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Moral Philosophy  317

The Meaning Of Power


August 18, 2023

The east coast of the U.S. represents power, while the open west represents creativity. Power is increasing in the east, while creativity is decreasing in the west.

The reason of course is that the history and nerve center are in the east, while the openness of the west replaces human influences with nature.

Nature does wonders for rationality. It puts people in contact with objective reality at a cultural level. Bigotry is (or was) more concealed in the west, even if just as prevalent. People don't openly degrade American Indians (their own preferred terminology), even though Indian lives are suppressed.

Power destroys creativity in extreme and obvious ways. Power mongers are control freaks. They do not want underlings striking out on their own and accomplishing something without permission. That's because the corruptness of power is highly vulnerable to truth obliterating the fakery that power depends upon.

Steve Jobs could create the smart phone, because he only had a few months of college, which disconnected him from the power structures. He was shoved out of the company that he created, until it went bankrupt and let him back in.

Power mongers, who are always conspirators, cannot tolerate one iota of dissent. A single person can produce too much truth due to truth linking to the objective realities of the universe which reduce contrived realities to disgraceful rubbish.

To eliminate all dissent, the power mongering conspirators are trying to create one homogeneous world power structure. Anything less leaves them vulnerable to opponents attacking them with truth. They need to obliterate every single opponent to prevent that from happening.

Power mongers also need to eliminate methods of free expression. Nothing set them into panic mode like "the information super highway." Such a process does not exists anymore. It has been replaced by social media.

There is no looking for information anymore. The search engines were reduced to listing official web sites, kiddie questions and entertainment trivia. Searching for black mold will produce a band named black mold but nothing on biology. Not the least reason is because searches are not allowed to go below about 200 items.

Even computers are being stripped of functionality beyond spreading entertainment media. Editing web pages is becoming about impossible, as if a few kilobytes of controlled process needed to be replaced with terabytes of entertainment.

All products are similarly being stripped of functionality, if not totally eliminated. Melamine dishes were in the process of leaving porcelain in the stone ages, melamine being feather weight and unbreakable. Now melamine is almost gone and porcelain is back.

Incandescent light bulbs could cost 50¢ each and last for centuries. Some are still functional from the 1890s. When removing the oxygen and using proper filaments, they never burn out. During the 1960s, they were specified for 20,000 hours, During the 1980s, about 5,000 hours, then 1,000 hours; and by the time they were outlawed, 400 hours—approximately due to more oxygen allowed in with less resilient filaments.

The reason why incandescent light bulbs are outlawed is to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. At the same time, all transportation must be converted to electrical to be carbon free.

What it shows is that power mongers must obliterate, not only rationality, but all evidence of human life outside their own control. That's called jealousy. Jealousy is intolerance of anyone being better off than themselves. Corrupters build up their jealousy by telling themselves they are superior persons. Any evidence to the contrary becomes intolerable. So they fight a war against any signs of life in lesser persons.

What Progressive Means

Renewable Energy Fraud

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
Draining The Economy Dry
The March To Fascism
Radiative Transfer Equations
Greenhouse Gas Fraud
Other Factors
Firing Scientists
Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Gravity Waves
Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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