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Why Fraud


November 19, 2022

Incompetent corrupters who want to get more out of life than their incompetence produces resort to mongering power to get there. There is no right way to monger power, because the whole purpose is to dominate with incompetence.

What all corrupters are trying to do is reduce existence to a level that they can dominate. It takes fraud to do that.

Fraud is complex. Describing it is explaining what corruption is.

Corrupters need to replace reality with forces. They move out of the reality medium and into a force medium.

Force is that which conflicts with realities. False realities, such as lies, are in conflict with the objective realities of the universe, which can be called unified reality.

One of the things that means is that corrupters are not trying to change reality but eliminate reality from relevance. Obtuse reality is needed for that purpose.

But after achieving their purposes through fraud, corrupters need to pretend that they did nothing and are just as normal as can be. Fraud is that pretense. It is the attempt to portray the replacement of reality with forces as the usual, normal and constructive state of existence.

But the lower classes are forever trying to get problems solved; and nothing but rationality applied to objective reality will solve problems. And that is the basis for the hate for the lower classes, minorities, immigrants and all vulnerable persons including women, which means racism and misogyny.

Bigotry is the label for that state of existence. The definition of bigotry is the assumption that power is virtue and powerlessness is corruption. It is a hate for powerlessness due to the demands created for solving problems by persons who have problems.

Corrupters acquire a zero-sum mentality due to their incompetence and ignorance. That means they assume, if anyone wins, someone has to lose. So they spend their time making other persons lose, since they are too incompetent to make themselves winners through their own activities.

Corruption As Void

Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
Draining The Economy Dry
Consensus As Rightness
Why Corruption
Why Nazism
The March To Fascism
Corruption Is An Ethic
What Corruption Is
How Power Mongering Works



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