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What Authority Is


September 25, 2023

There's legitimate authority and false authority. Corrupters are attached to false authority; and they despise legitimate authority.

Legitimate authority is established by government creating proper laws. False authority is created through fraud.

When laws are created through open and accountable methods, which generally means democracy, they evolve in a constructive direction. That's because the open and accountable interaction of realities causes truth to evolve. Truth is the only force corrupters cannot defeat.

Since truth defeats corrupters, they try to replace legitimate authority with fraud authority. Fraud authority is based upon their whim in saying so. They make themselves look like authority figures by trying to impress people.

Fake science and technology are designed to impress people. Renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving ran aground long ago, while frauds keep glamorizing them as the wave of the future. No amount of devastation stands in the way of their fake glamorizing, since it is never anything but fraud anyway.

Yet corrupters believe in false authority and assume it represents truth, knowledge and justice while assuming legitimate authority is a scam being forced onto people. That's because legitimate authority is designed to prevent corruption from creating problems, while false authority is designed to monger power.

What we see in Trump and followers is the attempt to project proper government authority as illegitimate and Trump's criminal claims as representing the proper representation of truth, knowledge and justice.

Reagan said government is the problem. He meant the laws of government, which Reaganites proceeded to exterminate from government through so-called deregulation.

Throwing out the banking laws allowed "derivatives" to be created, which are a form of play money. Years ago, it was said that two or three quadrillion dollars worth of derivatives were generated. There has never been that much actual money in existence; so of course, it is play money; and bankers were forced to keep derivatives on a separate set of books for that reason. A lot of real money was lost in mixing it with derivatives.

Getting back to science and technology, glamorization of fakery is supposed to make incompetent corrupters look like wizards. Their wizardry is supposed to represent superior knowledge and capabilities as the only true and correct representation of what authority should be.

Fake authorities can't add and subtract, even in physics. Physicists design equations and math to be as absurd as possible to eliminate criticism as a method of escaping accountability.

As an easy-to-understand example, when physicists analyzed the temperature increase in the oceans due to carbon dioxide in the air, they went about it in the usual way applying nonsense math to the subject. Nowhere in that math was there heat capacity. Heat capacity is the amount of heat that mass holds. It is different for each type of substance. That means any analysis of heat without heat capacity is not an analysis but fraud.

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Evolution Biology



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