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Communication Standards Of Corrupters


November 26, 2022

Corrupt communication is characterized by an absence of relevance. Relevance would condemn corrupters as being the corrupters that they are, because basically they are corrupters due to their conflict with relevance.

Relevance means cause-and-effect relationships. Problems need to be solved to sustain human life. To solve problems, the causes and answers need to be determined. Relationships between realities determine causes and answers to problems.

That means the process of solving problems links realities together through rationality. Corrupters are fighting a war against rationality and the persons who produce it. That's because rationality produces truth and exposes corrupters for the corrupters that they are.

What is communication without relevance or rationality? It's what corrupters show us day-in and day-out. It's basically fakery—spewing nonsense as if it had some meaning.

There are several mechanisms used by corrupters to reduce communication to nonsense and fakery. One mechanism is to go through slogans which could apply to anything but have no relationship to a purpose. Often, a list of grievances will be presented as if they prove something. Conservatives love that mechanism as an excuse for degrading opponents. They start with a click-baiting title and then go through histrionics of false accusations instead of explaining the purpose.

Of course, the process can get much worse, as Trump shows us what the bottom looks like for perversion of communication. Name calling as his excuse for breaking every law that applies to him is as close to bottom dwelling as corrupters get.

At the other extreme are the more advanced power mongers who go through troves of nonsense that they accumulate and nurture while pretending that some profound information is buried within. Kant adds a special twist to that process by using word permutations as a method of building nonsense endlessly.

The way the Kantian method works is to use the most nondescript, large words possible in long sentences and then rearrange the sequence of words into endless variations on sentences. The lords of authority claim there is a message in Kant's nonsense. If so, why not a clear explanation?

Then there is the Einstein method. Einstein didn't originate anything. Corrupters in physics were well under way in turning physics into nonsense by the turn of the twentieth century. So they needed someone to represent their newly devised scheme for gutting the most basic principles of physics. No one in the university system could be saddled with such a task, as there was too much accountability at universities. So they found the most incompetent person called a physicist they could find, who was working at a patent office, and pretended that he designed the new scheme, which is called relativity.

The explanation to this day for relativity is that you look at two trains going in opposite directions and pretend that the relationships between them explain relativity. Or you stand in an elevator which is moving at one speed, while gravity is causing something to fall at a different speed and claim that the relationships between them explain relativity.

Neither example has any resemblance to relativity. The most basic element of relativity is the claim that light always has the same velocity, while emitting points and receiving points are constantly moving, because the receiving point adjusts the velocity. But doesn't that mean more than one velocity for light? No, because the method is to shift reference frames for velocity rather than actual velocity.

There would be nothing of any relevance to those claims if true, which is always an essential characteristic of contrivance; but the irrelevance is irrelevant to relativity. The term itself serves the whole purpose of the scheme. Throw the word out and then make up nonsense that can't be interpreted, evaluated or accounted for. The unaccountability of the nonsense immunizes incompetent corrupters in physics from criticism, while they pretend to know something others don't know.

In all of the mechanisms, relevance can never be a part of the communication of corrupters, because relevance exposes them as the incompetent corrupters that they are.

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