Science Errors


Science Errors

Gary Novak
Evolution Physiologist
Independent Scientist
Liberal Progressive

Corrupters assume they have a right to run our lives through fraud. We have a right to run our own lives by correcting the frauds with truth. Truth isn't determined by know-nothings guessing at science; it's determined through proper scientific methods.

Why There Is No Such Thing As A Greenhouse Gas

There is not the slightest possibility of one molecule in 2,500 influencing the atmosphere no matter what its temperature is or what it does.

Trapping heat in the atmosphere is an obvious fraud, as the air can cool 20°C during nights.

Fake science and technology have the purpose of putting incompetent corrupters in control of our lives.

Carbon dioxide only absorbs long wave, infrared radiation, which is emitted by cold substances such as the surface of the Earth. Cold substances emit almost no radiation for carbon dioxide to absorb. So all of the radiation gets absorbed in a short distance of travel, so more carbon dioxide cannot absorb more radiation.

Real scientists determined that fact more than a century ago. They called it saturation. But incompetents in physics ignored them and promoted nothing but rationalizations for their corrupt assumptions.

Earth's Radiation

Physicists then contrived fake mathematics called radiative transfer equations to show a desired result of 1°C temperature increase for each doubling of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Other factors heat the planet. Climate is always changing; and it is never due to greenhouse gases. Solar intensity has been increasing, as it does every few centuries. Other Factors

All biology is on the verge of becoming extinct due to a shortage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which is needed for photosynthesis, because oceans absorb carbon dioxide and tie it up as limestone and calcium carbonate. Volcanoes restored the CO2 during dinosaur years; but they died down due to tectonic plates becoming too thick for lava to get to the surface.

CO2 graph


What this website is about is the methodology of science, not the opinions of scientists. All real science is a methodology, not an opinion. A significant methodology of science is mathematics. So the starting point of this criticism is simple and unquestionable mathematics which proves errors in physics.

Science errors are not possible where the five hundred years of evolved scientific knowledge is applied to the subject. The errors are promoted through glib impositions and obfuscations which defy scientific knowledge.

  Energy Misdefined  

The errors began with the misdefinition of kinetic energy in Joule's measurement of 1845. There hasn't been an iota of correct physics produced since then.

Joule stirred water in a wooden bucket for an hour or two (not stated) and supposedly measured the temperature increase. He didn't have the slightest ability to conduct such an experiment, as the slight amount of heat produced would have disappeared into the environment as fast as it was produced. Then there were no correct theoretical concepts for his purpose.


So-called renewables as solar and wind power put more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than fossil fuel-based energy sources. That's because ungodly amounts of metals are required to produce and transmit the electricity over long distances, while 70-90% of the energy in electricity is lost to heat before it is used for a purpose; and another 60-75% is usually lost in being applied to a purpose.

Physics Summary

Biology Summary

These are the major examples of physics errors described here:

  1. Kinetic energy was incorrectly defined with Joule's measurement in 1845. Joule's Constant

  2. Relativity has no relationship to objective reality. It is used as a control tactic only. Relativity Fraud

  3. Plank's constant was a misinterpretation of electron motion. Quantum Mechanics

  4. There is no significant energy in hydrogen fusion, because Einstein erred in paralleling the erroneous equation for kinetic energy (KE=½mv²). Nuclear Fusion

  5. The science for greenhouse gases was contrived through fake math. Radiative Transfer Equations

  6. The Stefan-Boltzmann constant shows 40 times too much radiation at normal temperatures. Stefan-Boltzmann

  7. The mechanism for ATP synthesis was scrambled for no reason but promoting corruption. ATP Synthesis

  8. Bureaucrats claim electric motors get 96% efficiency, which is beyond stupidity. Fake Efficiency

  9. About 70-90% of the energy in electricity is lost before being applied to a purpose and another 60-75% is usually lost being applied to a purpose. Electricity Problem

  10. There is not enough metal on planet Earth to convert 10% of society's energy to renewable form and power electric vehicles. Renewable Energy

  11. No one can get past 15% renewables as solar and wind due to fluctuations which are too rapid and long-term to control. Wall At 15%

  12. Electric vehicles get 5 to 10 miles per gallon equivalent, not 100 to 150. Electric Vehicles

  13. Gravity wave measurements were faked—claiming to measure motion at 100 million times smaller than the vibration of atoms. Gravity Wave Measurements

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is not science. It is designed by politicians for political purposes with the result being dictated by politicians.

The few scientists involved do no more than contrive scientific legitimacy where there is none. Any real scientists who get involved either quit in disgust or are kicked out for criticizing the process.
How Scientists Are Fired And Intimidated


Today's temperature is  5.77λR2/dθ3T4,
becoming  λR/755·T/γ3θ  by tomorrow.


Gary Novak
Evolution Physiologist
Liberal Progressive


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NOV 79

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CO2 Graph
CO2 Facts

Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
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Radiative Transfer
Joule's Constant
Gravity Waves
Hydrogen Fusion
Evolution Biology
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Firing Scientists

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