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Sociology Of Corruption  0

Why Corruption

July 6, 2022

The universe is a pattern of realities. There needs to be a pattern of reality in someone's head, before they can see a pattern of reality in the objective realities around them. When there is no pattern to go by, the universe becomes chaotic nonsense.

Then what? Then impose motives on whim as the only state of existence that can be imagined. That's what corruption is.

Without realities to go by, corrupters go by forces. Redesigning existence as forces instead of realities is absurd. Corruption is absurd.

Reaganism was the official institutionalization of corruption as forces replacing realities. It was called "a new normal." Since the universe determines what normal is, a new normal could only be a conflict with the universe. Forces replacing realities is how the conflict with the universe works.

Forces replacing realities is supposedly a correction, because realities are absurdities to corrupters. "Morning in America," Reagan called it. Throwing out laws a so-called deregulation to "get the government off the backs" of conservatives was the methodology.

Whim replacing realities created the freedom that conservatives are obsessed with. Who needs freedom in "the land of the free"? Persons who replace realities with forces need to be free from the impositions of the laws of the universe.

The developing Nazism of conservatives shows that the question of corruption is not what but why. The ultimate rationalization that corrupters produce is not an explanation of what but a feeling inside them. A feeling is a why, not a what.

Similarly, when the facts are spelled out in unquestionable terms, conservatives sometimes admit the correctness but say they still promote the fraud, because they can feel it inside them—a question of why, not what.

In other words, explaining, clarifying and proving does not correct corruption, because corruption has a cause unrelated to the realities involved. The force that causes corruption replaces the realities involved. That force is why corruption occurs.

Corrupters are power mongers. They use power as a substitute for the rationality which produces truth and exposes them as the incompetent corrupters that they are.

Corrupters assume that power replaces the need for ordered existence including government and laws. Corrupters assume ordered existence is for losers, because power eliminates the need for order. So it is important to understanding what ordered existence is.

Order means realities or objects have a definable meaning, place, purpose and functionality as determined by the laws of the universe. A tree doesn't grow in a desert; it requires moisture, soil and nutrients. The arrangement of biological life shows the importance of ordered realities. Anything out of place results in a breakdown of life and can cause species to become extinct.

Corrupters have no respect for ordered existence, because they cannot meet the demands. With power, they don't need to meet any demands. The purpose of power is to defy anything and everything that gets in their way including government and laws.

Corrupters are opposed to everything and for nothing. That means ultra-negativism. But some things need to be opposed, which requires criticism. Criticism is negativism. So frauds pretend that criticism should not occur, because it is negativism; and implicitly, everyone should always be positive and never negative.

Why then do corrupters get by with nothing but negativism? Because they speak in opposites. They pretend they are for everything, while they are against everything.

Nazism exists in a void. In that void, realities are pretended in contempt for the truth. Nazis pretended to be purifying a fake Aryan race by murdering opponents.

Corruption exists in a force medium which replaces the reality medium that creates life. Realities are nothing—forces are everything—in the force medium of corrupters.

So the why of corruption is in the forces that drive corrupters, not in the realities. As the social order transforms into Nazism, it slides out of the reality medium and into a force medium.

Realities used to be relevant, when rationality was being produced by competent persons. As Nazism replaces normalcy, competent persons are shoved out of the social order and realities get replaced by the forces that drive corrupters.

The "big lie," that Democrats stole the election from Trump, shows how it works. No evidence can be found for the big lie and the mechanisms are beyond preposterous; yet conservatives believe in the big lie. The force that drives them replaces the realities of the subject.

Conservatives are sure they can find the mechanism for the big lie some place; so they search high and low. Never do they find it; but they never give up. The force is immutable; it does not respond to the realities involved.

The latest stunt is a movie which supposedly shows persons collecting ballots. The supposed proof is a muddle of cellphone locations which mean nothing. The stupidity is in the fact that some states allow persons to collect ballots; and there should be such collections to make voting easier, because the verification mechanisms have nothing to do with collection procedures. There never can be proof of who collected ballots or how. The proof is in identity mechanisms, not collection procedures. So the stunt shows how forces override realities in the Nazism that is replacing normalcy.

The forces that drive corrupters hardly need to be described; only the fact that forces replace realities is relevant to social problems.

How the forces develop is that incompetent corrupters assume that if they can prevail against others, it will solve their problems. Prevailing destroys life. So other persons oppose it. The resulting conflict creates the forces that drive corrupters.

To prevail is to dominate, which requires power to overwhelm. So corrupters monger power as their method of prevailing. There is no constructive way to monger power, because the whole purpose of using power to prevail is to defy realities.

Power is not needed to produce realities; it is only needed to defy realities. Rationality is needed to produce realities; and rationality is an evaluation process which cannot occur where forces disrupt the process.

