to problems than resolving reality conflicts.

As a result, persons who lack abstract reality simply state the existence of problems and assume two unrealistic things: One is that everyone else will agree with them; and the other is that someone will solve a problem in a mysterious way if the need is emphasized. No forward progress results, because the underlying causes and solutions are not discussed without abstract reality.

Lack Of Awareness

Gullible persons assume that nothing can be done without power. Such persons are incapable of producing significant rationality, so they push their way into the social structures and use them to monger power. For them, power is their government and religion devoid of rationality and valid laws restricting their corruptions.

Power mongers lack the ability to understand abstract reality and therefore assume that power is the essence of the social order, and anyone who opposes power mongering is a corrupter. For this reason, power mongers are totally committed to exterminating opposition to power mongering.

Fraud isn't fraud to power mongers, because fraud is their primary source of power. They expect fraud to be productive and fruitful as their source of power. Power thereby converts fraud into truth and knowledge for power mongers.

In other words, the awareness level of power mongers is so low that they cannot tell the difference between truth and knowledge determined by objective reality and fraud which makes them successful.

Corruption Equals Virtue

Corruption becomes virtue when it is a system that works for incompetent power mongers.

Objective reality doesn't work for corrupters. It takes them in the wrong direction. The essence of corruption is a disconnect from objective reality.

If objective reality were relevant, it wouldn't matter who says so; only the subject and evidence would matter. But it matters who says so to corrupters, which is like a yellow tag saying they are corrupters.

The shift from objective reality being the standard to who says so being the standard is a power mongering concern. Power is mongered through corruption. Corrupt power doesn't survive objective reality.

Bag Of Feathers

Power removes restraints upon corruption. When corrupters acquire power, what is inside them comes out like emptying a bag of feathers.

Absence of power keeps corrupters subdued. They have constructive influences forced onto them. They learn to adapt. But with power, they no longer have to respond to constructive influences. They do the deciding. Free flowing corruption is the result.

Conservatives have been harping about freedom ever since they acquired power in 1981. They intended to use their new-found power to create freedom. Freedom from what? It was sort of communism, but nothing changed when communism disappeared.

It was the impositions upon them that conservatives could not tolerate. Power removes those impositions.

Fake Science Superior To Real Science

Power mongers assume fake science is superior to real science. Fake science yields instant power. Real science is a lot of work. Putting a lot of work into something is assumed to be futility for fools by power mongers.

Fake science is aligned upon motives and used to advance the purposes of the fakes. So it is supposedly practical, while real science yields nothing but abstract reality. There has to be a value for knowledge to produce real science, which power mongers do not have.

Warped Normalcy

Power mongers assume their state of corruption to be normalcy around which everyone else should orient themselves. Obviously, corruption should not be normal. Power mongers do not know that.

Normal should be the result that the universe produces. Everyone gets the same concept of what normal is when aligned upon the laws of the universe as objective realities. But everyone gets a different concept of normalcy when aligned upon corruption.

Objectivity should be normalcy, because it creates the requirements for life. Conflict with objective reality destroys life. But corrupters are not aware of their conflict with objective reality due to their deficient and misdirected realities.

One of the consequences is that power mongers are constantly trying to convince other persons to re-align upon their values and assumptions. If that effort is needed, it is corruption. Proper alignment upon objective reality is not a convincing process; it's a rationality process. Rationality develops surrounding realities increasing their relevance and ultimately producing truth which no one can defy. Trying to defy truth is a losing battle which characterizes power mongers.

What are the values that power mongers assume should constitute normalcy? They are to stomp out of existence rationality, uniform laws and the lower classes, which will allow corrupters the freedom to do as they please; and doing so will supposedly solve everyone's problems.

Gaining An Advantage

Power mongers consider themselves to be superior to other persons. Why? Because they know how to prevail against others by gaining an advantage.

If power is the purpose in life that everyone lives for and should live for, then gaining an advantage is the test of worth and wisdom. But what if power is a corruption rather than a virtue? Then gaining an advantage over other persons is a corruption rather than a virtue.

The reason why gaining an advantage is a corruption is because it destroys the ability of the losers to function. Turning a whole society into losers is not a proper concept of virtue. It destroys a social order.

Superiority Assumptions

Power is a positive reinforcement for the assumption that power mongers are superior. It's psychological conditioning. The nature of psychological conditioning is that it gets applied in places where it doesn't apply. The assumption of superiority is that way. It grossly misses the destructivity of mongering power.

Yet, power mongers are so sure they are superior to others that they assume everyone else also assumes they are. They then design everything in life around that assumption.

An example is the assumption that the power mongers own everything, and anything the lower classes have, they stole from the power mongers. That's what they mean when they say, the thing wrong with socialism is that eventually you run out of someone else's money to spend. The slogan shows the assumption that everything belongs to power mongers. Why doesn't the military run out of someone else's money to spend, or the corporations? Because they own everything to start with.

Truth As Disconnect From Reality

Fake TruthThe end result and subconscious goal of mongering power is to reconstruct truth disconnected from objective reality. Only reconstructed truth allows corruption to be converted into virtue.

Corruption differs from error in the conversion of fake truth into belief. Belief in fake truth is much more imposing and immune to correction than errors are.

Futurism As Fake Reality

Fake reality is needed to monger power. The perfect way to fake reality is to move it into the future, since nothing can be proven about the future.

Futurism is the social equivalent of nonfalsifiability in science. Popper, the science philosopher, said science needs to be falsifiable. That strange concept stems from the inability to pin down objective reality in fake subjects of science. There is no wrong way to produce fake reality, which means it cannot be falsified. Relativity is the most extreme example in science. It has no relationship to objective reality, so millions of lines of relativity equations have been produced without error.

In the same way, fake technology is always in the future including renewable energy, electric vehicles, self-driving and travel to other planets. Those frauds have been around making no progress for decades, but they are always the thing of the future.

The Incompetence Problem

Mongering power is a compensation for incompetence. It gets incompetents where they want to be, which is dominating society. The trouble is, it doesn't fix the problem.

So power mongers have a secondary problem: they make things worse instead of better by mongering power. They have no ability to solve problems or maintain complexities, which includes repairing complex technology. All indications are that the reason why infrastructure is not being repaired is because the bridges would be more dangerous afterwards, since power mongers cannot add and subtract.

A compensating mechanism is to hype fantasy technology. There is no wrong way to fantasize. Fantasy is "nonfalsifiable." And best of all, it includes the pretense that it will solve all problems in the future.

There has been no significant progress in a decade or more on the social fantasies of global warming, renewable energy, electric vehicles, self-driving or travel to other planets. But pretending to be solving social problems through fantasies erases the blame for existing problems.

Force And Exploitation

Power mongering creates conflict with rationality through the use of force. Force can only be defined as a conflict with reality.

Power mongers become artists at exploitation and acquire rationalistic lingo which they assume is superior knowledge. Their problem is superficiality which leaves out the most important realities which is where the problems are which need solving.

Social structures are not designed for mongering power. They are designed for objective purposes related to solving social problems in meeting human needs. Power mongering corrupts those purposes.

Incompetents taking over social structures might sound too easy to be credible. It occurs because like-minded persons align with each other to promote similar values and purposes. There is a highly developed sociology to mongering power. The use of force is the primary tactic. Rationality is vulnerable to impositions through force. Force is applied through the darkness of concealment opposing the openness and accountability needed for rationality.

