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The Significance Of Basic Reality

Basic reality is the reality upon which other realities depend, which starts with laws of the universe. It includes both science and philosophy and explains cause-and-effect relationships.

Basic realities are abstract, which means nonperceivable. Humans construct knowledge to represent basic realities. Knowledge is an abstract construct.

Corrupters hate basic realities, because corrupters don't acquire knowledge and don't understand abstract realities. They assume basic realities are nonsense produced by fools. And they assume what they don't understand is not valid, as they place themselves at the center of their universe and define existence around themselves.

The opposite of basic reality is superficial reality. Corrupters determine what superficial realities are in terms of what they bump into.

Corrupters view basic realities as arbitrary and subjective, since they don't see an objective basis for them. But they can't counter basic realities with alternatives, because all of the surrounding realities are too abstract for them. So they try to counter basic realities by promoting values aligned upon their purposes.

It's impossible to produce basic realities which are significantly in error, because so many related realities are determined by the basic realities. An error in the basic area would contradict too many other realities to be credible.

Science is determined by looking at surrounding areas to determine if there are contradictions. That means logic is the process that determines correctness in science.

The same is true in philosophy. Logic to surrounding realities determines the truth. The only difference with science is that observable examples are used for philosophy instead of measurements.

So philosophy is an attempt to explain surrounding realities to show how they fit together. The absence of contradictions shows the truth.

Corrupters attempt to replace basic realities as science and philosophy with a promotion of values. They do that by re-describing history or occurrences while tacking on their values. That means plus or minus connotations with all of the concepts to build up their purposes and tear down other purposes.

Name calling is an infantile method of doing the same thing. It's an attempt to redesign existence by tearing down opponents and building up like-minded persons.

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
Draining The Economy Dry
The March To Fascism
Radiative Transfer Equations
Quotes On Greenhouse Fraud
Other Factors Heat The Planet
Firing Scientists
Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Gravity Waves
Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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