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Sociology Of Corruption  74

Greenhouse Gases Are An Infantile Assumption

November 24, 2022

Greenhouse gas assumptions are Infantile. Blaming everything that happens on carbon dioxide is infantile. And we are supposed to have infantiles run our lives into a pit?

Greenhouse gases and renewable energy were designed by incompetents in physics and imposed onto the public by know-nothing journalists.

Journalists produced that result by blocking real science and imposing nihilism onto the public. As corrupters took over the social structures, they put know-nothings in control of the journalism to wash their own hands of the frauds.

There is no such thing as trapping anything in the atmosphere. Why didn't the frauds say absorbing instead of trapping? It would have been too much of a joke to say absorbing; so they said trapping to embellish the problem. The air cools 20 degrees or more during clear nights, because heat cannot be trapped in the atmosphere.

Not knowing or caring is infantile perversion. You wonder where Trump types came from? They are in the media (and everyplace else), running our lives into a pit with no ability to produce rationality or proper communication. Incompetent corrupters in physics make a trivial statement, and then know-nothings in journalism balloon it to infinity.

There are 2,500 air molecules surrounding each carbon dioxide molecule in the atmosphere. That dilutes everything carbon dioxide does by a factor of 2,500.

Carbon dioxide only holds its heat for 83 femtoseconds. The time can be calculated from the frequency of emission waves. Radiation is absorbed by stretching or rotating bonds. That energy causes the whole molecule to vibrate, which emits energy at broadband frequencies, as all matter does in cooling through radiation. Heat radiates broad-band, infrared radiation.

Carbon dioxide absorbs almost no radiation, because it does not absorb the sun's radiation; it can only absorb longer wavelength radiation that comes from colder substances such as the surface of the earth. Almost no radiation comes from cold substances, so there is almost no radiation for carbon dioxide to absorb.

The available radiation is so slight that it all gets absorbed by the time it travels ten meters in the atmosphere, so more carbon dioxide cannot absorb more radiation. Doubling the carbon dioxide would only shorten the distance to five meters, which is not increasing the heat.

Real scientists determined this fact more than a century ago; but frauds prevailed in physics, because physics is so abstract that very few physicists are real scientists. Physics got overwhelmed by frauds 150 years ago.

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Renewable Energy Is An Infantile Assumption

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