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Basic reality is the reality upon which other reality depends. That means it is the most important reality. But it is very abstract and seldom gets mentioned. Superficial persons don't understand it and consider it to be rubbish. That's like not understanding engineering and considering engineering to be rubbish. Basic reality is the engineering of knowledge.

Basic Reality

The most basic reality is the definition of reality.

Reality is the configuration of any substance. Everything must be made of substance with configurations. An example would be to use clay to make two objects, such as a tree and a car. The substance is the same for both, which is clay, while one has the configuration of a tree, and the other, a car. The configuration tells the difference, while the substance does not.

Abstract reality is nonperceivable reality. All knowledge is abstract reality, because relationships between realities are not perceivable and require understanding.

Arrogance is the assumption that whim is superior to knowledge.

Austerity is reducing functionality, constructivity and competence as a method of paying loan sharks. An extractive procedure. Analogous to doing "structural adjustments" on someone's automobile.
Bigotry is the assumption that power is virtue, truth and knowledge, while powerlessness is corruption and ignorance.

Corrupters are persons who promote corruption as an ethic and necessity.

Corruption is that which destroys life.

Exploitation is the attempt to gain something from the degradation of something of value.

Fascism is the socialization of corruption where social structures and rationality are not allowed to oppose corruption.

Force is an opposing conflict with realities which can include false realities or lies.

Force Medium is a state corrupters exist in, where motives and values are imposed in defiance of realities.

Fraud is the concealment of related realities. False realities cannot prevail without concealment of related realities. Subjective realities will always be too complex and diffuse for complete understanding; and therefore arguing them will always be fraud.

Justice is the result that the power of truth produces. Morality and justice are synonyms.

Knowledge is a representation of unified reality in the mind.

Life is ordered complexity. The same as unified reality.

Nazism is the most extreme form of fascism with no encumbrances.

Normal — the requirements created by the laws of the universe.

Objective reality is all reality that originates outside of a person's mind. It is always based on the laws of the universe, because no one creates a substitute that is objective.

Personalized morality is related to personal problems as summarized by the Ten Commandments. It is no one's business but the individual's. Corrupt persons focus upon the personalized morality of others, since it is none of their business and vulnerable to attack.

Power technically is the ability to influence. It tends to be unnoticed until corrupters use it to prevail through force. Force is a conflict with reality. Subjective prevailing, which is domination, defies the objective reality that determines the causes of and solutions to human problems.

Rationality is relating realities to objective reality in a complete enough way to establish consistent relationships between realities. Explaining and describing is what rationality looks like.

Reason is the process of relating one reality to another. Truth evolves out of the process of reason, as consistent relationships reinforce each other, while inconsistent relationships contradict each other.

Religion — Concerns beyond material life.

Ridicule is subjective attack without objective explanation.

Rights can be defined as the justice that universal reality promotes and develops through truth.

Science is extending knowledge into the most basic areas of the objective realities defined by the universe.

Socialized morality is related to domination as the basis of all corruption. It is everyone's business.

Subjective reality originates inside a person's mind.

Totalitarianism is the state demanded by authoritarian rulers who do not allow opposition to their whims including realities. It's ultra reductionism in redefining reality with single words or phrases which have the malleability that an ignorant corrupter can handle.

Truth is the communicated representation of unified reality. Truth evolves through the interaction of realities. It cannot be dictated; it can only be estimated.

Understanding is unified reality in the mind consisting of developed relationships between realities in the mind aligned upon the objective unified reality based upon the laws of the universe.

Unified reality is the combination of all realities which have consistent relationships between them. Therefore, the test of truth is consistent relationships to surrounding realities. Only realities aligned upon the laws of the universe can be unified.

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