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Agriculture Significance


November 19, 2022

Planet Earth could sustain 50 billion people easier than it is sustaining 8 billion, if resources were developed instead of squandered. The main source of protein should be beef which is fed on alfalfa instead of corn and soybeans.

alfalfaAlfalfa is a leafy, viny legume which can grow anywhere grass grows. It is usually cut two or three times per year producing a high yield. It can fix nitrogen from the air using root nodules containing specialized bacteria. It contains more than enough protein for cattle feed; so low protein additions are often included such as oats or grass hay.

Feeding beef on alfalfa instead of corn and soybeans would require one tenth as many acres while more than ten times as many acres would be available. That equals more than one hundred times as much beef potential than existing amounts. And the price would be about half as much.

The result of feeding alfalfa can be naturally organic, as no chemicals are usually needed to produce alfalfa.

Dairy farmers tend to use alfalfa as their primary feed; but beef produces won't consider doing so. The main reason is the assumption that beef quality is measured by the degree of juiciness which is created by fat marbling. The fattiness is not good for health; but beef steak is considered to be an upper class form of protein, where niceties prevail over nutrition.

Why not then produce low fat beef fed on alfalfa for the lower classes? The entire reason is why there are all of the rest of the social problems that exist: a combination of incompetence, stupidity, bigotry and power mongering. Conservatives do everything possible to suppress and rip off the lower classes. Behind them are the power mongers who took over the social structures and most of industry. They would nuke the lower classes before allowing them to eat cheap beef. Fatty steak is a status symbol. Power mongers are not going to destroy their status symbols for the good of the lower classes.

Then there are the greens. Greens are a bunch of low-level losers who will do or say anything to increase their power. That means uninhibited subservience to the upper level power mongers. So the controllers use the greens to do their speaking for them in promoting the human degradation that power mongers depend upon. The absurdities then trace back to know-nothings who aren't up to the level of discussing a subject.

Just as the greens speak for the scientists in imposing fake science and technology onto society, they speak for the agriculture industry in imposing humanly degrading and expensive agriculture. They claim genetic engineering is needed to improve yields and feed the world, while the only real purpose is to reduce tillage and labor in agriculture. Yields are around 70% of usual with GMOs, because yield requires the total integration and optimization of genetics, where tinkering is always a net degradation of genetics. It takes millions of years of evolution to optimize genetics by balancing all elements of growth.

Certainly, crop yields have been increasing for centuries; but that result is due to overcoming problems including resistance to diseases and adaptations to technology, not improving upon evolution.

Then no-till is the purpose with GMO corn and soybeans, which results in soil washing into the rivers and oceans due to the gully erosion that no-till produces. To use spraying instead of tillage saves a lot of expensive field work, but it is not good for the ground, the crops or human health.

Why is recycling being promoted, when it uses immeasurably more chemicals and does immeasurably more harm to the environment than raw materials in all but the most unusual circumstances? It's the same motive. Power mongers need fraud to replace rationality and subdue opponents, while low-level losers create the driving force with no accountability for their ignorance.

There is no real value to recycling plastic, cans, glass or paper. Most of the claimed recycled material is so unusable that it is dumped into the oceans. The plastic in the oceans is not breaking into smaller pieces; it is being chopped at the source for easier shipping and then dumped into the oceans after paying some other country to take it.

There is unlimited space available for proper garbage dumps, as garbage can be piled into mountains. The pretense by greens that garbage dumps must be avoided is imposed onto society with no counter-forces, because the green power structure is designed to eliminate accountability for frauds.

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