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The Meaning Of Nazism

Why Nazism Is Unstoppable

August 10, 2023

The world is rapidly approaching Nazism, this time on a global scale. The simplest measure is the intolerance of differences of values. Why not demand that only blacks control the institutions and government? That is the imposed standard in reverse of white racists who are turning the social order over to get their way.

Of course, superiority is the basis for the arguments. The values of white racists are supposedly superior to everyone else's values. Implicitly, the superior values are linked to superior capabilities though not argued as capabilities, because the bums do not want to commit themselves to constructive standards which they are not capable of meeting and have been trying to replace with degenerate standards.

Therefore, what needs to be clarified, and is usually not, is the basic realities underlying the capabilities of the corrupters who promote the white racism of Nazism. Why promote their values if they have no capabilities and should not be hired to clean a dog house?

Conservatives in government are no longer taking up governmental issues. They are fighting for their personal concerns and using the government as a format for that purpose. It's not appropriate to use the government for personal and subjective concerns. Why misuse the government?

Conservatives misusing government is a major indicator of the drive to Nazism. Obviously, government should only be used for the business of government and not exploited for personal gain including the promotion of personal values. Totalitarianism is the personal use of government as a source of power.

Closely related is the standard or methodology. Personal concerns are subjective. Only objective realities should be taken up under social conditions, because objective realities are universally the same for everyone, while subjective concerns vary for each person.

Conservatives swim in an ocean of subjectivity and cut themselves off from objective reality by fighting a war against rationality. The reason is because rationality generates truth and exposes incompetent corrupters for what they are. Without rationality, only subjective or personal concerns remain.

Rationality requires explanation of claims, so people can decide for themselves what is the truth and what is in their interests. Without rationality, corrupters use quips to impose their purposes with no opposition allowed.

Being disconnected from objective reality and the rationality that produces it, corrupters try to accomplish their purposes by defeating enemies. They assume the only problem they have is enemies not going along with their demands. So their arguments are framed in terms of "us against them." Who is on whose side is their only concern. Trump's followers look only at Trump being on their side; and then any corruption that he promotes is in their interests.

Those standards and methods produce Nazism. That's because Nazism is the most extreme form of socialized corruption that can be produced. Nazis put themselves up against a wall of incapabilities and absurdities which limit what they can do. The Nazis in Germany ran out of energy, which required them to fight a war against Russia to steal its energy.

When corrupters prevail thoroughly enough, their incapabilities and destructiveness cause them to defeat themselves. That's where Nazism goes to die; and that state is rapidly approaching as corrupters take over everything.

Why Nazism Is Unstoppable

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