Due to the conflicts which corrupters create, they feel they are being left out or shoved out of the social order, which they assume is unjustifiable. So they are very self-righteous in their corruptness; and being self-righteous, they are very resilient in their defiance of realities.

Corrupters don't know what rationality is; but when they see it, they assume it is the cause of all human problems and the first concern of everyone must be to eradicate it from human existence.

That's what Reagan meant by "morning in America." When he got re-elected, he assumed people had finally seen the light and voted for eradicating rationality from human existence. His followers called it "a new normal."

It's what conservatives meant by "communism" in past decades and what they mean by "the libs" now days. Conservatives assume liberals are promoting the dread of mankind, because they demand that problems be solved and rationality is what is required to do that.

In other words, corrupters can tolerate the results of corruption and assume doing so is the necessary price for eradicating the evil that opponents call rationality. Corrupters get that way by being exposed for the incompetent corrupters that they are when truth exists, while it takes rationality to produce truth.

The reason why corrupters hate rationality has two parts to it: opposition and promotion. Corrupters despise rationality, because there is no place for incompetent corrupters where there is rationality; and they promote an alternative as the bliss of power, because anything goes when they have power. There is no wrong way to obliterate realities where there is power.

It's the bliss of power that causes corrupters to assume eradication of rationality is the solution to all problems. Because of the bliss of power corrupters assume rationality is for fools and eradicating rationality is the only realistic solution to problems.

So the price of destroying rationality is supposedly tough love rather than the criminality described in human laws. Tough love destroys social structures including government and validly created laws, because the bliss of power must replace rationality.

There is a difference between validly created laws and the incessant and unmeetable demands of corrupters. Corrupters create endless demands which cannot be met as a method of domination, while they assume domination is the solution to their problems and therefore the solution to everyone's problems.

Corrupters believe in their corruption, because the bliss of power feels like the answer to everything, while reality is obliterated in the process. In other words, corrupters get everything wrong in the absence of rationality, while they replace reality with the bliss of power.

Believing in corruption as the answer to everything results in Nazism. Nazism is as far as corruption can be carried in the human society due to its extremeness.

To rational persons, Nazism looks absurd due to the imposition of subjectivity upon society. To Nazis, the imposition of themselves upon society is supposedly the answer to everything, because they assume they are superior persons who must be allowed to arbitrate social existence as the answer to everything.

The end point of corruption as Nazism shows by comparison and contrast the meaning of moral philosophy. It shows what happens when subjectivity replaces objective reality. Life is defined by objective reality and must be upheld with rationality. Replacing objective reality and rationality with subjectivity results in Nazism.

Corrupters don't see that obvious lesson, because their disconnect from objective reality is an imaginative existence. They imagine that the negatives of Nazism are due to an inability to prevail with Nazism rather than the destruction of life caused by Nazism. In other words, the ruination resulting from Nazism is supposedly caused by the opposition to Nazism rather than Nazism's opposition to objective reality.
The Need To Degrade

The need to dominate is the need to degrade. Domination requires degradation. The obvious reason is because corrupters are incapable of functioning constructively, so they can only prevail by degrading others. If they could function constructively, they wouldn't be corrupters destroying life.

An example is their attempts to improve the economy by destroying something. Workers supposedly need to be put out of work to lower inflation. Fewer products must supposedly be produced. Vulnerable persons must be bleeding for the good of all.

Austerity is what it is sometimes called. That means firing public employees including firemen and teachers for the purpose of reducing deficits produced through loan sharking. Since destroying fixes the loan sharking, destroying supposedly fixes economies and lowers inflation.

On that basis, corrupters pretend that destroying fixes economies. Doing that during the late 1970s and early 1980s increased inflation to 23%. The more destructivity was used to lower inflation, the more inflation increased. Putting people out of work was supposedly the fix for inflation.

There is a fake economic logic for that result. It has to do with the number of dollars available. The more dollars available supposedly means the higher the inflation. To make dollars less available means destroying the lower classes.

All problems are attacked in that manner by corrupters. No pain, no gain, they say. That means destroying something has to be the solution to something. Fighting for peace is how it is ultimately done.

Where in that formula is anything constructive? Constructivity doesn't exist for corrupters; and anyone who thinks constructivity is the answer to something is supposedly a threat to existence that must be exterminated.

Inflation is an increase in the cost of products. The cost of products is lowered by improved efficiency and effectiveness, which means fewer problems and less destructivity, not the increased destructivity of corrupters. When there is a shortage of money, that means more money lowers inflation, not removing money from the process to lower inflation.

Yet fakes keep trying to reduce the money supply to lower inflation, as if less money means cheaper products. Only to degenerates does that logic exist.