This explanation might look like nonsense to persons who assume incompetents are at the bottom of society and aren't taking over the social structures. That's not what incompetence means. It means attempting and failing to do what is required. Winning at climbing the social ladder looks impressive to incompetents, because they are not looking at rationality which solves problems but exploitation which creates winners.

Winners at climbing the social ladder acquire the wrong characteristics. They learn how to win at force applied to exploitation instead of learning how to produce rationality. Rationality does not look impressive to winners, because it is a lot of hard grind. Exploitation looks more impressive to them, because it is the bliss of ignorance.

The bliss of ignorance stems from the assumption that those who conspire can never be wrong. Conspiracy is the source of truth and virtue to incompetents who depend upon power mongering for everything.

Fake Knowledge

Incompetence is created by lack of knowledge. Power mongers learn how to fake knowledge through replication, which leads gullible persons to assume they have knowledge. But the results show the fakery. Incompetent power mongers are not only incapable of solving problems, they are incapable of determining and explaining causes and solutions. They don't know what filing cabinets are for, so they fake everything.

Corrupt persons exploiting power assume the security of power to be a product of knowledge and virtue, while it is a product of force and intimidation. They get a lot of things wrong in their heads, virtually reversed, because darkness removes corrective influences, and success with power is substituted for constructivity. Power structures always self-destruct as their increasing impositions create conflicts with other influences.

Persons who can understand the difference between corrupt ignorance and knowledgeable rationality do not monger power.

Dominance Is Assumed To Be Worth

Mongering power is an ethic imposed upon society by corrupters due to the assumption that those who succeed at dominating are the most worthy persons, and any threat to their arrogance is a hate for proper social structure.

Power for humans could be defined as the ability to subjectively prevail, which is domination.

Domination needs to be properly understood. Domination is the most basic motive for all corruption. Not-so-bright persons assume that if they could prevail against other persons, it would solve their problems. It doesn't. It makes them winners for about three seconds, while they spend the rest of their lives dealing with enemies. Supposedly, the losers should stay losers for the good of society. But the good of society is being improperly interpreted.

Corrupt persons actually assume that creating problems for someone else is a fix for the social order. The error starts with each corrupt person subconsciously assuming he is the center of the universe, and if everyone responded to his wishes, it would solve everyone's problems. It's an inability to extend from the immediate and evaluate the consequences of destroying everything around them for their own whimsical motives.

Stripping government of properly defined laws is assumed to be a good thing, because there is some other path which supposedly creates a more perfect social order. The alternative is domination to prevail against vulnerable persons. It supposedly puts the most worthy persons in control of the social order. To do anything other than that is supposedly putting worthless persons in control of the social order.

What is being missed by corrupt persons is that intelligent persons do not destroy other people to create a proper social order; they use rationality for the good of everyone. It means rational persons are not really dumber than power mongers in refusing to destroy everyone around them; they use non-violent methods of doing things.

An element of the domination mentality is the assumption that corrupters have a right to do as they please to someone else. Of course, they don't allow anyone to do the same to themselves, but winners do the deciding. There can never be long-term solutions to problems at that standard.

It is definitively impossible to solve problems or sustain life without rationality. Corrupters must exploit the results of rational persons while pretending to be superior to them. They can't say how their destructivity produces results, so everything must come out of a dark pit with no explanations.

Corrupters assume that collaboration by like-minded persons supersedes truth or can be the source of truth. They get truth wrong, because one of the elements of corruption is an inability to relate to objective reality which determines truth.

Faking The Value OF Power

Dupes think they see constructivity in power. It's fakery. Smoke and mirrors. The supposed value in power is illusion created by fakes.


Persons who are not-so-bright often assume power is everything and become attached to it without understanding what lies behind it. They first buy into the propaganda that promotes power, and then they imagine that the source of constructivity lies mysteriously within power someplace, even though they cannot identify it or understand how it happens.

The stupid assumption of power being the source of everything humans do is promoted by power mongers while they say, "just trust us." Dupes trust them; rational persons do not. The dupes do not have enough suspicion on corruption.

As fakes pretend to be the source of everything, they lie about their standards and purposes trying to exploit (sometimes steal) the works of constructive persons. Fake science is that way. It feeds on the value of real science while replacing it with fraud.

A tacked on problem is that rationality must be destroyed to monger power, so the dupes also get drawn into a war against rationality.

An analogy for power mongering would be kids who excel at playing marbles assuming that they produce nothing but truth and knowledge and should be taking over government, corporations and science. Playing marbles doesn't do all of that, and power mongering doesn't create capabilities of any sort.

The Value Of Smoke-And-Mirrors

Incompetents who monger power as the solution to social problems assume smoke-and-mirrors is the answer.

Power replaces constructivity in the view of incompetent power mongers. Trying to accomplish anything without constructivity is smoke-and-mirrors.

A key element of smoke-and-mirrors is extractive justice. It means the persons who are the cause of the problems must be extracted from to diminish the problems. This is why expenses are increased for the lower classes while pouring tax dollars down a rat hole to make sure no one reverses the process. The losers must be extracted from to diminish their influence in society.

In other words, the success or failure of any effort is assumed to be in who it is that is doing the influencing. Less influence by loser means more influence by winners, which means more winning. More winning is the purpose of smoke-and-mirrors.

Smoke-and-mirrors replaces rationality and constructivity for corrupters. It creates the disconnect from objective reality which is necessary for incompetents to prevail, while the only answer to everything is them prevailing.

An Ethic Conversion

Power mongers need to flip the constructive ethic into a corruption ethic. The ethic flips when a dominating group oppresses the majority.

Objective reality removes subjectivity and values from social interactions, so people can lead their own lives. Power mongers cannot tolerate that situation, because they are nothing without the impositions of dominating other persons and forcing them to pretend that power mongers are worthy controllers of their lives.

The Ethic Of CorruptionTherefore, the ethic must shift from uniform standards and laws for everyone to an ethic of corruption. If it isn't corruption, power mongering does not exist.

The ethic of corruption is established by stomping 90% of society into the ground, so power mongers can dominate them.
Conflict with Technicalities

Power mongers cannot handle complexities because of their incompetence. It means they don't solve technical problems. All social structures acquire complex problems which have to be solved. Unsolved problems endlessly accumulate under the control of power mongers.

overriding layer

Power mongering creates a layer of existence over the top of the technicalities which are supposed to be accounted for. The two layers are not compatible with each other. It is not possible to monger power and solve problems at the same time.

Incompetence is why corrupters monger power in the first place. They are not capable of solving problems. They then create a process which is in conflict with the demands for solving problems.

The process of mongering power is to use force to overwhelm rationality. The force medium is in conflict with the reality medium. It is necessary for corrupt power mongers to use force to subdue reality, because their incompetence must become irrelevant. Only an absence of reality makes their incompetence irrelevant.

This is why power mongers will never explain their claims or allow criticism. Explanations and criticism put them in conflict with the reality medium, where they always lose. To be winners, they must make the reality medium irrelevant.

Power mongers want there to be fewer technicalities attempting to reduce their conflict with the world around them. They are anti-progressive and reductionistic for this reason, and they oppose government regulations because of the increased complexities which they create.

Conservatives promote what they call small government (small in results but big in waste, fraud and abuse) and deregulation, because they need a state of existence which does not require filing cabinets due to their inability to handle complexities.

The process of mongering power is contrivance which has no functionality. It's designed for appearance only. It's like a corporation which produces only pictures of products but never functional products.

