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Corruption Of Science  19

Other Factors Heat The Planet

Something has to exist before it can cause anything. Greenhouse gases don't exist; so they aren't the cause of anything about climate.

The temperature of the planet is determined by the amount of wind blowing over the surface. Evaporative cooling is vastly more effective than radiation. And wind is needed to carry cool ocean air over the land. Carbon dioxide does not determine the amount of wind that cools the planet.

When the air stops moving, it creates a high pressure air mass. A high pressure air mass off the west coast has been heating California for a long time.

Larger Weather Map
sfc/satsfc.gif February 6, 2020

High pressure air masses create droughts. They park in one place without much motion. Heat accumulates, in high pressure air masses, because it takes evaporative cooling to keep air temperatures down. With no air moving, evaporative cooling cannot occur, even over the oceans.

Moisture accumulates with no rain in high pressure air masses, because precipitation does not occur with increased temperature or pressure. That means drought and heat are caused by high pressure air masses.

Heat accumulates far inland, when high pressure air masses sit over a coastal area, because evaporative cooling over the oceans is necessary to move cool air over the land. Heat accumulates even over the ocean, when the air stops moving, due to reduced evaporation without air motion; but the heat accumulates more drastically over land due to sunshine through cloudless air causing heat to accumulate without it moving away. When the air stops moving over the coast, it stops moving inland.

Yet know-nothings assume the heating is due to carbon dioxide creating a one degree temperature increase.

Supposedly, any global temperature increase is caused by humans putting carbon dioxide into the air, as if scientists couldn't imagine any other method of increasing atmospheric temperatures. Global temperatures constantly increase between ice ages; and only ice ages cool the globe back down. Oceans temperatures change by 5°C (See below).

Not to mention "little ice ages," "Medieval Warm Periods" and solar increases and decreases in intensity.

Ice ages have been occurring at extremely short intervals of 100 thousand years for the past ten cycles. The next one could have started already based on the graphs. The melting of Arctic ice is part of the process of the next ice age cycle beginning.
Is it supposed to be carbon dioxide that pushes the "pineapple express" (moisture from Hawaii) around California and into Oregon and Washington?

Weather Map

December 20, 2020


Weather Map

January 17, 2021

Even in the middle of winter, a high pressure air mass is pushing moisture from Hawaii away from California creating a continuous fire hazard. Carbon dioxide doesn't do that.

In June of 2021, the high pressure air mass pushed much farther north allowing the "heat dome" to move from Nevada into Canada and include Oregon and Washington. The high pressure off the coast pushed away the humid, low pressure, ocean air that normally moves eastward and cools the Northwestern area. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has no ability to move high pressure air masses around.

Weather Map

July 12, 2021

Still air is the cause of heat and droughts. The record breaking heat and floods are caused by the air not moving. When air stops moving, heat increases, pressure increases and moisture won't precipitate. Then when pressure drops, that accumulated moisture comes out all at once. Carbon dioxide does not prevent the air from moving.

Record breaking heat goes back a millennia or so. What was causing it a millennia or so ago? Nothing humans have seen for climate has occurred for the first time. Yet know-nothings use seeing as believing in promoting fraud over rationality. Know-nothings are determining the sociology, while anyone with half a brain has been silenced or shoved out, if not fired.

Assuming the droughts prove greenhouse gases exist isn't even making a correlation, let alone proving a causation. Such droughts occur every thousand years.

Seeing rocks on the mountains isn't proof that ants put them there. That's how logical it is to look out the window and see carbon dioxide producing heat.

Weather is always drastic. Climate is always changing. Solar intensity is always increasing or decreasing. Solar intensity has been increasing in recent times.

Increasing Solar Intensity

From NoTricksZone

Drought and heat on the plains during the 1930s were worse than in recent times, while there was very little carbon dioxide increase in the atmosphere caused by humans during the 1930s.

That means there are other factors that influence weather besides carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. But not in the journalism now days. Anything unusual is being attributed to carbon dioxide and is being portrayed as the supposed proof of what carbon dioxide does, as if science were as farcical as the word salad of know-nothings.

Droughts are caused by high pressure air masses, where increased temperature follows rather than creates the high pressure effect. Carbon dioxide cannot cause high pressure air masses to form and park someplace. Droughts have not changed in thousands of years, because carbon dioxide has nothing to do with droughts.

Yet incompetent scientists and know-nothing journalists claim the drought in California is caused by carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, even after real scientists have been saying otherwise. It shows what incompetent degenerates have taken over the social order.

A greenhouse effect does not exist. Something has to exist, before it can be the cause of something. Every molecule in existence and in the atmosphere absorbs radiation and emits radiation. It's about 83 femtoseconds (83 x 10-15 seconds) for re-emission for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is not a trapping process.

