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Why A War Against The Lower Classes


June 27, 2023

Conservatives don't kid anyone about their war against the lower classes. They want to rob the needy blind and destroy them in every way possible. So the important question is why.

There are many ways to state abstract relationships in that area. But it is very difficult to make the abstractions meaningful. For example, it is easy to say corrupters are jealous of the persons below them in assumed status. Corrupters are jealous; but who cares. Jealousy is too abstract of a concept to get concerned about.

So here is another method of viewing the nature of the problems. Corruption is always an attempt to acquire power. So corrupters attempt to attach to sources of power. That means attaching to persons above themselves and disconnecting from the persons below themselves by their criteria of power.

Corrupters assume they are what they associate with. They don't have intrinsic value; so they try to gain worth from their environment. Trump surrounds himself with gold paint assuming it makes him worth gold.

Of course, corruption is relative; so there are different degrees of what corrupters do; but the worst of them create examples which show how the process works.

Therefore, corrupters are trying to attach to persons above themselves and disconnect from the persons below themselves. That's not an easy thing to do. Not the least reason is because corrupters don't have a very good concept of what above themselves and below themselves means.

status levels

That is where the determination and hate enters in. Corrupters try to get some persons under their feet through hook or crook and fail to do so. They use broad generalizations to determine who should be below themselves applying all of the prejudices of classism to minorities, immigrants, colored persons, impoverished persons and so forth. Trump had to separate himself from persons with disabilities including veterans such as Senator McCain who had injuries from the torture chambers in Viet Nam. Trump ridiculed such persons as being inferior.

The war against the lower classes becomes a war due to the impossibility of corrupters getting some persons below their own feet who they assume are inferior. The haters doing that are the ones who are inferior. So it is a losing battle; and losing battles drive corrupters to win. Winning at a losing battle shows up as the obnoxious racism of corrupters and their determination to destroy the lower classes no matter what it looks like.

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