Absolutism Erases The Complexities

Any explanation would expose the incompetence and fraud of power mongers. The fix is to absolutize. With absolute positions, there are no complexities to explain.

The clearest example right now is the drive for 100% renewable energy. It isn't possible, so why not a smaller percent? Any other number would require an explanation and some credible evidence. The 100% figure erases all analysis. Corrupters know they are never going to get to 100%, but by striving for it, they don't have to evaluate the subject.

Doesn't absolutism leave a shortage of credibility? It certainly does, but corrupters have big problems, and credibility is sacrificed in the turmoil. Instead of credibility, corrupters us force and violence to get their way. Their reaction to criticism is to be more overwhelming instead of more credible.

Contrivance Creates Nonfunctionality

The social order is deteriorating due to an inability of power mongers to produce a constructive result. They became power mongers because of their incompetence. Instead of real qualifications determining their power, it was collaboration with other power mongers that allowed them to take over the social structures.

It isn't just the persons at the top who did this. Power can be mongered at any social level where there are social structures to be exploited. And the different power sources are all linked together by common purposes and standards.

What this means is that power mongering became a force that permeated society. It is in all of the institutions and activities and the reason why they are deteriorating.

Consider journalism as an example. Information is getting scarce, while promoting causes becomes the purpose. To a large extent, journalists shape the reality and assumptions of society. The latest uproar over so-called fake news shows the standard of using journalism to promote instead of inform. Journalists should be digging into the details which would clarify and expose fakery instead of leaving the fakery hanging as if it were another version of truth.

The net effect of poor quality journalism is to allow fantasy realities to grow in society. The major fantasies are greenhouse gases, renewable energy, carbon free electric vehicles, self-driving vehicles, artificial intelligence and travel to other planets. The fraud of these subjects is easy to explain, but journalists are stonewalling the criticism to monger power through the fakeries.

It takes falsehoods to monger power. The reason is because truth defeats corruption, while falsehoods are safe from the power of truth. Falsehoods are promoted through force rather than truth or rationality.

Since power mongering works for power mongers, the products of false realities are considered to have a greater value than truth. Contrivance is exploitable by incompetents, while truth is not.

With such ignorance, power mongers attack the rationality which exposes their corruption. After they purge rationality from a subject, they expect someone to solve their problems. A large part of journalism now days is bitching about no one solving the problems.

Hardcore journalism (mainstream media) is often above this level, but it is a dwindling standard, even within legacy media, while social fantasies continuously increase in replacing rationality.

Irrelevance Of Reality

Being a winner and not a loser is the obsession of dominating persons. What happens when they can't add and subtract? They try to erase the relevance of reality.

When corrupters cannot win with reality, they try to change the game. That means pretending that reality is not relevant. Something more important is supposed to supersede reality, which means motives.

This reaction is observed in a large percent of the decision making where power is controlled. If realities can be exploited, no imperfections are tolerated. But when reality works against power mongers, motives are too important to allow realities to get in the way.

Gimmickry Replaces Rationality

Power mongering grows out of the absence of rationality. Since rationality is critical to aligning human activity upon constructive results, a lot of fakery is needed in placing incompetent corrupters in the positions which require rationality.

Gimmickry evolves into complex substitutes for rationality. As an example, relativity is a gimmick for replacing real physics with contrivance. Gimmicks can be as complex as relativity.

Incompetent corrupters focus on gimmickry as if it were the answer to something; and at the same time, the gimmickry is used to erase rationality which exposes the truth about the corruption.

To a large extent, the gimmickry of power mongering is truncated reality. It's chopping off the explanations which give words meaning and using nonsense as the supposed answer to something. Sloganeering is an example. Use positive slogans with no meaningful results.

Professionalism is the development of gimmicks as substitutes for meaningful realities. It is gathering related terminology and scrambling its use with no practical value. Stripping the relevance from a subject is protecting incompetents from exposure as the corrupters that they are. Relativity does that in the most extreme way in science.

Darkness Replaces Rationality

The darkness of concealment overwhelms rationality. Rational persons cannot function without openness and accountability.

The reason is because rationality is an individual effort; and it is complex and vulnerable to interference. In the dark, the process is prevented from occurring by incompetents who feel a threat from rationality. They function as a group in the dark with no accountability to inhibit their corruptions.

Only openness creates the accountability which prevents attacks upon rationality. Corrupters cannot openly admit what they do in attacking rationality, so they are subdued where there is openness.

Because of the inability of corrupters to do their corrupting where there is openness and accountability, they create as much darkness around their activity as possible. They do not want others to know what they are doing. They lie and conceal to prevent it from happening. They are like terrorists who walk around with a mask on to conceal their identity.

As rationality deteriorates in society, and incompetent corrupters acquire more power, darkness descends upon society, because it is the preferred environment for corrupters to operate in. There is less and less information in the news and less and less explanation with science.

Corrupters bitch and expect someone to solve their problems. It can't be done in the absence of rationality which is created with the darkness.

As power mongers invest in corruption as the answer to their problems, any sight of real constructivity based on rationality tells them that they are committed to failure. Instead of changing directions, they attack the rationality which prevents them from pretending. Corruption is something they invest in, and they don't want someone to reduce the value of their investment by exposing it to truth.

Positiveness is Required

The fakery of power mongers demands positiveness as fake superiority. Positiveness says the fakes are 100% correct and no one could credibly question their results. This requirement is maximized, as all fakery is, to include a pretense of exuberance.

As always, it is what is being denied and concealed that shapes the results of power mongers. They are not only incapable of getting anything right, they don't want to align upon the rationality that opponents produce. Therefore, rightness must be redesigned to mean anything that power mongers do. The rightness is supposed to be expressed emotionally, while the proof is in the pudding of accomplishing all that they attempt as indicated by positiveness.

The opposite is negativeness. The enemies of power mongers tend to be highly negative, so the contrast is important. Negativeness stems from the problems power mongers create. But only the lower classes or outsiders have the freedom to be negative. Insiders must always support insiders, which requires positiveness.

This is why corrupters hate their victims. The victims are negative about their problems, which condemns the persons who cause the problems. So the guilt must be reversed and cast onto the victims. Blame the victims is the result.

Blaming the victims is so common that it is often mentioned. But there is never an explanation of why. This is why. The perpetrators must be positive about everything to contrive the image of everyone's problems being solved, while the victims reverse the image by saying something is wrong.

Of course, there is nothing more negative than criticism. Criticism is a negative thing by nature. It says something is wrong and needs to be corrected. Anyone who is not negative about problems is not realistic.

So there is an attempt to discredit critics by saying they are cynical, meaning not positive about the wondrous deeds of power mongers. Since the problems created by power mongers are continuously overwhelming society, anyone who is not cynical in saying something is wrong is a fraud. For this reason, rational persons have always viewed cynicism as a necessary and constructive attitude. Only recently, have corrupters reversed the truth about cynicism by casting it upon their opponents as a corruption.

Fake science is projected as exuberance by the wanabe power mongers, mostly science journalists, as a method of validation which allows no criticism of science. Worship of deciders at the top of the power structures is a method of disallowing criticism.

Superstition Replaces Objective Reality

Over time, power mongering becomes a belief system, where power mongers believe in irrationality. They believe that irrationality will produce better results than rationality, such as pouring tax dollars down a rat hole will stimulate the economy, or self-driving will reduce traffic accidents.

