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Corruption Of Science  33

The Invalidity Of Radiation Measurements For A Supposed Greenhouse Effect

March 2, 2022

Physicists produced fake numbers and graphs for a gullible public that assumes numbers and graphs are facts that prove something. An example of the fraudulent physics is so-called HITRAN numbers for radiation absorption. Instead of simple measurements of absorption, ungodly expense and effort went into perfecting the result through fraud using the most expensive computers in existence preventing critics from verifying the results. And abracadabra, the results show whatever fraud physicists need for carbon dioxide killing the kids and pets. Here's an explanation of that fraud:
Climatologists long ago got hung up on an emission spectrum dip for carbon dioxide in the radiation graph for the atmosphere of planet Earth which supposedly shows and proves the greenhouse effect.

Graph Dip

The dip supposedly shows that radiation is being trapped in the atmosphere. Less radiation at that wavelength supposedly means less radiation going into space. Endless absurdities stem from that stupid assumption.

When carbon dioxide absorbs radiation, the energy is instantly converted to heat. Radiation being absorbed is always, with no possible exceptions, converted into heat. That's why black pavements gets hot when sunshine falls on it.

The heat created by absorption of radiation forms instantaneously. For carbon dioxide, absorption occurs in three narrow bands of infrared radiation which cause bonds to stretch and bend. A bond stretching and bending is pulling at the nucleus. That means the nucleus vibrates more than it was.

Vibration of nuclei is the definition of heat. That means not rapidly, but while the absorption is occurring, the nuclei are increasing in their vibratory motion. It means instantaneous increase in heat or temperature—not after humans are exterminated from planet Earth but within attoseconds.

Heat is vibratory motion of molecules. The vibrations create long-wave radiation called infrared radiation, or physicists sometimes say blackbody radiation. Nuclear vibrations always cause radiation to be emitted. The vibrations create the radiation. Never exceptions. Every molecule in existence emits radiation due to its vibrations.

Emissions From Earth

The radiation emitted by vibrating nuclei, which is heat, results in a very wide distribution of infrared radiation frequencies. That's because heat creates a lot of random variations in motion due to collisions with surrounding molecules in all directions—some short distance, some long, some at large angles, some at narrow angles. All of those variations create a wide range of frequencies for the resulting infrared radiation caused by heat.

On top of that, the Earth's emission spectrum results from all matter emitting radiation, while the frequency varies with temperature. Those variations create a very wide distribution of infrared radiation for planet Earth.

Therefore, the dip in the emission spectrum which physicists look at doesn't mean energy is being trapped in the atmosphere; it means the absorbed energy is being re-emitted with the rest of the infrared, blackbody radiation which results from everything else on planet Earth emitting infrared radiation due to heat. The tiny part of that spectrum due to carbon dioxide disappears in the huge amount of blackbody radiation being emitted by everything else.


Incompetent physicists assumed absorption of radiation by carbon dioxide was the whole story. So they needed a lot of absorption. They produced an absorption graph that shows massively too much absorption.

CO2 Absorption Graph
Details Below

Corrected Absorption Graph

There is almost no radiation available for carbon dioxide to absorb. Carbon dioxide does not absorb the sun's radiation which is too high of a frequency. Carbon dioxide can only absorb three narrow bands of infrared radiation. Such radiation can only be emitted by cold substances; and almost no radiation is emitted by cold substances.

That small amount of radiation gets absorbed as it travels a short distance from the surface of the Earth, which is called saturation. So more carbon dioxide cannot absorb more radiation.

graph thumbnailThe overly wide and deep absorption curve for carbon dioxide is constructed from HITRAN numbers, which are made to look like one of the highest achievements in producing radiation data. Part of the error would be due to the Stefan-Boltzmann constant showing about 40 times too much radiation given off by matter at normal temperatures. But the obfuscation could involve any amount of additional fraud. Fraud is the standard of physics.

There is so little happening with carbon dioxide without the absurd graphs showing excess absorption that no one could assume the real results to be relevant. It took extreme exaggeration to make an issue of the subject.

When carbon dioxide in the atmosphere absorbs radiation in three narrow, miniscule bands called fingerprint radiation, it re-emits the energy at broad-band wavelengths which are invisible being mixed with all other broad-band radiation. Physicists are so ignorant that they don't know the re-emission is occurring. So they are trying to prove the absorption as the last word on the subject.


These radiation effects are miniscule. Conduction, convection and evaporation add huge amounts of energy to the atmosphere; and that energy is not radiated away so rapidly.

The miniscule absorption of radiation becomes instant emission through radiation independent of the huge quantities of energy from conduction, convection and evaporation.

The temperature increase of the CO2 would hypothetically be a maximum of 0.03°C by proportionality of rates. The sun's warming is radiated into space as the temperature drops about 20°C during nights. A maximum of 2% of the sun's energy leaves the surface of the Earth as radiation. Eight percent of the radiation leaving the Earth's surface is absorbed by carbon dioxide, as determined around 1951 and by the carbon dioxide absorption bandwidth being about 8% of the black body bandwidth. So 20° x 2% x 8% = 0.03°C.

