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Why Fascism Can't Be Stopped

January 10, 2023

Fascism is the socialization of corruption. Trump's power shows the result. It was the socialization of corruption that put Trump in power and the reason why the problem will persist, and is persisting, without Trump.

The reason why problems exist is the reason why they don't get fixed. Problems need to be prevented. Fascism was not prevented due to power mongers overwhelming the social structures.

Power is glamorized in society, as if success were measured by power. Thievery is success; and it takes power to commit crimes such as thievery. Guns are used to commit crimes for that reason.

The reason why power mongers took over the social structures is because corrupters conspire to create force in place of rationality. The power of numbers prevailing over rationality is a large part of conspiracies.

Rationality is complex and difficult to produce. Force and violence are simplistic and easy to produce. It's much easier to destroy complexities than to produce them. As society got more and more complex, taking over the power through force became easier and easier.

Physics produces the most definitive example. There hasn't been an iota of correct physics produced since 1687. Real scientists were shoved aside or shoved out of physics due to the extreme abstractness which insulated it from openness and accountability.

The bureaucracies have the same problem. It's a truism that constructivity cannot come out of the darkness of concealment. Corrupters easily prevail over rationality without the openness required for accountability. That's because truth cannot be produced in the dark. Truth is the communicated representation of unified reality based on the laws of the universe which define life and the solutions to problems. The required communication does not occur without openness.

When anyone tries to correct errors in the bureaucracies, they are called whistleblowers and silenced or thrown in prison. Congress wrote endless laws trying to protect whistleblowers to no avail, because corrupters easily defy Congress in the darkness of the bureaucracies.

On top of that, anyone who knew what they were doing in the bureaucracies was shoved out during the Trump years. That result left the bureaucracies without anyone who knew what they were doing. The CDC showed the consequences with the pandemic. They screwed up everything possible as thoroughly as it could be screwed up during the pandemic. They said they didn't know they were supposed to be directing the situation, when a cruise ship of diseased persons was unloaded into the U.S. They wouldn't allow science labs to do testing before an official test was produced. The official test was unworkable and had to be redesigned. That meant several months of the disease spreading before it could even be located. Then the critical information that was supposed to be produce by the CDC was forever buried under the pretense of perfecting it and unavailable to the persons who needed it.

Physics errors became public with greenhouse gases and renewable energy. Real scientists and engineers who tried to correct the errors were silenced or fired, while know-nothings in journalism and organizations imposed frauds upon the public. Greenhouse gases are an infantile assumption. Renewable energy has never been anything but a wasteful boondoggle destroying resources and environments. There isn't enough metal on planet Earth to electrify ten percent of the transportation system. The shortages are already overwhelming the process.

Yet fraudulent physics is continuously glamorized on the basis of lies. That means a lot of persons are expecting a lot from lies. It's like making an automobile out of wood and pretending that it is made of metal. Pretending that renewable energy will solve problems is trying to wish something preposterous into existence.

Does pretending cause something good or something bad? If something good were being promoted, no pretending would be needed. But that truism is not accepted by corrupters; and they dragged a lot of gullible fools along with them.

No one could miss the fact that renewable energy is not "on par with coal." Yet no correcting is done while that claim is driven into the assumptions of renewable energy, as if pretending the benefits would lead to actual benefits.

The cost of energy increases by a factor of six when 3-5% of energy is renewables in the U.S. and a factor of ten when 15% of energy is renewables in Europe. That's not on par with coal; that's an assault upon the lower classes who can't afford the expensive energy.

But what if assaulting the lower classes is the real motive for the purpose? For conservatives, it is their purpose. What that means is that pretending, to a point of lying, is used for ulterior and destructive purposes, not to produce a constructive product.

Promoting ulterior motives is the real purpose in pretending. The purpose of pretending fraud physics into social glamor is to monger power. The science is nothing but garbage to power mongers, as rationality exposes incompetent power mongers as the destroyers that they are.

What physics shows is that pretended realities have ulterior motives. The purpose of pretending is not to produce a constructive result but to advance motives which do not stand up to open criticism. Not standing up to criticism means not constructive or socially acceptable.

Of course, if the purpose of lying is to destroy something, it always works. There is always less of everything to the extent that lies are promoted. The purpose of conservatives now days is to weaponize realities as lies to destroy the rationality that gets in their way. (Three investigations of Trump take care of the explaining.)

The March To Fascism

Joule's Measurement

Renewable Energy Fraud

Electricity Problem

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
Draining The Economy Dry
Degeneracy Of The Conservative Cause
Why Corruption
Why Nazism
The March To Fascism
Corruption Is An Ethic
What Corruption Is
How Power Mongering Works
Greenhouse Gases Are An Infantile Assumption
Renewable Energy Is An Infantile Assumption



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