In other words, corrupters are fixers who need to destroy something to be fixing. Destroying is the only thing they do; and they assume it is the answer to everything.

When totalitarians acquire power, the first thing they do is claim to be cleaning up corruption by throwing their enemies in jail or murdering them. Corruption to corrupters is anything their enemies do. The "White Rose" had to be executed by the Nazis for putting up criticism of Nazism on light poles..
The Motives For Corruption

How can anyone gain anything from destructivity? Many try. They destroy themselves doing so, which means there is an underlying force that overrides the realities.

All corruption is caused by forces that override realities. It would be impossible if realities were sufficiently (even normally) developed. That means the first requirement of corruption is poorly developed realities.

Then the second level of corruption is replacing the missing realities with motives. Motives move in where realities are missing.

What then are motives and what do they do? Motives are the reasons why destructive actions are taken. Why not constructive actions? Because constructivity is defined by the demands of the universe, which means selflessness is required. Motives by contrast are self-centered influences originating within persons.

Purposes originate within persons when they are disconnected from the universal realities that determine requirements for sustaining life by solving problems.

That means corruption is a process of replacing the requirements of life with a substitute which is needed to fill in the blanks when the universal requirements become invisible due to disconnect from realities.

Disconnect from realities results in forces replacing realities. Forces are the result when realities are opposed.

The starting points of forces developing as motives is approximately accidental in the sense that nothing else can occur when realities are not the determining influences over purposes. That's because corruptions of realities create and define forces.

A force is defined as that which conflicts with realities. It is corrupt forms of realities that conflict with relevant realities. That's because only unified realities are relevant to life and degraded realities are in conflict with unified realities.

The conflict is a force when given significance as a purpose. The opposing realities do not create a force when they are aligned upon unified realities. Unified reality only exists when corruptive realities and their impositions as forces do not exist.

What that philosophy means is that persons who are not aligned upon the realities of the universe as the source of life and solution to problems move into a corrupt state in conflict with the universe. In the corrupt state, irrational, destructive and self-destructive purposes replace rational and constructive purposes..
The Meaning Of 1981

The year 1981 was a realignment, as Reaganites took control over the U.S. government, which meant setting the standards for a large part of the world.

The purpose here is to describe the before and after. Before is what people were taught in the schools as math and science aligned upon the laws of the universe. Rationality is the best label for it.

An example is the subject of evolution. A lot of persons acquired a religious belief that the evolution taught in science was bunk, because God created everything, and human life didn't evolve over billions of years. But many of those same persons changed their minds during the 1950s. The science overwhelmed them. They found that everyone was accepting the science as the unquestionable fact of existence determined by the laws of the universe.

It seemed strange during the 1990s that a bunch of religious fundamentalists were going back in time and denying that the laws of the universe created evolution over billions of years. Creationism acquired a new life at that time. A lawyer wrote a book saying, sure, microevolution exists but macroevolution does not. Why would a lawyer know a thing about the subject? There is no difference between micro and macro evolution.

The Catholic popes said, around 1860, as Darwin's theory of evolution was being promoted, that yes, evolution occurs as Darwin described it, but it is under God's control. There needn't be any contradiction between the science and the religion of evolution. So the fundamentalists weren't being very realistic in trying to drive a wedge between science and religion. And that wedge issue characterized the social change of 1981.

In summary, the social norm before 1981 was aligned upon rationality in the sense that people were to look upon the laws of the universe as taught in science to determine what reality is and what the causes and solutions to problems are.

That view of existence changed as the normal, usual, socially acceptable view in 1981. If the change were an improvement and permanent, a new calendar could, and perhaps should, be produced starting at day zero in 1981, except that the whole concept was a fraud.

There always were a group of corrupters who viewed existence in terms of the "new normal," as the Reaganites called it. It's sort of an upside down and backward way of looking at things. It's so standard in the corrupt state of existence that it has a label; it's called 180 degrees. Persons in that state have two ways of viewing things: the usual way and the 180 degree way. Those types of persons assumed that the 180 degree method, as the new normal instituted in 1981, was superior to the previous way of viewing things and would be forever-after the new normal and result in social improvements.

So the 180 degree view needs to be described. It's complex. The first thing to know about it is that it evolves in corrupt minds through psychological conditioning. That means positive reinforcements causes it to be reactive. Reactive means it runs like a machine in the mind while responding to external stimuli.

The positive reinforcement is the success that makes a corrupter a winner. Winning creates a drug-like high which reinforces the procedure used to be a winner. The procedure is to knock someone else down to get above them. Getting above others creates the drug-like high that functions as the positive reinforcement for the psychological conditioning of attacking and degrading other persons to prevail over them.