The estimate of 1-3% (represented here as 2%) of the energy leaving the surface of the Earth as radiation (the rest leaving as conduction, convection and evaporation) is an upper-limit estimate based on the manner in which energy flows in various ways. Radiation is basically an invisible and hence irrelevant part of most energy flows. The actual amount of radiation appears to be far less than 2% but is outside of view and hasn't been determined by physicists. Only the upper limit is relevant here, as it precludes the whole concept of greenhouse gases at 2% of the energy flow from the surface of the Earth.

So where did physicists get the claimed 1°C heating of the atmosphere? It is calculated by reversing the Stefan-Boltzmann constant for 3.7 watts per square meter—the claimed result of doubling atmospheric carbon dioxide resulting from fake radiative transfer equations. Using the Stefan-Boltzmann constant for that purpose is not valid, because it was designed for radiation being emitted from an opaque solid, not a transparent gas. Radiation can leave from every molecule in a transparent gas but only from surface molecules in an opaque solid.

There is a high degree of misconception about atmospheric radiation. The Stefan-Boltzmann constant shows approximately 40 times too much radiation being given off by matter at normal temperatures. That result requires the global energy budge for solar energy to show 79% of the energy leaving the surface of the Earth to be in the form of radiation and only 21% through conduction, convection and evaporation as shown with the Kiehl-Trenberth model and incorporated into the NASA energy budget. A white hot light bulb could not emit 79% radiation without a vacuum environment removing the conduction and convection. The proportion should be 1-3% of the energy leaving the surface of the Earth to be in the form of radiation. (My estimate in working extensively with temperature effects in electronics.)

If the Stefan-Boltzmann constant were not showing 40 times too much radiation being given off by the surface of the earth (and all normal-temperature opaque solids) no one would assume there is enough radiation being absorbed by carbon dioxide to be relevant. The whole subject is dependent upon the Stefan-Boltzmann constant showing an absurd amount of radiation being emitted by the surface of the Earth.

Scientists determined more than a century ago that all radiation available to carbon dioxide gets completely absorbed in a short distance, so more carbon dioxide cannot absorb more radiation, called saturation. Heinz Hug did a measurement in 1998 to determine that the distance is ten meters for absorbing 99.9% of the radiation available to carbon dioxide at its 15 micron peak under near-surface conditions. Doubling the CO2 reduces the distance to five meters, which is not an increase in the heat produced.
The graph at the top of the page supposedly shows radiation absorption in the atmosphere by carbon dioxide attempting to prove that a greenhouse effect exists. The graph is a total fraud. It shows way too wide and deep of trough for CO2.

CO2 Absorption Graph

The actual absorption curve is barely visible; and it cannot go outside the bounds of 14 to 16 microns for the 15 micron absorption peak or trough. (It can be graphed either way.)

Here's what the actual absorption peak looks like when measured in a test tube under atmospheric conditions:

Heinz Hug CO2 Absorption Graph

Heinz Hug Measurement, external link

In the fake graph which shows atmospheric absorption, the trough for CO2 cannot be more than 2% of the magnitude, which is height. The graph shows 66% of the height.

The reason for the 2% is because 2% is my estimated maximum for the sun's energy emitted from the surface of the earth as radiation, and carbon dioxide absorbs all radiation available to it in ten meters of radiation travel. The other 98% of the energy leaves the surface of the Earth through conduction, convection and evaporation. It radiates into space from the atmosphere as black body infrared radiation. That radiation includes the frequency of the CO2 absorption trough. So there is only a 2% lowering of the graph for carbon dioxide. Yet the graph shows the CO2 trough to be 66% of the way down. The graph is no rough estimate. It uses the world's fastest computers to calculate radiation in the atmosphere using so-called HITRAN data to calculate the graph.
Physicists show 79% of the energy leaving the surface of the Earth to be in the form of radiation, with only 21% leaving as conduction, convection and evaporation, which is the Kiehl-Trenberth model as shown in the NASA energy budget. An erroneous Stefan-Boltzmann constant requires that much radiation, as it shows 40 times too much radiation at normal temperatures. A white hot light bulb could not emit 79% radiation without a vacuum environment to remove the conduction and convection. To NASA Energy BudgetFor physicists to not know that is total incompetence for some and conspiracy for others.

Heinz Hug Measurement (external link)

Stefan-Boltzmann Constant

Radiative Transfer Equations

What Corruption Is TOP     



Radiative Transfer Equations
Invalid Measurements
Absorption Without Emission
Quotes By Incompetents
Firing Scientists
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Stefan-Boltzmann Constant
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Nuclear Fusion
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Fake Efficiency
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Peer Review
Greenhouse Gases Are An Infantile Assumption
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