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The Problem With Corrupt Minds

December 1, 2022

Corrupt minds don't work properly. Yet corrupters assume they are supposed to be running our lives.

In the broadest sense, corrupt minds do not have ordered realities in them. Instead, they have dissociated realities. That means realities broken up into infinite pieces.

Dissociated reality is nonfunctional. So corrupters operate in a force medium instead of a reality medium; and they assume normal people are the ones who are screwed up for operating in a reality medium.

This is why corrupters are so desperate and self-righteous in taking over everything. They assume they are rescuing human existence from the aberrant behavior of rational persons.

Rationality destroys the existence of corrupters; so corrupters assume rationality is some sort of mental disease. In other words, corruption is the reverse of everything. And corrupters feel oppressed by the rationality that makes corruption impossible.

Trying to escape from the oppressive rationality is one of main concerns of corrupters, which is why they are hung up on freedom. Isn't thee something crazy about harping on freedom and liberty in the land of the free? There sure is. Corrupters make themselves unfree by destroying all reality-based existence defined by the universe and its laws.

That's why corrupters speak in nonsense terms and perpetually contradict themselves. They use realities for exploitation purposes which disconnects from the objective realities which make up life.

Nonsense means there is no ordered reality in the minds of corrupters. The reality that comes out of their minds has no relationship to anything but their corrupt motives in taking over our lives and railroading everyone into a pit of destruction.

A perpetual example is conservatives claiming they are improving the economy by having corporations burn tax dollars. They had corporations burn three trillion tax dollars through stock buy-backs during the Trump years. The purpose was to destroy government revenue, so it couldn't be used for social programs.

Another example is the conservative claim that they end crime by destroying the lower classes in every way they can including locking them up perpetually.

Why do they win elections with such garbage? Because the demands for rationality are erased through fraud, which looks like a quick fix for all problems. Rationality is demanding; so it's easy for frauds to convince the unwary that they have solutions to problems that don't demand rationality.

An example of their inability to think straight is conservatives equating investigation of crime with attacking opponents with hate. They claimed they were going to impeach Biden once every two weeks when controlling the House, because the Democrats impeached Trump twice, as if investigating crimes were no different than promoting values.

That's because the whole concept of crime that is validly described by government is viewed as an arbitrary corruption by corrupters. They can't understand laws or how to apply them. So when opponents align upon proper laws, corrupters view it as an invasion by humanoids from Mars. There aren't supposed to be laws that influence peoples' lives in the assumptions of corrupters.

But that doesn't mean corrupters leave other people alone; it means they impose arbitrary whims upon opponents with no definable meaning. Definable realities are the evil corrupters oppose.

Against Everything


Corruption As Void

What Corruption Is      TOP     



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