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The Significance Of So-Called Climate Change

May 4, 2024

If the resources of society were focussed on combatting the Green Martian Disease, global economies would be in jeopardy. Even worse, rational existence would be deteriorating to something worse than stone age knowledge and charlatanism rehabilitated.

It isn't simply a dispute. A dispute has two sides and little consequences until one side prevails. There is only one side anymore to so-called climate change.

The most significant problem of the subject is the assault upon rationality. That's a methodology, not a disagreement. Using quips to replace rationality is a methodology. There is no theoretically valid place for quips replacing rationality, at least in complex subjects.

This subject is entirely about degradation of rationality for the purpose of putting incompetent corrupters in control of our lives. You say there aren't supposed to be that many incompetent corrupters overwhelming a modern society. You're right. There's not supposed to be; but there is.

The motives are the most visible part of corruption. The corrupters do not allow criticism or opposition. The attack upon opponents is many faceted and vile. Real scientists get shoved out of the process and sometimes out of their jobs for producing rationality on the subject.

Just as Trump followers are oblivious to their self-destructive behavior, the promoters of climate change assume they are marching to Pretoria by removing carbon dioxide from the air.

A very significant fact that tells the whole story is that the methods used to supposedly remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere put more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere instead of less. So-called renewables are so expensive and environmentally destructive that they hit a wall of impossibilities before getting started. No one could miss those facts. Yet the promoters of the fraud could not care less, because they get what they want out of the subject through fraud, not solutions to problems, with the result being the power to dominate.

Just as Trump draws nobody, white racists to the surface making them winners instead of losers, fake climate change makes winners out of nobodies who are losers without the power to destroy rationality.

Magic which is that effective turns fraud into truth. When incompetents monger power, they assume power represents truth, knowledge and justice. When truth, knowledge and justice have the universe in opposition, a lot of self-righteous determination goes into the process.

The war against rationality doesn't look anything like rationality. No one could miss the difference. Corrupters don't miss the difference; they just assume anti-rationality is the only correct standard, because it gives them power instead of exposing them as the incompetent corrupters that they are.

Not the least problem with the absurdities is that climate is changing too much at this time. It can change 10°C or more with extreme droughts, while it is only supposed to change 1°C with increased humidity. So the fake scientists (IPCC) say a small part of the change seems to be due to carbon dioxide. A stab in the dark shows the nonscientific nature of the process.

Weather maps show the invariable cause of the extremes is air masses that stop moving and form high pressure zones. Nothing about carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has ever been associated with air currents stopping. The high pressure zones and lack of air motion are never mentioned in the propaganda.

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