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Fake Technology  3

Electric Vehicles Will Never be used on a Large Scale

Why are electric vehicles carbon free, when incandescent light bulbs had to be outlawed?

It's totally impossible to put charging stations along highways because of the amount of metal required. There is six times as much energy being used as fossil fuels as electricity. Much of that difference in electricity would need to be strung along highways to eliminate fossil fuels. The amount of metal required is proportional to the amount of energy that must be transferred.

Electric vehicles waste more energy than gas vehicles due to 70-90% of electricity being lost before getting to the engines; and then both types of engines average 25% efficiency under operating conditions.

When considering all of the factors, electric vehicles get 5-10 miles per gallon equivalent, not the 100-150 mpg equivalent that bureaucrats claim.

Bureaucrats claim electric motors get 96% efficiency resulting in 100-150 miles per gallon equivalent for electric vehicles. It's total stupidity. The 96% only represents resistive loss in wires and misses the induction that transforms electrical energy into kinetic energy, efficiency of electric motorswhich can never be more than 40% efficient, while operating conditions reduce the average to 25% efficiency. Efficiency Fraud

Charging stations along highways or within cities will never be within the realm of possibilities due to the ungodly amount of wire needed and no place to put it. There would need to be 6,000 times as much transmission line length to replace fossil fuels with electricity, Just to get the energy to the cities; and then unfathomably more wiring within cities and along highways.

What it adds up to is that electric vehicles are such garbage that no one can use them for anything except the rich as second or third vehicles used for entertainment.

Why? Because the incompetent power mongers who took over the social structures need fakery to replace functionality. They are the lords of fraud, where rationality exposes them as the destroyers that they are.

Electricity is so inefficient and wasteful that it has only been used for specialty purposes for the past 150 years. Then out of the blue, frauds decided that the transportation system would be electrified. They convinced a gullible public that electricity is the most perfect, efficient and low cost of energy systems.

The truth was hidden in the previous electrical utility system which was designed for toasters, not transportation. As long as electric vehicles are few in number, the truth disappears in the mix. As the number of EVs increases, the contradictions start to become apparent in shortage of charging stations and sky-rocketing costs for electricity. There has been no significant improvement in the obstacles for EVs in ten years or more, while liars pretend to always be on the verge of break-out.

The simplest example is this: Natural gas is usually used for new electrical generators now days. They can never get more than 40% efficiency. That means 60% of the energy is lost in generating. Then transmission lines have 50% loss built in to reduce the extreme amount of metal required in lines and towers. Then mid-level transformers lose about 30-50%.

So add up the net salvaged energy as 40% x 50% x 50% = 10% recovered when getting to the vehicle, while all 100% of the energy in natural gas could be burned directly in an internal combustion engine (ICE) and often is.

Then both EVs and ICEs get the same 25% efficiency under operating conditions, though bureaucrats lie about electric motor efficiency.

Another impossible hurdle with EVs is that there is no way to get the huge amount of electricity distributed to charging stations, which is why the charging stations don't exist in a realistic manner and never will regardless of how many pennies the government throws at the absurdity.

Adding thousands of pounds of expensive metals to a vehicle is never going to be as practical as gas powered vehicles; and no one is going to spend inordinate amounts of time charging them. No one but the rich can buy them; and they only use them as second or third vehicles for entertainment beyond a few radicals trying to prove something.

Batteries are not realistic for transportation. They do not store energy in a concentrated form, because electrons need to be surrounded by too much mass and metal.

Fraud Alert

A recent social fraud is the claim that electric vehicles are carbon free. No one could miss the fact that producing steel, cement and batteries puts huge amounts of carbon dioxide in the air. No one is being told that in EVs they can't use heaters or air conditioners under harsh conditions without draining the battery. And no source of electricity is carbon free or ever will be by anyone's imagination. It means fraud is the purpose in putting incompetent corrupters in control of our lives.

Propagandists have been using the cheap cost of charging compared to a tank of gas as the selling point if not proof of their numbers. But guess what, some persons are now saying charging EVs costs more than a tank of gas.

Batteries will never be practical (efficient) for large scale purposes. They are too heavy, too complex, too expensive and too low in energy density. They always will be, because the miss is a mile, not the chiseling down that is occurring.

Article: Rare Earths

The Fraud Of Self-Driving

Fake Efficiency

Electricity Problem

Renewable Energy

What Corruption Is TOP     



Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
Fake Efficiency
The Fraud Of Self-Driving
Greenhouse Gas Fraud
Radiative Transfer Equations
Invalid Measurements
Absorption Without Emission
Other Factors
Stefan-Boltzmann Constant
Joule's Constant
Origins Of Errors
Relativity Fraud
Nuclear Fusion
Quantum Mechanics
ATP Theory
Fossil Fuels
Gravity Waves
Firing Scientists
Peer Review Fraud



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