All corruption begins with the assumption that if a person could prevail over others it would solve his problems. Succeeding makes corrupters winners. And it puts corrupters in conflict with their victims and the laws of the universe which require humans to solve problems rather than create problems to sustain life.

That means being winners through degradation sets corrupters on a path in life which requires them to defy the laws of the universe and defeat opponents who don't want to be degraded to make incompetent corrupters winners in life. That path in life was supposedly instituted as the new normal in 1981.

There are a lot of social implications to that path being instituted as the new normal. Perhaps most significantly, it requires lawlessness. The laws of the universe and subsequent governmental laws created by humans must be defied to degrade other persons and prevent them from doing anything about it.

That destructive path is assumed to be a superior standard by persons who are psychologically conditioned to adhere to it. When such corrupters promote that path or standard in life, they sell it as the ticket to success which gets rid of the encumbrances of laws and government, as if chaos were the answer to everything. Not-so-bright persons fall for the ploy and assume they gain something from the exploitation of taking over the social structures by dominating and degrading other persons.

Demagoguery has a lot of temporary success in convincing less corrupt persons to fall in line with the cheap wins of exploitation. But gradually, the exploitation process destroys what is being exploited. That's where society is at this time. The exploitation process is quite advanced in destroying social structures and the ability of society to solve problems.

As problems catch up to corrupters, they assume enemies must be the cause of their problems, since they are adhering to the new normal which has to be the answer to everything. So corrupters fight a war against rational persons, their victims and all that is right attempting to solve their problems through the destructivity that the new normal requires.
Siege Mentality

Forces and motives create a siege mentality. First, corruption requires the power of numbers for prevailing. Then the conflict with the objective realities of the universe requires a defensive position. What is being defended is then a group of persons trying to defy the universe. The impossibility of succeeding generates extreme determination in trying to succeed at the impossible. The result is a siege mentality.

A siege requires a wall around a city to prevent enemies from overwhelming the insiders. The war of "us-against-them" that corrupters fight has the siege background reinforcing the conflict including the wall around the city for defensive and offensive actions.

Corrupters are so absorbed in winning and the unacceptability of losing that they couldn't care less what reality is, what truth is, what niceties are, just lie, lie and lie to defeat the enemies at all cost. That's how the fascists fight their war against democracy.

The standard is not a new problem. Corrupters are always fighting a war of us-against-them, as if they were protecting a city from a siege. After a degree of success, the result takes the form of fascism and moves toward Nazism.

The siege mentality is visible in the corrupters' fight over social issues. Instead of looking at the realities and how to align properly upon them, the only concern of corrupters is which group is going to win the war. Corrupters fight their war in contempt for rationality applied to objective reality. Nothing but decadence can result from the contempt for rationality.

It's one side against the universe and rational persons who try to produce objective reality. It is not two equal sides competing with each other as journalists portray it.

The fascism transformed into Nazism when twenty some states redesigned their voting laws to make sure conservatives never lose an election again. The Nazis in Germany hung their political opponents in the streets until there was no more opposition. Only the tactics changed.
Methodology Is Defied

Methodology determines results. When corruption occurs, there is no methodology of significance, because all methodologies would expose corrupters for what they are. So corrupters skip to end points without significant methods of getting there.

The clearest examples over time are the conservative claims of solving all problems through absurd magic, such as improving the economy by having corporations burn tax dollars and fighting a war against the lower classes to solve social problems. Supposedly, conservatives are the fixers of crime, because they fight a war against the lower classes as the supposed fix for crime.

Any method of getting to those end results would expose the frauds. So conservatives skip over the methods of getting there and proclaim the results in contempt for credibility.

The most basic method of doing things is rationality. That means producing explanations by describing related realities. Rationality exposes corrupters for the corrupters that they are, while the result of rationality is always an increase in truth, and truth is the only force corrupters cannot defy.

Not only do corrupters avoid rationality, they fight a war against rationality, because they see their opponents using rationality with results which are not tolerable to corrupters. Corrupters don't really understand what rationality is; they just fight a war against forces which they cannot tolerate; and rationality is the most basic process which they cannot tolerate.

With rationality being despised, it's easy for conservatives to jump to any ridiculous end point in contempt for credibility. After decades of such activity in tearing down the social structures and laws, the absurdities of fascism fit into the purposes of conservatives as next logical step in their prevailing over rational purposes.

The "big lie" of the election being stolen from Trump is not a product of a process; it is simply skipping to the result in contempt for all evidence. Anytime conservatives try to produce evidence for the big lie, they find the opposite of what they are looking for. But nothing changes for them, because the end point is their starting point; and no methodology is allowed to get in their way.

Article On The Big Lie

The March To Fascism

Why Nazism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     




The Need To Degrade

The Motives For Corruption

The Meaning Of 1981

Siege Mentality

Methodology Is Defied



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