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Getting Science Wrong


August 17, 2022

The less anyone knows about science, the more certain they are that they know more than the scientists know about science. It's the bliss of ignorance.

Science is measurement of evidence to study of the most basic realities in attempts to extend knowledge into unknown areas. It's so abstract and complex that no one can get the process right without entering the science door. Generally speaking, the science door closes as persons age, so only persons who go through the right process from the beginning can get where scientists are.

The science door is not in undergraduate studies, because those students are handed their material. The science door is where graduate students start the process of educating themselves. Typically, graduate students in science are told to prove that water is wet. There is no such thing as proving anything to persons who won't accept the obvious as facts. So scientists collect evidence only.

In collecting measured evidence, the quality and meaning are totally dependent upon methodology. So scientists study methods of measurement; and they are use technological and engineering methods of producing measurements.

At the source of science, nothing arbitrary is allowed. No one determines what knowledge or truth is at the origins of science. Each scientist decides for himself. Beyond the source of science, scientists are free to be as wrong as they want to be. So there is a major difference between the source of science and the blather of scientists.

Of course, nonscientists are not aware of the source of science existing. They assume one person's blather is as good as someone else's, until the truth is locked in place with so-called peer review. Peer review is a contrivance of nonscientists which was then picked up by incompetent power mongers in science to enhance their power.

Nonscientists assume science is a collection of facts. It isn't. They get the wrong facts when all they do is collect facts. Science is a method of determining whether facts are true. Nonscientists skip over the method of determining whether facts are true.

"Fact checking" has become the method of supposedly producing truth by having assumed authority determine facts. The result is never truth, because anyone who assumes authority produces truth is not producing truth.

The process of fact checking increases the tendency of corrupters to eliminate criticism. No criticism, no truth. Criticism is the essential method of determining truth by showing evidence through rationality. Evidence allows people to decide for themselves what truth is. The elimination of criticism is an instrumental part of the fascism that has taken over society.

The scientific method starts with five hundred years of evolved scientific knowledge which has been tested. It is important to know how reliable the testing was. Then the existing scientific knowledge needs to be applied to subjects through rationality, which means evaluation of relationships to relevant, surrounding realities. Consistent relationships between realities determine what truth is, within science and everywhere else.

The identifying feature of incompetent power mongers is the bliss of ignorance replacing the methodology required for producing real results. Methodology doesn't exist as something that disappears in the background. Methodology involves all elements of solutions to complex problems including public involvement and communication with the public.

The main reason why fake science and technology exist is because incompetent power mongers need to reduce demanding complexities to malleable simplicity. Ignorance requires trite solutions, where real science imposes difficult solutions.

Fakery is the solution to problems for incompetent corrupters, because there is no wrong way to produce fakery. The fakery includes renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving.

Fakery doesn't look like rationality. There are no explanations with fakery. Instead of explanations, authority is embellished with glamorization of fraud. The wave of the future is supposedly going to solve problems, while the past is nothing but decadence. Renewable energy has done nothing but bankrupt countries. Electric vehicles have been nothing but wanton toys for the rich. But supposedly, renewable energy will produce carbon free vehicles to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in the future.

There is a methodology required for producing constructive results. It starts with knowledge being used to determine what correct reality is through a process of rationality. Fake authority is not how the process works.

Frauds use power to substitute for rationality. There is no such things as constructive social power, because power is designed for personal gain at everyone else's expense.

Power is then used as a false test of truth and knowledge resulting in the wizardry of solving problems out of incompetence. Just trust us is the substitute for competence that frauds use. Darkness is supposedly the answer to everything, when rationality and truth expose incompetent corrupters for the corrupters that they are.

Authority can have objective validity based upon properly produced laws. That means authority is not the same thing as power, though corrupters will use their power for false authority.

Fake science and technology are destroying energy and transportation systems, because incompetent corrupters took over the social structures and used them for mongering power. Power mongers need fraud to replace the rationality and truth that expose them for the corrupters that they are.

Know-nothings in journalism and organizations are used to wash the hands of higher-ups in promoting the frauds. Know-nothings are expected to get everything wrong; and there are no corrections, because the purpose is to promote fraud.

What we see over and over in the deteriorating social conditions is that persons who are cut off from objective reality become imposing with subjectivity. Incompetents cut off from complex reality in science have become extremely dogmatic in imposing absurdities onto society.

A major example is shutting down the nuclear reactors, even while they are functioning normally, because someone screwed up in three previous examples: Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima.

The only solution to the energy problem is safe and effective nuclear energy. Clean coal should be used for the transition to save petroleum for transportation. Instead of taking responsibility for the demanding task, energy systems are being destroyed and replaced with infantile fantasies, even after the expensive boondoggles with renewable energy in Germany and England.

For incompetent corrupters, fake technology is a tool for mongering power. Fraud is needed to monger power. But corrupters couldn't succeed so easily if there weren't a lot of dupes who unknowingly assume that fakery takes care of everything in the area of science and technology.

Political solutions are being used for the approaching energy disasters in conflict with the realities involved. Politics is not a substitute for science and technology. The problems cannot be wished away.

Bureaucrats claim electric motors get 96% efficiency; and on that basis claim electric vehicles get an equivalent of 100 to 150 miles per gallon efficiency. Nothing could be more absurd in technology than 96% efficiency for electric motors. The 96% number would have originated with the resistive load of electric motors, which means the resistance in the copper wires measured with the motor turned off. That number is almost irrelevant, because the primary factor determining energy loss is in the inductive load. That means inductive force drives the load, and it can never be more than 40% efficient under idealized conditions and is usually 25% efficient under operating conditions. Bureaucrats are in no position to be imposing such stupidity onto society.

Why would nonscientists assume they know a thing about the subject? It's like selling tricycles for going to Mars. How can anyone get a college degree without knowing how complex science is? Apparently, there are watered down science courses for nonscientists at the universities creating the impression that science is a farce.

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