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Green Nazism


April 29, 2024

Greens are a bunch of fakes making energy and transportation too limited and expensive for the lower classes. That's Nazism. They make no attempts to compensate for the burdens on the lower classes and elderly.

Nazism is defined as fascism carried to its most extreme end point. The basis of Nazism is fake realities designed to glamorize the wantonness of incompetent power mongers and their war against vulnerable persons.

Corrupters are always in conflict with the lower classes, because truth flows from the bottom of society upward. Corrupters cannot get the truth and justice turned around; so they contrive fake reality pretending that they succeed in doing so.

No one could honestly miss the fact that carbon dioxide is totally irrelevant to atmospheric temperature. Frauds in science only prevailed over real scientists because of nonscientists imposing their frauds onto everyone. If nonscientists are incapable of evaluating the science, they have no business imposing fraud onto society. People are responsible for their claims and are supposed to determine the reliability of what they claim. Which means the greens didn't accidentally get it wrong; the fraud is too obvious.

Rational persons instantly realize that one molecule in 2,500 in the atmosphere could not have the slightest influence over climate. A greenhouse effect is beyond preposterous. Carbon dioxide can only absorb long wavelength radiation at 2.7, 4.3 and 15 microns of wavelength. Only cold substances give off such long wavelengths of radiation; and cold substances give off almost no radiation.

Since nonscientists know nothing of physics, it's inappropriate for them to impose their assumptions onto society. Real scientists could have been producing real explanations and criticisms, if they weren't silenced by know-nothings who disallowed criticisms of the frauds they imposed onto society through the media.

Extreme disconnect from objective reality is needed for incompetent power mongers to prevail over rationality. For the original Nazis, a fake Arian race imposed absurdities onto everyone in defiance of credibility. Saving the kids and pets from carbon dioxide is no less of a fraud in imposing absurdities onto society.

No one could actually believe that so-called renewable energy and electric vehicles are "on par with coal" and "carbon free." It's Nazism in its degree of defiance and consequences.

In Europe and the U.S., as little as 15% renewable energy of the wind and solar types increases the price of electricity by a factor of ten over normal sources. Whether the carbon dioxide is produced in the autos or the generating sources of the electricity makes no difference, as it circulates through the air, which means there is no such thing as carbon-free in human activities.

No one can get past 15% of the electrical mix as such renewables due to fluctuations which are too fast and extreme for electrical systems, even with backup procedures. Then the input electricity from the renewables is less valuable than the added expenses in producing them and coping with them. So the net effect of solar and wind power is to make electricity less available and more expensive. To promote the destruction of energy, transportation systems and economies to that extent is crass Nazism.

Nazism is the most extreme form of socialized corruption that can exist before destroying countries. In their own words, Nazis have nothing to lose. It's vengeance, not science and engineering.

Losers who try to be winners by prevailing against other persons through domination are opposing the universe of objective realities. They disconnect from objective reality and attempt to fantasize a state of existence that allows them to prevail with no accountability. That means destroying ordered existence and replacing it with force and violence imposed with no laws or government getting in their way.

Fraud is needed by corrupters to be winners, because fraud destroys rationality. Even though corrupters cannot defeat truth, they can defeat the complex process of producing truth, which is rationality. To defeat rationality is to defeat their opponents. But truth keeps increasing through all interactions of realities; so fraud is only a temporary victory for corrupters.

Demagogues destroy rationality to make corrupters winners. By destroying the rationality of science, know-nothings prevail over real scientists. When know-nothings acquire that degree of power and success, they interpret the result as unquestionable truth. They assume they know more than real scientists, as long as fraud is destroying the rationality of science.

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