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Generating Disordered Existence


April 25, 2024

Exploitation of social complexities requires stripping them of rationality, as rationality strengthens and builds ordered existence. Yet the conspiring power mongers assume they are improving the social order in stripping rationality from existence.

Rationality exposes incompetent corrupters for what they are. The demands of rationality not only show that corrupters are incapable of producing rationality, the results of rationality generate truth, which is the only force corrupters cannot defeat.

But that problem is an end result. Corrupters do not see end results; they simply move in a direction that is exploitive and assume improvements will always result in doing so. They literally replace rationality with exploitation as the assumed source of human improvements.

Of course, they do not have real concepts of such abstractions as rationality or exploitation. They sort of feel their way through processes and derive patterns which create success where they would be failures. Being winners is their test of correctness.

It's analogous to robbing a store with big success and then writing up a Constitution for a country based on how to succeed at robbing stores. Try to tell them what right-from-wrong is.

Would you believe that is where fake science and technology came from? It was derived through that process, as all corruption is derived through that process. False science felt better than the criticisms and corrections to incompetent physicists. Their frauds felt better than correct technology to know-nothings who imposed the result onto society.

If not, where is the rationality? "On par with coal" and "carbon free"? It at least takes longer sentences to produce rationality.

In reducing social structures to exploitation they become nonfunctional power structures. There is a model system for doing that. It's called financialization. By pretending that the purpose of businesses is to make profit, all functionality can be reduced to exploitation as a supposed inherent part of financialization.

Then the conspirators can use their power to hijack government and reduce its purposes to generating rip-off power structures at everyone else's expense, as if they were saving mankind from rationality by generating the only proper purpose for social structures.

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