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The Socialism Of Deregulation

February 3, 2023

The Nazis called their political view "socialism." The defining principle of Nazism was a complete absence of laws influencing their results. Whim replaced laws—in the Nazism that destroyed lives, government and ordered existence in Germany and in the deregulation of Reaganism.

The purpose of the Reaganites was to get the government off their backs. The absence of government is one of the forms of socialism. Of course, it is the opposite of the form of socialism that provides social assistance to the needy; but socialism is said to have many forms.

The forms of socialism can include opposites, because there are any number of ways to relate to the social order. Therefore, only the purpose determines the meaning of socialism. When the purpose is assistance to the needy, it is the opposite of the purpose of an Arian race being purified through murder or deregulation allowing incompetent power mongers to turn the social order into bankruptcy and chaos.

But instead of conservatives saying they oppose assistance to the needy, they decry socialism as something totalitarians do and pretend that assistance to the needy would be the same thing—total cowardice in concealing their motives behind fakery and fraud.

Even when conservatives attack Social Security in a direct manner, they don't say the elderly should die of starvation and disease; they say the government doesn't have enough money to pay for Social Security, after workers spend a life-time putting part of their paychecks into the process.

The meaning of words must be determined by the results that are produced by the persons who use them. Corrupters teach by example, because words defeat them. Reagan broke every law in the book as his example of getting the government off his back. He made Trump look like an incompetent at breaking laws including Reagan's contempt for voting laws and international laws in conspiring with Iran to not release hostages before the 1980 election, so Carter would look like a loser, and then trading weapons for hostages. He used the military to control and arm criminals called "Contras" to murder rice farmers in Nicaragua, because two books on Marxism were sold in Managua, even after Congress passed a law, the Boland Amendment, demanding that he cease and desist in his murderous schemes in doing so. Trump was a loser playing tiddledywinks by comparison.

After forty years of deregulation (throwing out the laws required for ordered existence), the results show what the purpose is—stripping a century of laws off the backs of power mongers resulted in stripping the money supply out of the economy and reducing normal economic activity to nonfunctionality.

money supplyHalf of society can no longer afford the necessities of housing, health care and education, because the money supply has been stripped from the economy and lodged in the gambling casinos of the rich from which they redesign our lives. The suppliers of housing, health care and education are as bankrupt as the users, because draining the money supply from the economy does that.

With no laws to set standards, incompetents in the power structures which replaced social structures produce nothing but waste, fraud and abuse. To make ends meet, they fire and rip off employees. Without functional employees, their businesses go bankrupt. In the process of going bankrupt, devastation of the social and biological environments is the result.

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