Disconnect from objective reality results in superstition as a belief system. When global warming promoters say the science is settled, they can't explain the science, because they are talking about a belief system based upon superstition.

Superstitious minds view science as emanating from power, not evidence. Evidence requires a relationship to objective reality, which superstitious persons do not have.

The Human Standard is Thrown Out

Power mongers discard the human standard for some cockamamie purpose. The claimed purpose is the convenience of the power mongers at someone else's expense.

That is, when looking downward. When looking upward, power mongers bend over backwards for persons above them. It's because power mongering is climbing the social ladder by attaching to everyone above them and separating from everyone below them. Corrupters assume that a person is what he attaches to. Associate with nobodies, and you are a nobody. Associate with somebodies, and you are a somebody.

Rational persons are not that way. They assume that what they are worth is what they are worth, not what someone else is worth. Worthless persons need to masquerade their worth in terms of someone else's worth.

But this concept is a contextual tangent. The point is, human standards are sacrificed in the process.

Human standards are the requirements for life. People cannot live without certain standards of rationality. In simple terms, it means respecting other peoples' needs. There is no respecting of powerless and vulnerable persons when incompetents are climbing the social ladder.

As the starting point for life, human standards are as inviolable as the right to life. Discarding human standards is a method of preventing people from living.

The problem is, the human standard is never discussed and never considered in social disputes. Instead, convenience for mongering power takes precedent. An example is so-called asset forfeiture. It's the same as highway robbery. The authorities make huge amounts of money from it. Sometimes it's drug money, but sometimes not.

The human standard says some other method of doing things is required. You can't just rip people off for convenience. The human standard comes first, because life is impossible without it. Making life impossible for the lower classes is a contempt for the human standard.

An example for persons with power and status is contract law. Contracts musts be inviolable, or business does not function. For the lower classes, contracts are a joke to be mocked, using such things as fine print, which often has no definable meaning, to make a mockery of the human standard.

Originally, laws were designed around the human standard. But that was years gone by. One of the things characterizing social deterioration is that the human standard is no longer the starting point of law. Convenience for power mongers in ripping people off is the usual defining principle of recent standards.

It's the new normal. Normal is being replaced by abnormal called the new normal. Normal used to be, the human standard comes first and is the purpose of life. Replacing it is the use of any excuse for trashing the human standard for low class or vulnerable persons. Conversely, no law can be applied to persons with power, because the human standard is more important than lawlessness, unless powerful persons break from the flock and do something in conflict with it.

The process is to use excuses, particular economic convenience, as the reason why human standards are to be trashed for vulnerable persons. Contrast is needed to promote the hierarchical social ladder. The powerful are so in love with life that nothing must disturb their convenience.

Justice and Injustice Disappear

Justice is only relevant to human concerns. It disappears in the materialism of making excuses for exploitation.

Even court decisions are no longer framed in terms of justice but in terms of mechanisms. One of the steps in leading to this result was stripping judges of the right to decide and align decisions upon the realities at hand. Legislated sentencing was used for this purpose. Conservatives did this concocting a pseudo-ethic called tough on crime. Stripping humanity from the courts would supposedly reduce crime. Instead, it filled the prisons with nonviolent "offenders."

A fake ethic stripped of humanness, justice and rationality is what conservatives have been promoting. But they claim to be redefining justice in terms of some other purpose at the expense of individuals. The value disappears in a fake good-of-all for the simple reason that the all must be made of individuals. Such terms as good-of-all or common good are, of course, never used by conservatives, since those terms are too "communistic." But who then is it being done for, as individuals are sacrificed to the machine—the machine that sacrifices humans to power mongering purposes?

A telling example of how power mongers promote materialism over human concerns is where the Nazis used to collect trivial items from the people whom they murdered, categorized and documented every item including shoe strings which they had no real use for, attempting to promote materialism above the lives of humans. Similarly, they ate caviar and Champaign at Auschwitz to make a mockery of the starving people, while the rest of the Nazis couldn't afford hamburgers and were burning wood in their automobiles.

Corrupters are trying to promote a set of values that are required for them to succeed at mongering power to replace the rationality required to solve human problems.

Stripping Rationality

To strip the human concerns from what humans do is to strip the rationality. What is left without humans?

Conflict and stupidity create a force medium which replaces the reality medium. Power mongering puts the force medium in conflict with the reality medium. After getting committed to power mongering, hard core power mongers are fighting for the domination of the force medium over the reality medium which includes a war against rationality.

The force medium includes contrivances which replace reality such as the social fantasies including global warming, renewable energy, electric vehicles, self-driving vehicles and travel to other planets. In science, relativity serves the same purpose of replacing the reality medium with a force medium. The force is in the impositions of Einstein worship in place of science based upon measured evidence.

These fantasies are unrealistic to a point of mockery, because the hard core promoters are trying to prevail with the force medium which they can win at with no ability to produce rationality in a competent manner. There is no wrong way to screw something up, which makes winners of incompetents in the force medium.

For these reasons, most promoters of global warming could not care less what the truth is; they are exploiting fakery as a method of mongering power, because they are incompetent losers who cannot handle rationality in a competitive manner.

Fusion Energy is an Example

Fusion energy is an example of how power mongering misdirects social activities. There is no energy in fusion reactions. It was the misdefinition of energy that led Einstein to assume there would be energy in fusion. There has been a continuous process of corruption over the past 170 years rationalizing a false equation for defining energy as the basis for the belief in fusion energy. Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent on the fiasco. Atom smashes get extremely large (The Large Hadron Collider is 17 miles in circumference.) attempting to produce fusion energy, while there is no such thing.

Science cannot get that much wrong without being misdirected. Mongering power is what misdirects the science. Any number of scientists could have corrected the errors, but they were not allowed to by power mongers who had to prevail with their ignorance.

It's the path that matters, not the conclusions. A proper path in science (or anyplace else) puts an end to the nonsense and adds rationality to the subject. Corrupters have a different path that they follow attempting to replace rationality with their ignorance to monger power.

Consensus as Power

The primary source of power is the power of numbers. It not only gives corrupters the ability to impose, it gives them the psychological security that they need. They feel extremely insecure in their incapabilities, but being surrounded by other like-minded persons makes them feel superior and invincible.

Consensus is the test that corrupters use for rightness. They say, how could everyone be wrong and one person right? Being incapable of evaluating rightness on their own, they assume that the group has it figured out.

An offshoot of the group test of rightness is the non-group test of wrongness. The conspirators try to frame nonconspirators into being wrong as a test of superiority. But not objectively being wrong—being wrong in terms of not being part of the conspiracy. They do that by conspiring conditions which leave out the nonconspirators.

This means insiders have access, and outsiders are shunned. Insiders build up insiders and shove down outsiders.

Consensus as power allows a lowering of social standards. This is why social fantasies have been increasing. They are a source of power which does not require accuracy of rationality. Incompetents can get a lot wrong with social fantasies. Therefore, there are a lot more persons involved than there would be with standards of rationality applied to demanding technology. The power of numbers takes off where fantasies replace rationality.

Fake Rationality

Corrupters mimic and fake rationality by producing mindless accusations against opponents devoid of objective reality as evidence which is explained. They don't know the difference. To them, a subjective, ad hominem attack is superior to an explanation of evidence.

The superiority of subjective whim emanates from structured power. Power creates a subconscious assumption of validity and superiority in the minds of corrupt persons. It causes them to assume that subjective whim is superior to evidence based explanations.

