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Moral Philosophy  305

The Significance Of Fantasy Existence


May 6, 2023

Corrupters replace objective realities with fantasy realities. So the primary significance of fantasy realities is that they put corrupters in control of our lives.

The reason why that happens is because corrupters tailor realities for their purposes. They need some form of reality to do anything. But corrupters cannot prevail when bound by the requirements of objective realities; so they substitute fantasy realities for objective realities. There is no wrong way to fantasize realities; and exploiting them is extremely simplistic, which reduces demands upon corrupters.

Objective reality originates outside a person's mind. Subjective reality originates within a person's mind. The material universe creates a large set of unified realities which define material life. Nothing humans do can change the laws of the universe and related realities.

That means lies and fantasies are disconnected from the universal realities. Life cannot exist disconnected from the realities which define the results. It would be like trying to drive an automobile in the ocean.

So fantasy realities are used to manipulate and dominate humans with no constructivity being possible in the result. The corrupters who do that are destroyers. Their purpose is to acquire power over other persons through the use of force without complex realities getting in the way.

Why do humans have schools and universities to acquire knowledge and produce science? Because human existence requires problems to be solved consistent with the universal realities. To not solve or to create human problems is to destroy life.

Yet the designers of fantasy realities pretend to be the answer to everything. Why do they get by with it? Because fantasizing and destroying is the easy way to do things. So promoting fantasy and destructivity is how demagoguery works. Promoting blissfulness looks like superiority to the unwary.

Then there is another concept that says humans need to fantasize reality for some undefinable benefit related to feeling good. That's no different than saying someone needs to steal from the stores to feel good. Rational persons don't need destructivity to feel good. They feel a lot better when aligning upon the universe through rationality than being imposed upon by destroyers.

So with that in mind, the major examples need to be considered. They are lied about socially, which allows the destroyers to prevail over rational existence.

It's impossible to say how many persons believe the fake realities. The persons who originate them know they are fake. Then know-nothings get involved. How much they know about the difference between the fakery and the truth is undefinable; but they promote the fakery for convenience—good, bad or indifferent—at the expense of rational and constructive existence.

In modern times, fantasy existence took form around physics frauds. That's because physics is so abstract that corrupters could easily take over the subject and overwhelm rational scientists.

One of the early fantasies of physics was the pretense of measuring and proving that there is no etheric medium in space for conducting radiation. The Michelson-Morley Experiment of 1889 supposedly used interferometry to measure the result. No result was produced, which was interpreted as no etheric medium existing. That's not how science works. A measurable result has to exist before it is science. The real reason why they got no result is that their experimenet would not produce a result.

Interferometry means two waves interfere with each other showing an offset between them as enhanced and diminished radiation. Everything about the concept is fraud. The frauds show pictures of light and dark rings as proof of interference of light waves. All those rings are is light and dark intensity patterns produced in various ways. One of the problems is that visible wavelengths are in the range of 300 to 800 nanometers, while the rings are in the range of inches apart. An inch is about 50 thousand times larger than the light waves. The scale is absurd, because the imperfections and contaminations will always overwhelm the process in far less than 50 thousand cycles. Then the claimed processes cannot create a difference of one fifty thousandths in wave offsets. Two holes inches apart are not a method of creating that result. Then there is no real method of combining two light waves for the purpose. Those factors are never evaluated, because contriving is the purpose.

The next step of physics fantasies was to base relativity on the Michelson-Morley experiment. Relativity is beyond absurd in contradictions and defiance of knowledge. But relativity only serves the purpose of forcing physicists to accept fraud as a replacement for real science.

Contriving greenhouse gases began even before the Mickelson-Morley Experiment, but it went nowhere in science until the degree of corruption eliminated all opposition during the 1970s. One molecule in 2,500 is not going to influence the atmosphere no mater what its temperature is or what it does. The fake science that says otherwise is fraud but not visible to the public. So know-nothings in journalism imposed the fraud onto the public and prevented any criticism of it.

Pretending that so-called renewable energy is carbon free couldn't be a more obvious lie. Technology is never carbon free, as huge amounts of energy are needed to smelt steel and heat cement to remove carbonates. More than a hundred truckloads of concrete are needed below windmills on land, and 34 feet diameter of steel is needed below windmills in the oceans. The metals are running out already, the environmental destructiveness is intolerable and prime locations are already gone.

Fake measurements of gravity waves supposedly measure motion at 100 million times smaller than the vibration of atoms. That's like measuring one inch with a ruler that vibrates between Chicago and Los Angeles.

Much earlier, space fakery became the fantasy that absorbed the public. Based on technological limitations, it can be said that no spacecraft has every landed on Mars. There is no method of navigating in space after leaving the Earth's orbit. Navigation requires reference points. There are no reference points in space or methods of evaluating points in space from space. The Earth, moon and sun are not reference points, because locations could be anyplace around them. Technology hasn't existed for evaluating complexities from space; and even yet, artificial intelligence has not been applied to that purpose.

Yet the recent claim is a helicopter on Mars, while Mars only has one percent as much atmosphere as the Earth, which means a helicopter is impossible on Mars. Helicopters are only marginally possible on Earth, which means very little reduction in atmosphere is possible for helicopters to function.

The result of the fantasies is visible in how they are promoted and exploited. Only corrupters get involved in the process, which includes know-nothing journalists who do not allow criticism. There is never any excuse for preventing criticism, as the process is infallible in allowing truth to increase.

What has become extremely visible at this point is that corrupters are using the fantasies to gain power over rationality in society. They use that power to dominate other persons. Destroying products, processes and social structures is part of the process. A breakdown of the social order is occurring, as problems are being created without solutions. Most persons can no longer afford proper housing, health care, education and, often, automobiles, while the resulting inflation is supposedly combatted by shoving the lower classes out of the economy.

Relativity Fraud

Greenhouse Gas Fraud

Gravity Wave Measurements

How Power Mongering Works

The March To Fascism

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
Draining The Economy Dry
Degeneracy Of The Conservative Cause
Consensus As Rightness
Why Corruption
Why Nazism
The March To Fascism
Corruption Is An Ethic
What Corruption Is
How Power Mongering Works
Radiative Transfer Equations
Greenhouse Gases
Firing Scientists
Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Gravity Waves
Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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