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Political Philosophy  341


What Progressive Means

August 17, 2023

Planet Earth could sustain 50 billion people easier than it is sustaining 8 billion, if resources were developed rather than squandered. Progressive means solving problems instead of creating them.

Liberals were working on the water shortage during the 1970s. Then Reaganites changed the purpose in life to destroying government and social structures to replace rationality with the whims of totalitarian dictators.

The reason why purposes were re-aligned by conservatives is because incompetent corrupters need to create problems to monger power. It takes fraud to monger power.

Another example is feeding beef on corn and soybeans, when alfalfa would be better and require about one tenth as many acres. Dairy farmers do feed alfalfa, but beef feeders will not, because the corn and soybean industry is huge, and shrinking the process to one tenth isn't something power mongers are going to do.

By spraying corn and soybeans to kill weeds instead of tilling to kill weeds, farmers can handle twice as many acres. So know-nothings promote "no-till" as if it were a back-to-nature method of farming. The largest research subject in agriculture is how to prevent gully erosion with no-till, because no-till is needed in replacing tillage with spraying.

Tillage reduces erosion by breaking up the crust on the surface and integrating debris with the soil. Due to no-till, the fields are eroding into the oceans, while consumers get poisoned with the chemicals, so corn and soybean farmers can do more acres with less work by spraying instead of tilling.

The reason why it matters is because corrupters want everyone to have less of everything as their method of rationalizing their need to get everyone below their own feet to make themselves winners.

Corrupters cannot make themselves worth more; so they try to make others worth less. Being winners works that way. So why be winners? It's a built in assumption of corrupters that the purpose of life is to be a winner. Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed being a winner is the purpose of life and rationality is for fools.

Progressives take up the purpose of life in terms of solving human problems; and anti-progressives, largely conservatives, want a hands-off existence which allows them to exploit at everyone else's expense.

Conservatives oppose environmental concerns, as if destroying environments were of no consequences. But they also want luxury mansions with acres of public property converted to their private use with no one getting in their way. Not in their back yard; but in everyone else's back yard is ok.

Greens call themselves liberals, while they destroy environments and increase the cost of energy and transportation at the expense of the lower classes. Destroying at the expense of vulnerable persons is what conservatives do, not what liberal progressives do.

Why then do greens call themselves liberals instead of conservatives? Largely because they are lower class, while conservatives are not. But being lower class can be a destructive exploitation by power mongers not unlike conservative power mongering is.

Producing Beef On Alfalfa

No-Till Fraud

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



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