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Power As Corruption Mechanisms


December 7, 2022

Power allows corruption to spread, where realities would not. Realities tell people what right-from-wrong is. Power does the opposite; it tells people they can gain from corruption.

So corrupters trade the message of realities for the message of power. Where the message of realities is complex and demanding, the message power is simple. It says the shortcut to success is extremely easy.

The message of power has the conspiracies of corrupters behind it giving it significance. How could all those persons be wrong? By contrast, looking to realities creates individual responsibilities, while the power of numbers looks like the security of many persons. It seems safer to be with a large group than on one's own in evaluating realities.

Rational persons are not alone in evaluating realities; they are in a crowded field of persons promoting every element of objective reality. The realities of one person are built upon the realities of another person, until a large structure of unified realities shapes human life and solves problems.

Rationality is a lot of complex activity by persons interacting with each other. By contrast, power is a quick fix that takes care of everything—that is, for about three seconds. After truth catches up to corrupters, they assume enemies are doing something unfair.

The most basic absurdity of power is that a person can harm other persons for one's own benefit. Realities create a strong message of the opposite—that there is always too high of a price to pay in harming other persons besides the cold-bloodedness of not caring.

That means the negativeness of corruption is overwhelmed by opposite assumptions where power is being exploited. In an absence of realities saying otherwise, corrupters assume their ticket to success is in harming other persons.

Corrupters don't get to that point on their own. They are taught corruption by previous corrupters. The power of numbers spreads corruption in contradiction to the evidence that objective realities create.

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The Force Medium

Against Everything


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