In fact, corrupters assume that producing objective evidence is a sign of weakness in losers, as they resort to desperation. Power is bliss. Bliss is supposedly superiority. Not having to explain is supposedly superiority and proof of greater validity and worth.

To impose with power is assumed to be superior to rational explanations. It's only superior by a feeling of bliss and invincibility which power creates. But what is the value to human existence? Nothing can be done with subjective whim but monger power for incompetent corrupters to the detriment of society.

Objective rationality has a definable constructivity; subjective whim does not.

Self-Righteous Corruption

Incompetent power mongers impose their subjective concerns onto everyone, because they are out of contact with objective reality. Subjectivity is not valid or acceptable in the social environment. Yet corrupters consider subjectivity to be superior to objective rationality. In fact, they fight a self-righteous war against rationality assuming that it can never be constructive. Since they cannot produce rationality, they assume no one else can either, and trying to do something that is impossible is assumed to be certain failure.

They don't understand that all that society has acquired was produced through rationality, not someone imposing their subjectivity onto others. They keep failing to accomplish anything through imposed subjectivity but they keep trying, because they don't understand rationality.

This is why it's assumed to be ok to lie about science and technology. No one could actually believe that gravity waves were actually measured or 100% renewable energy is possible—at least after the evidence is described. Yet the frauds persist, because lying is supposedly the answer to something. Lying is a contempt for objective reality and rationality as the answer to problems.

Lines Disappear

Without abstract understanding, there are no lines between right and wrong. Right and wrong are equivalents in reality terms to incompetent power mongers. But the two alternatives are not equivalents in terms of who should prevail. Right is power prevailing, and wrong is powerlessness influencing the result.

Without a reality element to motives, self-centeredness is the guiding influence in life. Every corrupt person assumes he is the center of the universe, because there is no reality element to his concerns. Therefore, who is most important should prevail, and the ethic of power is the determining influence over right-from-wrong, which makes corrupters extremely self-righteous in their criminality.

Substitution of Values

Power mongers assume that if they could impose their values onto everyone it would solve everyone's problems, while objective reality and related laws prevent them from imposing their values.

To put themselves above others, power mongers reconstruct social values around themselves. If it isn't their doing, it is not the purpose of life. If the only thing they could do is build a doghouse, then anyone who isn't building a doghouse is a drag on society and must be stomped under. The doghouse which they build and promote is their elitism and bigotry.

Power mongers are supposed to be the answer to everything simply because it is them doing it. Why must there be a tax overhaul every time conservatives acquire power? Because they know society needs a tax overhaul, even if lesser persons don't.

Since power mongers are incapable of functioning in a relevant way, they have to promote something other than constructivity as the supposed purpose in life. That something which they represent is gossipy, trivial reality. They pump gossipy, trivial reality to the skies, because it is the only thing they can produce. And to make it the most important thing in existence, they must pretend that relevance, rationality and constructivity are some sort of threat to existence.

They are shifting human values away from rational relevance to gossipy trivia to make themselves important, while they are worthless. Trying to frame rationality as a corruption puts them in conflict with constructivity.

Construction of a Parallel Structure

Social structures are not constructed to be vertically aligned. Corrupters need a vertically aligned power structure. It cannot be far removed from the social structures that are exploited for power. So there is a re-application of social structures to create a vertical alignment.

The relationship between corruption and life is a game of parallelisms. To exploit life, corrupters need a close relationship to it while they alter it for their purposes. While life consists of horizontal relationships, corrupters turn it into vertical relationships. It might appear that there is a vertical food chain, but it is a trivial effect embedded into millions of other effects which are bound to include almost any possible pattern. There is nothing vertical about metabolism. A gradient of small to large is not vertical except in the minds of persons who want to see (or contrive) verticalness in everything.

The relationship between rich and poor would be horizontal, except that corrupters influence the result so thoroughly that they attach vertical assumptions to the relationships. The same is true of everything in life. Rational persons relate to everything in horizontal terms, while corrupters relate to everything in vertical terms.

Years ago, when industrious persons were constructing the modern world, they basically came out of the lower classes. They moved horizontally in developing a world which included everyone equally. As corrupters took over the result, they re-aligned everything in vertical terms.

Conflicting Purposes

Power mongers have a wrong purpose in life. Basically, their purpose in life is to climb their fake social ladder.

Life is made of inviolable relationships between realities which are put there by life. No one can change the result. But the purpose of climbing the social ladder changes the relationships between realities.

Corrupters actually have a quasi philosophy telling themselves that they can change how life is constructed through reality as agreement. They try to define reality as agreement to change the fabric of life by controlling everyone's views through total agreement. But it is as idiotic as assuming they can make gravity go upward through agreement.

The essence of life must be constructed and maintained by subservience to the laws of the universe as objective realities. Corrupters despise that purpose, as it leaves them as the incompetents that they are in their inabilities to relate constructively to objective reality through rationality.

The dependence of incompetent power mongers upon lies and fraud for exploitable power is not an analysis, it's a subconscious reaction which does not get evaluated. The reaction tells incompetent power mongers that the darkness and incongruousness of lies and fraud are what creates the value.

How do they get value out of darkness? It creates open endedness. Open endedness means unlimited synthesis and contrivance, which increases the power of fraud. Through unrestricted contrivance, darkness creates the power to contrive, while rationality and truth diminish their power.

This set of conditions causes power mongering frauds to attach to, promote and believe in lies and fraud as a higher good and to assume that there is a greater wisdom in that which is incongruous than in something that can be explained with logic.

Getting a higher good out of darkness is the ticket to success for power mongering frauds. It allows them to pretend value into the corruptions. It disconnects them from objective reality and floats them into a lala land of make-believe. Of course, someone else has to solve their problems, as nothing real can be accomplished disconnected from objective reality.

This pretense is a form of gnosticism in that wisdom supposedly comes out of an unfathomable pit. If something is logical, the contrivers are screwed, as logic condemns them. Only the illogical separates them from the condemnations of objective reality.

For this reason, incompetent power mongers are forever contriving absurdities such as global warming, renewable energy, electric vehicles self-driving and travel to other planets. The fake reality is a source of power in pretending a superiority and wisdom coming from persons who can't add and subtract. Of course, it must all be in the future, as the past condemns them.

A Homogeneous Monolith

A power structure must be a homogeneous monolith, or it doesn't exist. A homogenous monolith can never successfully exist in the human society. Therefore, power mongers are fighting a losing battle, which is why they so aggressively attack anyone who does not dedicate their existence to the power structure.

This is because corruption is in conflict with the universe. Anything outside of controlled corruption is automatically in conflict with controlled corruption due to various relationships to the universe. In other words, power mongers put themselves in conflict with the universe.

But being total idiots, power mongers do not know that they are in conflict with the universe, so they expect to re-arrange human life around their corruptions.

Why Power Mongers Lie

Reality In BoxesSince power mongers fight against the objective reality that condemns them and the rationality which connects to objective reality, they must re-align reality upon their motives. Motives have requirements with them, which is like boxes that need to be filled for contrived reality.

As power mongers move realities into the boxes which promote their motives, they alter the realities. Realities are redesigned for the purposes.

To represent realities as they exist is so reprehensible to power mongers that they view such standards as a sign of enemies who must be defeated. The realm of objective reality is the land where enemies dwell.

