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The Underlying Mentality Of Corrupters

December 21, 2023

Corrupters seem to be against everything and for nothing. Yet they seem to be going somewhere. What do they think they are getting out of their destructiveness?

When Trump spouts degradations and crass Nazism, his sycophants laugh saying he is simply making fools of his enemies, yet he lives by his jokes. There has to be an underlying purpose.

The purpose of corrupters is to replace human rationality with its absence, because rationality exposes them as the corrupters that they are and leaves them out of the complex social processes that require rationality. Without rationality, they move upward.

There is not an analysis to what corrupters do, because they don't analyze; they simply follow the paths of least resistance. Trashing rationality is simplistic and it gets them somewhere.

The most extreme example is terrorism. Where do terrorists assume they are going? They don't have a clue; they are simply tearing down obstacles in their path.

The destructivity takes many forms, as corrupters exploit what they destroy. When incompetent power mongers are riding on top of the social structures, they use fake science and technology to tear down the rationality that exposes them as corrupters. At that level, they need substitutes for the complexities which they destroy; so they produce fake science and technology.

Renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving hit a wall of impossibilities long ago. Yet corrupters still fantasize a supposed answer to some contrived problem. It's not the same problem being solved in each case. Self-driving is supposed to reduce auto accidents, which has nothing to do with removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

The lords of decadence acquire their power through destructivity. There are many complex elements to that state of existence. It doesn't take analysis to create corrupt complexities from functional complexities. Any old perversion will do.

It's more than obvious that the fake solutions are as fluid as polluted water. When self-driving vehicles get too cluttered with sensors, some of the sensors are removed. There isn't enough space on a vehicle for the number of sensors that are needed; so the adaptation makes the result less credible. But who cares? Dismantling real technology is the purpose; not solving real problems.

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