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The Nature Of U.S. Decadence

October 3, 2023

The U.S. lost respect around the world, because it became unreliable as it replaced results with decadence. Products and processes are being subverted in the U.S. due to incompetent corrupters turning to exploitation, as power mongers took over the social structures and turned them into power structures for their personal gain at everyone else's expense.

To make up the difference due to their nonfunctionality, power mongers exploit by extracting rather than producing. In primitive societies, exploitation allowed incompetents to rule through force and violence. But in a complex, technological society, results don't get produced at that standard.

The U.S. lost its ability to produce products competitively. Yet it tries to impose and extract, as if primitive standards could still be applied. Where are the products? With complex technology and globalization, products now rule, while power mongers are incapable of producing products.

Real scientists and engineers were shoved out of the processes, as power mongers attempted to impose their ignorance onto everyone. Without real scientists and engineers, results cannot be produced, while power mongers rely upon fakery through lying and fraud.

The latest example is the pretense that rearranging words through algorithms is intelligence superior to human intelligence. All of the big technology companies are betting on the fakery, while all it is doing is side-tracking their purposes and wasting resources.

While incandescent lightbulbs were being outlawed to reduce electrical energy, producers of crypto currencies were allowed to waste more electricity than small countries as an unnecessary stunt. It shows that harping on electricity is nothing but an exploitation scam used to overwhelm society with fraud by power mongers.

Everyone is required to divert their resources to replacing energy and transportation systems with fake technology, because the U.S. says so. The underlying assumption is that the U.S. can afford waste, fraud and abuse, where others cannot. That thought process is disconnected from the demands of modern technology and globalized economies.

Power mongers must always rely upon fraud as a cover for their incompetence. They fight a war against rationality, because it exposes them as the incompetent corrupters that they are. But they can't change the requirements for producing real results with complex technology and globalized economies.

The result in the U.S. is fascism replacing ordered existence. Fascism is socialization of corruption. It didn't begin with Trump; it became official social policy with the "new normal" of Reaganism in 1981. Reagan said, government is the problem. So-called deregulation was used to strip laws from government, because corrupters feel that they have to "fight their wars with one hand tied behind their backs" due to laws against corruption.

A mind-frame takes form around mongered power that promotes domination to prevail as a substitute for rationality producing constructivity.

A strange self-righteousness results in imposition of corruption. Strangely, corrupters assume their victims benefit from being dominated, which results in overbearing impositions with unrealistic expectations of accomplishing results through the destructiveness of exploitation.

There is a disconnect from reality that goes with power mongering, which results in unrealistic assumptions. Realities get arranged improperly being aligned upon motives, such as the assumption that low class persons choose to be worthless and dominating and degrading them is fixing them.

Homelessness was designed into the fascist society as a method of coercing workers into subservience. For the same reason, power mongers were glamorized as the goal to be achieved. The result is supposed to be strife to achieve success by pleasing the power mongers.

Fake science and technology are designed for exploitation rather than functionality. Fantasy reality is contrived for magic and wizardry to replace the unsolvable problems that expose incompetents for what they are.

In that manner, corrupters convince themselves that they are superior persons, which results in white racism and the drive toward Nazism.

The bliss of ignorance causes power mongers to assume they are superior persons while disconnected from reality. They replace knowledge with word salad which they use to redesign the social order. The word salad can be shaped for any purpose; so it is used to put incompetent corrupters in control of our lives.

Everything about fake science and technology is mathematically provable with high school level math. Power mongers will not consider the math and related science, while they adamantly promote the fakery.

That's because mongering power requires a disconnect from reality. It's not about constructive results; it's about power that puts themselves above others. Math and real science destroy that process.

Yet power mongers believe in their corruption. It gets them where they want to be, which means dominating other persons and society to prevail for personal gain at everyone else's expense.

External Article

How Scientists Are Fired And Intimidated

Electricity Problem

Electric Vehicle Fraud

Renewable Energy Fraud

What Corruption Is      TOP     



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Other Factors
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Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
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Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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