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The Significance Of Lying

February 12, 2023

The primary significance of lying is that it puts liars in control of our lives. Rational and constructive persons don't need to lie. Only destroyers need to lie; and their purpose in lying is to portray themselves as something other than what they are.

There is pro and con lying. Pro lying is designed to glamorize corrupters. Glamorization is maximized, because corrupters need to push the envelop as wide as possible trying to replace the rationality of the universe with conflicting corruptions which no one benefits from.

The con of lying is an attempt to conceal what is being done, when the purpose is to degrade other persons. Speaking in opposites is the most common method of concealing destructivity, which means the terminology looks positive, but it kids no one. The most common example is pretending that destroying social programs is balancing budgets, while the need to balance budgets is created by burning tax dollars on power mongers who have no need for the money.

Glamorizing corrupters is carried to its most absurd extreme with physics projects. The most historical example is pretending to get energy out of hydrogen fusion. Dozens of projects costing hundreds of billions of dollars have gone into hydrogen fusion with each result claiming to make progress, while there hasn't been any progress, the simple reason being that there is no significant energy in hydrogen fusion, as correcting the definition of energy shows.

A totally needless example is the claim of measuring gravity waves. Supposedly, motion is measured down to 100 million times smaller than the vibration of atoms. The measuring devices are made of atoms. That's like measuring one inch with a ruler that vibrates between Chicago and Los Angeles.

You would thing the liars would state something more credible; but there seems to be a strange rule in physics that says maximizing absurdities is better than trying to be credible. One can only speculate what is happening in the heads of corrupters in drawing the conclusion that absurdities should be maximized.

In physics, the purpose of maximizing absurdities seems to be to remove criticism from the subject. All real scientists can say is that the claims are fraud, while the word fraud is not allowed in science or journalism.

But there also seems to be a public perception motive for maximizing absurdities. When there is no clue what the detailed complexities of a subject are, the more magical the better. The primary examples are going to other planets including ones outside the solar system. There isn't enough energy in anything on planet Earth to go beyond the solar system and never will be.

Even within the solar system the claims of spacecraft going beyond orbiting the Earth are absurd for two major reasons and an infinite number of minor reasons. The two major reasons are one, hydrogen and oxygen don't create enough energy to be doing anything significant beyond orbiting the Earth and two, there is no way to navigate in space when not orbiting the Earth.

The public is given the impression that moving spacecraft around is like driving an automobile. First, there is no method of looking around. Everything is an indistinguishable clutter of dots in a black background. Secondly, there is no method of determining direction or degree of motion. Ancient mariners used the North Star. There is no such reference point beyond orbiting the Earth. Even the Earth and Sun don't serve as reference points, because a spacecraft could be at any point around them and they would look the same.

The lying about space projects goes beyond the getting there to the absurdities after getting someplace, such as claiming to have a helicopter on Mars. With only 1% as much atmosphere on Mars as on Earth, a helicopter has no ability to function on Mars.

That's why the liars show no relevant information about their space projects. They have nothing to show or even purposes for being there. Tracks in dust is all that is usually shown. A six-year-old could produce tracks in dust in a Hollywood studio.

But doesn't the public need something positive and glamorous for psychologic benefits? Lying to persons who have psychological problems is doomed to failure, when the victims find that their lives keep getting worse instead of better because of the liars determining the results.

Helicopter On Mars

No Energy In Hydrogen Fusion

Gravity Wave Measurements

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