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Why Not Corruption

April 28, 2023

When criticizing corruption, a lot of corrupters know the criticism is true but assume the corruption is a good thing rather than a bad thing. Corrupters believe there is a value to corruption.

One of the supposed values of corruption is a take-off from the war-fighting mentality. The purpose is to do the maximum amount of harm in weaponizing realities. The "big lie" of the election being stolen from Trump is a weaponized reality, though some persons might believe it.

Fake science and technology might not look like weaponized realities, but they are. The fakery combats the rationality that exposes corrupters as the corrupters that they are. In defeating rationality, lies seem to be truths to corrupters.

Corrupters don't have the same concept of what truth and knowledge are that rational persons do. There are surrounding realities that define truth and knowledge. But corrupters slide into a medium of forces in conflict with realities. They disconnect from the objective reality that expose them as corrupters. With disconnected reality, truth and knowledge become exploited realities, not objectively defined realities.

Basically, power is assumed to be truth, knowledge and virtue to corrupters. Power is needed for corrupters to become winners. Reagan said, if you have to explain, you are already a loser. It shows that he assumed everyone is trying to be a winner and opposing rationality is part of the process. Explaining is a major part of rationality.

Rationality is aligning upon the objective realities which originate with the universe in defining life and the solutions to problems. The persons must not influence the result, because incorrect alignment upon the unified realities of the universe will result from subjective influences. Of course, the persons are visible in producing truth through rationality, but being visible is not the same thing as allowing subjective influences over objective realities.

Fakery becomes a good thing rather than a bad thing in the muddle of corruption. First the fakery destroys the rationality that corrupters cannot tolerate. Then a replacement reality is supposedly a fix for related problems.

The process itself is the concern of corrupters regardless of the consequences, because the process moves corrupters out of the realm of losers and into the realm of winners through the power of replacing realities with forces.

That process needs to be focussed on and understood to deal with corruption. There is a tendency to ignore the processes of corruption and assume the realities are the concern. Then corrections are attempted through reality such as "fact checking." What is missed is that any version of corrupt realities will do in the process of replacing objective realities with fake realities to enhance the power of corrupters, because it is the process, not the realities that give corrupters power.

One of the clearest examples is fake renewable energy. The negatives are overwhelming already, while corrupters pretend they are on the verge of solving everyone problems with the frauds. Corrupters will pretend to be succeeding or having succeeded even after failing, because the objective realities are irrelevant to them. They make themselves winners by imposing the fakery onto society as a process, not a result. After failing, they pretend that they succeeded while rewriting history, as they move on to their next fraud.

The question here is, why not? If it makes corrupters winners, it is the answer to everything in the view of corrupters. That means one of the questions is why not have corrupters be winners? One reason is because the purpose is to put corrupters in control of our lives, while all they can do is destroy.

But corrupters don't know they are destroyers. They assume they are the answer to everything. What they miss is that they measure success in terms of their personal power rather than objective results. They can only do that as long as someone else created a social order for them to exploit. Without exploitation, the process of corrupters acquiring power doesn't exist. It's totally depended upon exploitation defined as destruction of something to gain from it.

There isn't enough metal on planet Earth to convert ten percent of society's energy into so-called renewable forms for use in electric vehicles. The contradictions can't be missed. The metals are scarce already, not to mention destruction of environments and accumulation of junk in the way. But the fakery is being promoted for exploitation of the process in contempt for the results.

Nazism shows how the process works in simple and stark terms. The Nazis rapidly ran out of resources; so they tried to steal them from Russia. They were in such dire need that they had to invade in winter weather and froze along the way. They didn't have enough energy or resources to wait for the weather to improve.

Most telling is the absence of credibility in the method of handling realities that corrupters use in their process of replacing constructivity with destructivity. Realities are their doom; so they turn realities into garbage, such as a fake Arian race produced by cleaning up the gene pool for the Nazis.

"On par with coal," the frauds say, while the price of electricity increases by a factor of ten when renewables max out at 15% of electricity, as occurred in Germany and England. So-called renewables can never be more than 15% of electricity, because no back-ups can respond well enough to remove fluctuations; and electrical systems will not tolerate more than 15% variations.

"Carbon-free energy," they say, while it takes more than a hundred truckloads of concrete under windmills on land and thirty four feet diameter of smelted steel under windmills in the oceans. Huge amounts of heat are needed to make cement by driving out carbonates. Coal as coke is needed to smelt steel. That's not carbon free.

There are a lot of jobs involved in producing so-called renewable energy; and a lot of industry is required, which are supposedly good things. But those requirements make electricity expensive, which means not "on par with coal." There are very few jobs and very little industry in producing electricity with coal, which rational persons assume is a good thing. It's called "productivity." Productivity means getting more done with less labor.

In physics fraud is designed to put corrupters in control. Fake gravity wave measurements are said to measure motion at 100 million times smaller than the vibration of atoms. That's like measuring one inch with a ruler than vibrates between Chicago and Los Angeles. Why not something more credible? Because breaking down rationality is needed to put corrupters in control.

The frauds claim they put a helicopter on Mars, while there is only one percent as much atmosphere on Mars as on Earth which does not allow a helicopter to function. Why fake Mars projects? To glamorize incompetent power mongers as being the answer to everything.

Corruption Is An Ethic

The March To Fascism

Renewable Energy

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
Draining The Economy Dry
Degeneracy Of The Conservative Cause
Consensus As Rightness
Why Corruption
Why Nazism
The March To Fascism
Corruption Is An Ethic
What Corruption Is
How Power Mongering Works
Radiative Transfer Equations
Quotes By Incompetents
Firing Scientists
Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Gravity Waves
Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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