Where corrupters end up is the assumption that, "the only proper definition of justice is our right to lash out against anything we don't like without someone's concept of rationality getting in the way."

Pretending Reality Into Existence

In the power mongering world, there are instigators and gullible fools who believe in what they are doing. The second group needs to be lied to. One of the lies they are fed is that they can pretend reality into existence.

There are probably slogans that are used for pretending reality into existence, since corrupters have a slogan for every purpose. Slogans fit into slots of stupidity better than a description does. Such as, the best defense is a good offense. It's like saying, the best way to break a wineglass is to throw it on the floor. Couldn't be wrong, except that it misses the explanation of why break a wineglass. Slogans are that way.

However they get there, power mongers have dupes scurrying around trying to pretend reality into existence. The most obvious, recent examples are, trying to remove carbon dioxide from the air, trying to do it by producing 100% renewable energy, solving the energy problem with electric vehicles and adding self-driving to vehicles, while any scientist or engineer with half a brain knows there is not enough space on the surface of the earth for all the wiring that would be required for such purposes.

Why then make the attempt? Because making the attempt creates subservience to the power mongers who oversee the process. Nothing has to work or be credible to set up that system. It's the process, not the end result, that puts power mongers in control of society.

Reality As An Optional Medium

Being disconnected from reality, power mongers convert reality into a medium rather than a representation. As a medium, reality is molded to purposes.

Fake science and technology is molded around purposes with no relationship to laws of nature. The process of molding reality consists of making variations which change constantly.

An example is saying that carbon dioxide in the air causes heat to accumulate at either five kilometers of height or nine kilometers of height. The height varies with the mechanism that is being rationalized.

The promoters of carbon dioxide fraud don't care what carbon dioxide does. They only care how the concerns are exploited for mongering power. It's who says so, not what they say.

To monger power with fluid realities requires bowling over objective reality with fraud, so rational persons have nothing to say about it. It is shifting power from rationality to incompetent contrivance.

The Conspiracies Of Power Mongers

Everything power mongers do is a conspiracy. Power is mongered through conspiracies, and power is used to promote conspiracies.

The obvious reason is because the power of numbers is the primary source of power. Groups of persons aligned to promote corruption are conspiracies. Conspiracies are destructive purposes for collaborative activity.

Being too dumb to make an honest living, power mongers don't know the difference between constructive and destructive in most of what they do. Power creates a positive reinforcement for the psychological conditioning of corruption, which causes corruption to seem to be constructive to corrupt persons.

So power mongers don't like to hear critics speak negatively of their primary activity in exploiting corruption and fraud to get what they want out of life, and the reaction is to promote positivism.

There is no place for positivism is social discussions, because too many persons pay too heavy of a price for corruption. Recognizing that fact is called cynicism. Cynicism is the only sin recognized in government. When corrupters feel too much pressure from criticism, they call it a cynical attempt at something.

Negativism is necessary and constructive in social discussion due to the overwhelming destruction of life that flows from power mongers. Negativism is cynicism. Of course, dictionaries try to define away the truth of such subjects, another example being sarcasm, which is defined as the worst of sins, since sarcasm is one of the only possible ways to relate to a lot of social sin and Christ was quite sarcastic for that reason.

The Bible uses the terms sin and conspiracy interchangeably, because all sin must be part of a conspiracy. Without conspiracies promoting sin, no one would perpetrate more than one sin and see that it is too destructive to sin a second time. But with corrupters promoting and reward sin, the sin never ends and constantly increases.

The Austerity Mentality

There is a standard method of economic control that power mongers adhere to. They do everything from the starting point that the lower classes are the cause of all problems. They rationalize that assumption in terms of there not being enough of anything, while the lower classes are viewed as hordes of consumers and polluters who use everything up and replace it with waste.

Power mongers assume there are very few worthies at the top of society (which includes themselves) and an infinite number of unworthies at the bottom creating the problems of society. So the answer is assumed to be more of everything for the worthies at the top and less of everything for the unworthies at the bottom. And abracadabra, the result is the austerity mentality.

The austerity mentality is the assumption that sucking resources out of the bottom of society and pouring them down a rat hole improves economies—not using the resources for something but destroying them. The resources must be destroyed, because the worthies at the top already have most of what they need and only the unworthies at the bottom of the society could benefit from the resources—or at least needs resources more than the power mongers do. A differential advantage is the yardstick of measurement for corrupters.

Of course the process has to be rationalize by speaking in opposites; so the claimed purpose of austerity is to fix the economy, and the claimed purpose of pouring resources down the drain is to stimulate the economy. How is it supposed to do that? Power mongers never go beyond slogans, so you can guess how it works.

The Mentality Of Mongering Power

Power mongers assume that reality is that which feels right. They would almost be right if they had the right values. Rationality feels right to rational persons, but not to power mongers.

Power determines what truth and knowledge are for power mongers. When power shifts, truth and knowledge shift.

The mentality of mongering power starts with a dependency upon power due to a feeling of inadequateness. Power is an escape from total failure in life for the types of persons who cannot depend upon their own capabilities to get what they want out of life.

The importance of power to such persons creates a subjective and irrational protection of the power structure. The justification of power says that if there is a problem, it is caused by the lower classes promoting communism, not the upper classes attacking life. Only in a few strange quarters is that mentality openly promoted, but all power mongers connect to the persons who profess such claims.

There is a division of labor involved in mongering power. By separating out different tasks, everyone can wash their own hands of the negativeness while inconspicuously supporting absurdities.

An example is the way global warming is promoted. Only the most incompetent persons who have never studied an iota of science are visible in promoting global warming. This allows the claims to be absurd, while scientists keep their own hands clean.

Promoting fraud is a test of a person's allegiance to the power structure, much like street gangsters must perpetrate crime to show their allegiance to the gang. Relativity has that purpose in physics. It is such a mockery of laws of nature that it serves as a test of allegiance to the power structure.

Incompetent Persons Promote Fakery

Fakery has the purpose of justifying incompetence. Fake value is contrived as futuristic technology, which must always be in the future to prevent truth from being visible. Futurism allows unlimited fantasizing to escape accountability.

Being distracted by the lies and the technology shifts concerns away from the corrupt standards of incompetent persons. The net result is corrupters being the deciders over far more than the focus of attention.

It's a power mongering scheme. Power is enhanced through fakery and then used to dominate everyone else's lives.

Any distraction would serve a similar purpose. It shifts the focus away from corrupt standards. A lack of focus on standards allows a railroad job on society. The claimed purposes of incompetents never amount to anything, while the distractions allow them to dominate society.

Hollowing Out Social Structures

To incompetent power mongers, a power structure seems like the right way to organize society. The simple reason is because such persons aren't capable of doing anything else but mongering power, and they assume everyone else is the same as themselves beyond an unwillingness to learn in some cases.

So when power mongers see normal rationality, they think it is total stupidity. They assume rationality is a losing effort for fools. When they look at the results of rationality, the proof is in the pudding. The results are total confusion in their minds, since they cannot comprehend what rationality is.

For these reasons, taking over the social structures and using them to monger power looks like an improvement to power mongers. So they conspire with other like-minded persons to do that, while they shove out rational persons for creating opposing forces.

As the process proceeds, the social structures are hollowed out lacking any relationship to real purposes. When problems develop, enemies are blamed for not cooperating with the power mongers.

Science has been largely hollowed out and is producing very little for real results for these reasons.

