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Moral Philosophy  327

What Knowledge?


November 8, 2023

When incompetents become losers and monger power to make themselves winners, they substitute power for knowledge. They then assume that power is truth, knowledge and justice.

The magic of power comes out of a dark pit. Magic means no explanations go with power.

If someone assumes darkness requires something more than magic, such persons are enemies. Enemies are persons who place demands upon corrupters instead of oohing and aahing over the magic that superior persons produce.

Knowledge is an abstract human construct produced through a complex process of evaluation. Knowledge must build upon knowledge, which means endless improvements with abstract realities being aligned upon the objective realities of the universe which define life and solutions to problems.

What happens when that complex process is skipped over in the process of mongering power to get more out of life? Fraud must then be sold as a substitute for real results.

But power mongers don't know that. They don't know there is any other way of doing things than mongering power, because they have never done anything any other way than mongering power.

So who should be determining telling what reality is? Should it be the winners at mongering power or the complainers who say they are doing something wrong? Winners assume they must rule the human society, good, bad or indifferent.

That means opponents are just trouble makers. Of course there are endless problems with everything. Mentioning the problems is obstructing the progress—the progress of trial-and-error replacing abstract evaluation.

Corrupters have to cross their bridges after getting to them, because they have no ability to predict or evaluate. The bridges get extremely numerous in the modern, complex society. Which bridge should be crossed first, when there are thousands of bridges to cross? You wait and see what happens and then respond by taking the complaints seriously fixing each complaint as they occur while sweeping as much under the rug as possible.

Corrupters find that the best fix for too many bridges to cross is to create fantasy realities so far removed from anyone's familiarity that no one can determine whether there are any problems to be fixed. And abracadabra, you have gravity wave measurements, helicopters on Mars and space futurism which leave behind the unmeetable expenses of economic bankruptcy and depletion of resources and energy supplies.

Gravity Wave Measurement Fraud

Helicopter On Mars Fraud

Space Projects fraud

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
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Radiative Transfer Equations
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Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Helicopter On Mars Fraud
Gravity Waves
Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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