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Why Not Destroy Rationality?

January 15, 2024

Producing rationality takes a lot of work, because the purpose of rationality is to align human results upon the laws of the universe which are very complex and demanding.

Rationality is making relationships between realities—the same as reason. The relationships between realities can only be consistent when aligned upon the objective realities of the universe which define life and solutions to problems.

When corrupters find that they are losers in producing rationality, they decide to use a short-cut method of being winners by dominating to prevail against other persons. Replacing rationality with domination is an attack upon ordered existence.

Conservatives assume they don't need government, only misfits need government; so they need to destroy government to improve the social order.

Reagan said, government is the problem. So the purpose of Reaganites was to dismantle government by throwing out laws as so-called deregulation and burning tax dollars on corporations, so the money couldn't be used for social programs.

Government programs produce science, technology and better products. Corrupters are too stupid to know that. They want to run the world on the basis of force and violence, as if they could steal all the flint they need from someone else.

In other words, conservaives assume force and violence is the only way to accomplish anything and rationality is for fools. Reagan sais, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. To be a winner without rationaliaty requires force and violence. Where does it end? Where terorism ends.

Corrupters are against everything and for nothing. That's because everything is dependent upon rationality; and rataionality exposes corrupters for what they are.

The conservative cause is total nonsense, as conservatives speak in opposites. When they say balancing the budget, they have corporations burn tax dollars so the money can't be used for social programs.

In other words, corrupters assume everything comes out of nowhere. They missed the fact that nothing exists in the human society without rationality.

The reason why corrupters don't know that is because they don't acquire knowledge. Without knowledge, they only know what they bump into.

Superficialities can take any form; so they are used as mindless slogans by corrupters. Lowering taxes and stopping crime are the slogans conservatives use to get elected. Waste, fraud and abuse don't lower taxes. Destroying the lower classes and handing out guns don't stop crime.

Demagoguery puts Trump in power by reducing complexities to the bliss of ignorance. To corrupters, bliss means power, complexities mean foolishness.

Can technology be produced without engineering? Can engineering be produced without knowledge? Logic is despised as woke by corrupters. Do they want to revert to the stone ages? To some extend, they do. They want a simpler existence. But they also want to rule the world with military might. An awful lot of engineering goes into military might.

Contradictions are inseparable from corruption, becuase there is no way to produce consistent logic with corruption. So corrupters learn to rationalize their conflicts with reality.

What that shows is that corruption isn't a process of picking from alternatives. Logical consistencies are not an alternative for them, because they align their superficial realities upon motives instead of the objective realities of the universe which define life.

Aligning superficial realities upon motives is the only alternative corrupters know of. They assume the rationality of opponents is not a valid alternative, because they know nothing of the complexities and assume no one else does either.

So corrupters assume rationality is some imagined absurdities designed to prevail against more realistic persons. Promoting motives seems to be realistic, when no alternatives can be imagined.

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