Truth As Accountability

Power is mongered through fake reality. In other words, corrupters pretend to be worth something when they are not. The truth undoes their fakery showing that they are not worth something.

So power mongers fight a war against truth trying to prevent their corrupt power from being diminished by correcting their lies. Truth creates accountability for their corruption.

Jealousy Is Acted Upon

Power mongers set themselves up for jealousy by convincing themselves that they are superior. Conflicting evidence cannot be tolerated, which is jealousy. Jealousy is the most acted upon motive for corruption. Jealous persons must put out the fire inside themselves by obliterating the cause. The cause is not assumed to be their own stupid assumptions but the objective evidence of the opposite.


Extreme dependence upon power mongering creates anti-human assumptions. Humans are viewed as inferior and in need of being replaced.

What makes humans inferior to ultra power mongers is their dependence upon objective reality. Power is a disconnect from objective reality. The disconnect supposedly solves the problems of power mongers, so it is viewed as superior to the human dependence upon objective reality.

The Purpose Of Social Decay

Power mongers need social decay to intimidate the lower classes into subservience. It doesn't work, so a lot of social decay is needed in trying.

In other words, failing to get acceptance into the working economy has devastating consequences, as homelessness shows. To prevent such a result, the lower classes are supposed to kiss the ass of the power mongers for survival.

Strangeness Of Position

The extreme power mongers view everything from a strange position. It's an assumption of righteousness and necessity in promoting corruption, as if the virtues of corruption were self-evident. How did such persons get there?

The strangeness is created by power which is rationalized and promoted over time warping the assumptions about right-from-wrong. The primary error is the assumption that power should represent superiority, while it actually represents degeneracy. Trying to get superiority of worth out of degeneracy creates the strangeness.

The degeneracy of power mongers includes an attack upon opponents which is viewed as justice and necessity, while the opponents are nothing but powerless persons wondering why they are being degraded. It is not anything powerless persons do that brings on the wrath of power mongers; it is the universal consequence of injustices that triggers the attack.

Justice makes the victims of power mongers superior to the perpetrators of injustice against them. But power mongers are not aligned upon justice and do not understand it. They are aligned upon superiority due to power and cannot understand why power is not a self-purifying property.

It is the means of achieving ends that defines power mongers as corrupt, while only the end is considered. Supposedly, destructive means are virtuous in striving for power.

Society has too much of a tendency to overlook the destructive means of power mongers. The means are primarily to attack opponents in a subjective manner. That means name calling or labeling with no explanations to create rationality. Skipping over the rationality which would expose the truth allows power mongers to remain unaccountable for the destructivity.


Power mongers are like Acetobacter. The bacterium surrounds itself with a capsule of gel allowing it to grow on vinegar, which is acetic acid. The acid normally kills bacteria, but the capsule protects Acetobacter while allowing small amounts of acetic acid to diffuse through. AcetobacterThe bacterium metabolizes the acid as it filters through the gel, so it is not in contact with a high concentration of the acid.

In a similar way, power mongers surround themselves with contrived reality to keep out objective reality which exposes their incompetence and corruptness.

Fake science and technology exist for that reason only. Conspirators use the fake reality to insulate themselves from objective reality while pretending to solve everyone's problems through fraud. The fraud is "nonfalsifiable," which means there is no wrong way to produce fraud. There are never explanations with the claims, and contradictions are endless.

A few gullible fools assume the fake science and technology are supposed to be solving problems for society, but they are not the deciders.

Empty Shells

Power mongers turn social structures into empty shells which accomplish nothing. Functionality is stripped from social structures due to an intolerance of rationality.

Rationality is viewed as analogous to pollution to power mongers, because it gets in the way. In the way of what? Mongering power. Rationality is an absorbing process. Being absorbed into realities gets in the way of mongering power.

Even worse, rationality creates demands by raising questions that need to be answered. Having no ability to respond to the demands of rationality diminishes power exposing the incompetence and corruptness of power mongers. So everything goes smoother for power mongers by stripping rationality from everything they do.

But what is left without rationality? Nothing but empty shells for structures with nothing being accomplised and no purpose being produced but mongering power.

Mongering Power Is A Subversion Process

The corruptness of mongering power puts power mongers in conflict with everything else humans do, which means the whole universe. It creates a war of us against them. One result is to create counter-reality, counter-intentions and counter-values due to the conflict with normal human purposes.

This is why corrupt science is now systematically reversing real science. It's because corrupt power has increased to that point. Two examples which are telling are Yellowstone being referred to as a super volcano, while there is no lava, and claiming that the asteroid belt was not created by a planet exploding as scientists have known without question for hundreds of years.

The explanation for the reversal on the asteroid belt is a non-explanation—that Jupiter caused a bunch of rocks to orbit near Mars while the universe was forming. They couldn't produce a credible explanation for reversing that point, but that didn't stop them from doing so.

An example from outside science which took form several decades ago was to ground every piece of metal in a kitchen, because for more than a century, electrical handbooks started the first paragraph saying, never touch ground while working with electricity. It takes two voltages to get a shock, and ground is a voltage. So repairmen get constantly shocked due to an inability to avoid touching grounded metal. Sometimes users get shocked that way. No one benefits from the grounded metal; yet no one is allowed to defy the criminal standard of grounding metal unnecessarily.
Normalization Of Fraud

In physics, relativity had no other purpose than normalization of fraud. A more recent example of normalization of fraud is fake measurements of gravity waves. Pretending to measure motion at a level 100 million times smaller than the vibration of atoms has the purpose of being extremely obvious with fraud. Why not a thousand times smaller?

If the error were minor, there could be an argument, and it would look too normal. The error had to be so extreme that it would look like fraud and not an error. It has to look like fraud to normalize fraud.

Corruptions have to be normalized by corrupters. Normalization is a layer of protection from opponents. Creating "the banality of evil" reduces the effort required to promote evil.

The promotion of corruption requires reality control as the starting point, because corrupters are defeated by the truth which rationality produces. Destroying rationality and the resulting truth requires a lot of deliberate fraud.

Deliberate fraud breaks down normalcy, so corrupters can add back their idiotic stupidity for reality control. If they aren't in control of reality, they aren't at the starting point for social relevance. So deliberate fraud is the first step in putting corrupters in control of the social order.

Only after people become accustomed to deliberate fraud can functional frauds be used as a basis for domination by corrupters. Then the argument is that corrupters couldn't possibly be wrong, but if they are wrong, being wrong is normal and necessary.
Why Falsify Realities

Incompatibility of False RealityPower mongering requires falsification of realities. Nothing real can be done with false realities, because they have no relationship to objective reality.

Truth is compatible with objective reality based upon the laws of the universe. False realities are not compatible with objective reality. So why produce false realities?

Guess why. Power mongering is the purpose. Power mongers must own reality, but they cannot own objective reality. To own reality it must be synthesized and arbitrated by them. It must be incompatible with objective reality to disconnect it from universal significance which is the same for everyone and never changes.

Starting At The End Point

When combining incompetence and power, the only way to get to a result is to start at the end point. How incompetents get there is a muddled mystery. They don't know how anything works.

Incompetents assume they and similar incompetents created everything, while the rational world ran interference. Therefore, getting rid of rationality should be the answer to everything. So they set about creating goals to be achieved with no concept of how to get there. But they assume someone must know; just force them to solve the problems.

Rules For Power Mongers

Persons who monger power cannot be told, because reality puts them in conflict with rules that they follow. The more effort that is used to describe something, the more power mongers repel the reality, because it separates them from the power mongering conspirators who set the standards.