Incompetents in science didn't notice that carbon dioxide re-emits radiation. They focus on absorption only. That's stupidity to a point of fraud in calling that result science.

Incompetent journalists and fake scientists frame all weather effects as due to carbon dioxide. When there is no such thing as a greenhouse effect, it cannot be the cause of weather events.

The planet constantly heats up between ice ages, and only an ice age cools it back down. The heating results from solar energy penetrating into the oceans about ten meters and not easily escaping. As the oceans get warmer, they trigger the next ice age.
But there has also been heating in some areas which is more rapid than the slow heating of the oceans between ice ages. Unusual heating of the northern Pacific Ocean has been noticed. One theory that scientists mention is that perhaps volcanoes on the ocean floor are the cause. Certainly some, if not all, would be caused by the high pressure air mass parked over the western United States causing a drought and heating in California over the past several years. Carbon dioxide in the air does not influence high pressure air masses.

June 14, 2023.  Oceans have been heating unexpectedly. Scientists are baffled by it. The cause would be high pressure air masses parked in many places including the west coast of Europe. What that does is stop wind from blowing over the surface of the oceans resulting in far less evaporation. Evaporation is greatly increased by wind blowing over the oceans, which the entire planet depends upon for cooling. Stopping the wind over oceans is heating the oceans.

Ice ages occur every 100,000 years, with 5°C of ocean cooling and 400 foot sea level drop.

Graph of Temperatures

The sun's energy accumulates in the oceans and causes continuous heating of the oceans until an ice age cools the oceans back down. Warmer oceans hold less CO2 and release more CO2 into the atmosphere.

The cause of ice ages is not known, but there is a water clock in the Arctic which appears to be the cause. When warm water flows over the Bering Strait, it melts Arctic ice. The heat puts moisture in the air causing a lot of snowfall in northern areas. When there is too much snow to melt, it reflects away sunlight triggering an ice age.

Another possible cause of ice ages is a hot spot rotating in the earth's center. When it gets near the northern Pacific Ocean, it would heat the ocean water going over the Bering Strait. A rotating hot spot could be why magnetic north moves around.

No other factor determines the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than ocean temperatures. Humans have no ability override the oceanic influence. (Humans add 5.5 giga tons of carbon per year to the atmosphere; oceans contain 1,000 GTC and move 90 GTC in and out through exchange equilibrium.) (Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine).
Oceans regulate the amount of CO2 in the air. Without something regulating, there would be wild variations and eventually too much or too little. This graph shows extreme precision in seasonal regulation. The gradual increase from year to year is due to warmer ocean temperatures which release more CO2 into the air.

CO2 Seasonal Variations

Oceans warm continuously between ice ages due to the Sun's energy getting trapped in the oceans and not rapidly being released. Only an ice age cools the oceans back down.
Unusual heating around Antarctica is said to be caused by an underwater volcano. This image indicates that it is a volcano, since the heating is concentrated close the shoreline.

Globe and Antarctica

In recent times, there was a "medieval warm period" followed by a "little ice age". Temperatures are expected to increase at this time following the little ice age. Those cycles are caused by variations in solar intensity.

Water vapor is said to be 100 times stronger of a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. How do you know it isn't dirty water vapor creating droughts and floods instead of carbon dioxide?

The "iceman" was covered with ice in the Alps 5,300 years ago. Ice was gone in the Alps where the iceman died (being shot in the back with an arrow). Then, ice covered him back up 5,300 years ago, until the ice thawed again in 1991. Ice comes and goes on mountains with no explainable causes. Scientists do not know why glaciers increase and decrease on mountains.

Wildfires And High Pressure Air Masses

September 10, 2020

Fake scientists are coming out of the woodwork to claim wildfires on the west coast are caused by carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. As recently as a year ago, real scientists were saying they aren't. But extreme results brought fakes to the surface and gave them a platform for lying to the public.

Every real scientist knows that a high pressure air mass parked over the West Coast is causing the temperature increase. There is no mechanism for greenhouse gases to cause a high pressure air mass to form or park someplace. It would have been such a high pressure that caused the drought of the 1930s, when very little CO2 had been increasing in the atmosphere.

But more importantly, there is no such thing as a greenhouse gas, as unlimited proofs show, which means greenhouse gases are not the cause of the weather variations regardless of the factors involved.

Weather For Idiots

The Math Of Oceans Heating

What Corruption Is TOP     



Radiative Transfer Equations
Invalid Measurements
Absorption Without Emission
Quotes By Incompetents
Other Factors
Stefan-Boltzmann Constant
Joule's Constant
Nuclear Fusion
Quantum Mechanics
ATP Theory
Fossil Fuels
Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Fake Efficiency
Gravity Waves
Firing Scientists
Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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