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Why Nazism Is Unstoppable

August 6, 2023

Corruption is in the process of absorbing everything around it making Nazism unstoppable. Noncorruption is not tolerated.

Trump argues in opposites, because it improves his political fortunes. The more absurd, the more he gains. His critics are vastly outnumbered, as most people are indifferent to the process. Indifference was said to be the failure at preventing Nazism from overtaking Germany.

As critics get overwhelmed and most persons get absorbed, all realities get reversed. That means producing truth is more critical than ever. Yet the direction is the opposite—less and less toleration of truth in the attempts to integrate into a majority based on consensus.

Consider consensus as the simplest element of the problem. It's the ruination of man. Consensus is how charlatanism overtakes rationality. Yet it is the default position in society. Fact checking is looking to consensus as truth. The why is too academic and abstract to get into.

Then the second most relevant fact of the problem is methodology. Corruption is defined by methodology, not opinions. Broadly, rationality is the methodology of constructivity. That means explaining claims. If every claim were adequately explained, corruption would end, because fraud is not credible. Fraud must be a misrepresentation that does not stand up to exposure.

Expanding that concept is very informative. To explain anything is a death trap for corrupters. It shows their stupidity as well as the corruptness of their purposes. Trump can't produce a coherent sentence. So he uses name calling to degrade his opponents.

That result is attractive to incompetent corrupters, because they can do the same thing Trump does and still be on a winning side. Corrupters look for someone who is more corrupt than themselves as the test of being on their side. When the more-corrupt person is a winner, they are marching to Pretoria.

The indifferent persons are then drawn into the process due to the power of numbers. The power of numbers is not directly relevant to rationality; so the power of numbers does not rapidly take form around rationality, while it rapidly takes form around corruption. Social media shows how fast corruption can transform into the power of numbers.

The net result is that truth is now the evil to be attacked, not withstanding the fact checking, which is nothing but rationalized corruption. Real truth is produced through a process, not by relegating the responsibility to unknown persons to produce a quip as truth.

The process for producing truth is rationality. Rationality is complex and demanding, which is why it is being overrun by steamrolling Nazism.

The clearest example of the problem is the increasing absurdity of claiming one molecule in 2,500 is overwhelming the atmosphere and destroying human life. It isn't credible and never was. But about 95% of society knows nothing about the subject and resorts to the consensus of power mongering corrupters, because that standard works better in a rapidly developing Nazi state.

They can't be told, because Nazism does not tolerate rationality. Every element of the false science of carbon dioxide is mockery that is simple and mathematically provable. But only enemies of the social order would try to do corrections. That result is what Nazism requires for taking over society.

The result is the world blissfully skating its way into Nazism, just as Germany did a century ago.

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