One rule is to never be a decider over anything but the most trivial, personal concerns. Otherwise, the person is competing with the top dogs who do the deciding.

Another rule is to never acquire information, because the only thing information can be used for is competing with the deciders. The deciders are supposedly devoted to the betterment of all power mongering conspirators. They look after their own.

HumanoidSince contradictions are endless in the claims of power mongers, another rule is to never mention contradictions through criticism. Persons who do not monger power do not follow that rule, and they are hated for it by power mongers.

A tone of positiveness for structured power is required, like painting a moldy stick, as a method of pretending that someone else is the cause of problems. Most of journalism is painting the moldy stick of fake technology, bankrupt economics and incompetent social structures.

In other words, a power monger is supposed to be a block of cement at the disposal of the deciders. See no evil; speak no evil; do no evil—is how evil is promoted.

Autocracy As The Absence of Rational Government

An autocracy is not an analysis; it's incompetent power mongers doing what they always do, which is prevailing with absoluteness and no toleration of anything other than that. Prevailing means no laws are allowed to get in their way and no opponents are allowed in government, which is an autocratic, totalitarian dictatorship.

Power mongers have no choice about totalitarianism, because their process of mongering power means prevailing over others with power which creates a conflict with the laws of the universe. To oppose the universe requires totalitarian tactics.

The Sociology Of Power Structures

Incompetent corrupters monger power as a substitute for rationality. The resulting power structures change sociology from rationality to contrivance. A contrivance sociology is unreal and nonconstructive, such as fake technology electrifying the transportation system and self-driving reducing auto accidents.

Private inventors have to do their own patenting, manufacturing and selling. Industry won't have anything to do with them. The reason is the sociology of power structures.

Outsiders are a threat to power structures. That's because structuring power is a demanding operation which requires a lot of contriving. The artificial nature of power structures makes the contrivances vulnerable to objective reality. In other words, if someone is not deliberately propping up structured power, they are inadvertently harmful to structured power.

All objective reality is a threat to power structures due to the contrivance and destructiveness of power structures. Nothing but promoting can be allowed within power structures, because all else is in opposition to power structures.

It's the same dynamic as criminality, simply because power structures are (quasi, assumed) legalized versions of the same problem as criminality. Fakery is fraud, which is illegal but shielded in power structures.

For that reason, outsiders are not allowed to influence fake science and technology. Since most science is permeated with fakery, outsiders are a threat which must be repelled to maintain status quo.

That problem is more provable in science, but it is more visible in journalism. So called mainstream journalism has the same problem of protecting power structures from objective reality.

The problem in journalism used to vary with the subject matter. Some subjects were safe for any viewpoints or criticism. Other subjects were not. Now days, the demands created by structured power are so pervasive that mainstream journalism is heavily tailored for artificial reality.

To find out what is really going on, it takes more distant sources to go beyond the fakery of mainstream journalism. The distant sources are becoming fewer, as objective reality is shoved more thoroughly out of view.

Fake science and technology have been increasing in mindless reductionism over time. It's almost understandable that know-nothings promoting the complexities of science and technology are going to get it wrong—that is, when promoting, as if they were scientists, rather than reporting as journalists.

It isn't that the fakery grew out of the science and technology; it's that fakery increased in journalism bringing the corrupt versions of science and technology to the surface imposing nihilism onto society and allowing no criticism.

Conspiracies conceal the origins of problems. The result is attempts to fix the end points, while the origins keep creating the problems. Homelessness is an example. Attempts to deal with homelessness deal with end points which can never be very successful, as long as the starting points exist. The starting points are in the conspiracies of power mongers who need an intolerable bottom to society as an intimidation tool for joining and supporting the power mongers.

There is an attitude that goes with the conspiracies of power mongers. The power of numbers creates an assumption of superiority which carries with it the assumptions that power is truth, knowledge and virtue. Conspiring corrupters are extremely self-righteous in their destructivity assuming that destructivity is the highest of virtues when flowing from the power of numbers.

Similarly, the power of numbers causes corrupters to assume fake science and technology are the answer to everything. They can't be told. The science and engineering are not inobvious. Yet the truth is assumed to be the fake realities that flow from the power of numbers.

Structured Power Is Conspiracy

The power of numbers is the primary source of power in power structures. Control of group corruption is the essence of conspiracy. Group power can only be corruption, because alignment of realities upon anything other than the objective realities which make up the laws of the universe is corruption due to conflict with the realities which make up life; and the only reason for doing to is to enhance power and impose the incompetence of power mongers onto society.

One of the results is subversion. Any success at nonconstructive efforts subverts the results.

The subversion by power mongers is not accidental; it is a necessary part of the process of mongering power. The reason is because absence of corruption puts realities under control of rational persons. Stripping control out of the hands of rational persons requires subversion of the realities.

An offshoot of subversion of realities is subversion of products. Power structures subvert all products which they can influence.

Subversion of products means they must be similar to and substitute for non-subverted products in order to be salable. So the general result must meet needs, while the less visible details are where the corruptions are created. Products can be close to nonfunctional while looking normal when details are subverted.

Power mongers need subverted products as a degradation mechanism. Since corrupters cannot build themselves up, they tear others down as their method of prevailing. With power, corrupters assume they will have an advantage over others, when there are more social problems.

Attitude Problem

Mongered power creates an attitude problem. Corrupters assume the opposite. They assume they represent a godly standard of existence. The reason is because the power of numbers replaces rationality with an assumption of representing all that is right including truth, knowledge and virtue.

The convincing fact is that corrupters are nothing without their power and resulting conspiracies. With their power and conspiracies, they are invincible by the criteria that they go by in terms of prevailing over other persons at the social level.

The thing wrong with that attitude is that it promotes destructivity. Capabilities are not improved by conspiring; they are misdirected. Instead of constructivity through rationality, conspiring corrupters are hung up on mongering power.

Corrupters are self-centered due to their problem of incompetence. Replacing the incompetence with being winners tells them they are superior, because they want to be winners. It doesn't tell them they are just as incapable of producing rationality, because they hate rationality, as it exposes them as the incompetent corrupters that they are.

So corrupters produce representations of realities that portray themselves as winners rather than objective realities which produce real results. Portraying themselves as winners means fakery, such as a helicopter on Mars and gravity wave measurements.

To rational persons, the laws of the universe always prevail. They surround all life, shape all life and determine results. Humans must align upon the laws of the universe through science and engineering.

To power mongers, power surrounds everything and controls everything. Humans must align upon power through contrivance and manipulation. Imposing the technicalities of nature onto the process through rationality and criticism is the ruination of power mongers.

Corruption Is An Ethic

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
Draining The Economy Dry
Degeneracy Of The Conservative Cause
Why Corruption
Why Nazism
The March To Fascism
Corruption Is An Ethic
What Corruption Is
Greenhouse Gases Are An Infantile Assumption
Renewable Energy Is An Infantile Assumption
Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Fake Efficiency
Radiative Transfer Equations
Invalid Measurements
Quotes By Incompetents
Absorption Without Emission
Stefan-Boltzmann Constant
Joule's Constant
Nuclear Fusion
Quantum Mechanics
Fossil Fuels
Gravity Waves
Firing Scientists
Other Factors
Correcting Errors
Evolution Biology
Extreme Evolution
Evolution Physiology
Human Evolution



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