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October 22, 2022

Conservatives have been complaining about unfairness particularly in regard to legal investigations. They try to frame investigations as arbitrary political attacks.

Conservatives plan to impeach Biden every two weeks, if they take back the House, in their plans to retaliate against investigations of themselves. They view impeachment as a political attack, as they said Trump's impeachment was nothing but a life-style dispute, when it was about serious crime in Trump's attempting the use the government for election advantage. Totalitarians stay in power by using government to prevent anyone from challenging their power. That's not a life-style dispute.

In other words, conservatives don't see law and government. They see conflict of interests only. So government investigations become unfair attacks instead of desperate attempts to hang onto democracy.

Since 1981, conservatives have been attempting to create a state of existence which they assume to be the only proper state of existence. They tried to convince people that a correction needs to be made in replacing the usual state of existence. Getting rid of "eighty years of liberalism gone awry" was their original task; and so-called deregulation (throwing out previous laws) was a major element of the process.

The universe imposes upon humans. The objective realities of the laws of the universe define life and solutions to problems. Humans adhering to those requirements is rationality.

Corrupters do not allow impositions upon themselves. They oppose laws created by government and universal laws applied through rationality.

On that basis, conservatives are fighting a war against rationality being convinced that lying and lawlessness should be promoted as an ethic in getting rid of the impositions being placed upon them.

Freedom is their label for that state of existence. It means no impositions acting upon them, as they act out their motives. They view the result as an open sky replacing the polluted smog of external forces acting upon them. "Morning in America" Reagan called it, as conservatives achieved their purpose as social acceptance in getting Reagan re-elected for a second term.

So when conservatives encounter anything other than embrace of their purpose, they assume something unfair is going on.

Conservatives are constantly complaining of unfairness or bias against them. It says so much about them that it needs to be looked at.

Approximately, what conservatives are saying is that they should be viewed at least in an equal manner to opponents (liberals) without directly saying they consider themselves to be vastly superior—innately superior persons in their ability to see the value of the conservative standard replacing rationality.

One element of the question is the subjectivity of the persons. The focus of corrupters is always on themselves, because they are attempting to cope with their inadequacies by putting themselves in conflict with the universe.

In other words, if anyone looks at the objective realities and the conflict with objective reality that conservatives create, the result is viewed as unfairness by conservatives. Objective reality does that to conservatives. It casts them in a negative light due to their conflict with the objective realities that the universe creates in defining life and the solutions to problems.

It's analogous to someone saying one and one equals two, while opponents say it is being unfair to those of us who consider one and one to be equal to three. And since very few people assume one and one equals three, we are vastly superior to them in knowing one and one equals three. Being disconnected from objective reality does that.

Reagan assumed he was ushering in the solution to that problem by creating "a new normal," where the conservative cause would forever after replace the stupidity of opponents.

Conservatives assume rationality applied to objective reality is a product of stupidity. Anyone who produces rationality is assumed by conservatives to be a liberal, whether they say so or not. That's because liberals are trying to solve problems, which requires rationality applied to objective reality—the ruination of conservatives.

Rationality exposes incompetent corrupters for what they are. Since conservatives assume they are innately superior persons, there must be something stupid and evil about rationality.

The strangest thing about the conservative complaint of unfairness is that their opponents are not even looking at them; they are simple describing the objective realities. But the objective reality condemns conservatives, since they put themselves in conflict with the universe. And since subjectivity is the entire basis of conservative reality, being absorbed in their own problems, everything objective looks like unfairness to them in the conflict that is automatically created with their subjectivity.

What conservatives are missing is that their position and purpose are not valid in putting themselves above and in conflict with the laws of the universe. Life cannot be sustained without solving problems through rationality aligned upon the objective realities created by the laws of the universe.

That means there are not two sides to their dispute; there is the universe and their destructiveness. There is nothing respectable about their destructiveness.

Against Everything

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

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Why Corruption
Why Nazism
The March To Fascism
Corruption Is An Ethic
What Corruption Is
How Power Mongering Works



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