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Religion  1

Why Religion

January 23, 2023;

The conservative take-over of the social order is transforming rationality into religion. So the necessity is to shift the descriptive material from the philosophy that explains social corruption to the religion that explains the conservative reductionism.

Corrupters are in conflict with and opposed to rationality. Without rationality, everything is religion.

Rationality is alignment upon the objective realities created by the laws of the universe in defining life and the solutions to problems. Without rationality, realities originate subjectively in the minds of corrupters and in conflict with the universe.

That means, when corrupters make a statement, it is a belief, not a description of objective reality. Beliefs have a variety of origins. Ideally, a belief is aligned upon objective reality; but when subjective, a belief could have any imaginable origin. Often, corrupters align their beliefs upon the consensus of like-minded persons.

Generally, promoting a belief which is not aligned upon objective reality is refered to as religion. The belief in a greenhouse effect is often said to be religion based upon belief, since there is no relationship to objective reality in the assumption. Scientists do not describe objective realities for the greenhouse effect. They publish nonsense which has no meaning to the public and results in nothing but emptiness for explanations.

The concern here is that the political realities have taken the same turn in promoting beliefs with no relationship to objective reality, such as the election being stolen. The subjectivity disconnected from objective reality is an expression of religion.

Religion has historically been the entirety of social realities, until philosophers began to re-align realities upon objective realities. Then science created methods of verification of correctness in aligning upon objective realities, which aligned the social order upon objective reality in place of religion. But now, conservatives are reverting to a primitive state of aligning the social realities upon subjective realities in conflict with objective realities.

Corrupters assume they can create a state of human existence without rationality. There is no such thing as existence without rationality. Corrupters don't know that.

The stupidity of corrupters shows up in their contradictions. They strive to convince. What is convincing without rationality? They try to alter all human activities to get their way claiming their version is the answer to something. Attempting to produce an alternative solution is attempting to redesign the order of human existence.

Why does the debt limit need to be lowered, if there is no such thing as rationality? Is reduced debt going to solve problems? There is no such thing as solving problems without rationality.

In other words, corrupters assume they can get the results of rationality without producing rationality. They assume results come out of a dark pit with no rationality being required. The dark pit consists of power mongers prevailing while using power as the test of all that is right including truth and knowledge.

If Democrats won an election, they must be the source of truth and knowledge by corrupters' criteria. So corrupters can't admit that Democrats win elections. The purpose in existence disappears for corrupters, if they lose an election.

Corrupters assume that power mongers destroying vulnerable persons is the fittest surviving; and the fittest must survive to improve existence; so it becomes a virtue to destroy vulnerable persons.

On that basis, conservatives are transitioning from fascism to Nazism in dominating the social order. Fascism is the socialization of corruption. Nazism is the most extreme form of corruption that humans can produce at the social level, which includes an attempt to strip laws and ordered existence from society.

That process began with Reaganism in 1981, when conservatives said they were going to create a "new normal" by getting the government off their backs. Throwing out laws as so-called deregulation is how they proceeded to do that.

Against Everything


Corruption Is An Ethic

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
Draining The Economy Dry
Degeneracy Of The Conservative Cause
Why Corruption
Why Nazism
The March To Fascism
Corruption Is An Ethic
What Corruption Is
How Power Mongering Works
Greenhouse Gases Are An Infantile Assumption
Renewable Energy Is An Infantile Assumption



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