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Replacing Laws With Values

August 29, 2023

The breakdown of politics and polarization in society is due to conservatives' attempt to replace law with values. Conservatives assume that the concept of law in government is not valid and should be replaced by values; and they are trying to strip law from government for that purpose.

It's why conservatives refer to the bureaucracies as "deep state." Conservatives do not want bureaucrats applying laws to social problems. They have been making plans for firing almost all bureaucrats using a criminal concept called "schedule-F." That means reclassifying bureaucrats into menial tasks which allows them to be fired.

So the important question is why. There is something extremely basic and intractable about the conservative drive to replace law with values. Basically, conservatives assume laws were produced by liberals to take advantage of them. The assumption is that law is nothing more than a weapon against opponents and such a process should never have existed.

The secondary question then is, what do conservatives assume should replace laws. They assume arbitrary whim should flow out of dominating power mongers with no opposition. You say preposterous? The conservative agenda has drawn in corrupters who view the absurdities as their ticket to success; and they are beyond preposterous in attempting to take over the social order and run everything as a criminal enterprise.

When Reagan said government is the problem, he meant government as laws, not government as exploitable power. So the Reaganites had the purpose of "getting rid of eighty years of liberalism gone awry" by throwing out laws through so-called deregulation. Throwing out the banking laws (during the 1990s), which were designed to protect against the Robber Barons, allowed power mongers to drain the economy dry.

Corruption is rationalistic. That means corrupters try to rationalize their corruption as virtue and convince no one but themselves. So the end result is not credible but gets imposed onto everyone.

The manner in which corrupters rationalize is to pretend that whatever flows out of themselves defines the rightness of existence. They do not tolerate opposition, because they are extremely vulnerable to opponents bowling them over with truth.

Truth is the only force corrupters cannot defeat; and truth is extremely easy to produce, because it has the universe behind it. Truth is the communicated representation of unified reality. Unified reality is objective reality aligned upon the laws of the universe.

Being extremely vulnerable to truth, corrupters are extremely sensitive to opposition. They must exterminate every last opponent to prevent truth from overwhelming them. So corrupters are trying to remove all opponents to their criminality.

And of course, laws are designed to prevent that from happening. So conservatives assume laws were written by opponents to take advantage of them.

That's why conservatives are trying to impeach Biden for doing what presidents are supposed to do and scandalize Hunter Biden for doing what business people do. Since Trump was impeached twice for breaking campaign laws by trying to use the government to win a political campaign, conservatives want to impeach Biden for being a political opponent, as if laws didn't exist. The laws couldn't be clearer. Trump scoffed at the campaign laws, as Congress meticulously clarified.

Why then do conservatives assume Biden should be just as impeachable as Trump? Because of values with no concern for laws. If Trump is impeached for criminal attempts to get elected, conservatives only see values, not laws, in that process. If Biden is doing what government officials are supposed to do, conservatives only see opposing values with no concept of the laws involved.

It shows that conservatives want government to promote their values with no laws getting in the way. They want government to be used to destroy their opponents; and no laws are going to define such a purpose.

Values do not define a consistent purpose, because they are not realities. So there is no way to create ordered existence aligned upon values without realities. Realities and values can be combined, but not when eliminating the realities.

Of course, when conservatives are in power, the story is totally different. They want endless laws to prevent their enemies from living, primarily focussed on the lower classes. Those type of demands are not what laws are supposed to be. They are primarily harassment tactics—like making food stamp recipients look for work when they are already working.

The harassment laws of conservatives are not real laws, because the democratic process is subverted to impose them. Endless laws are broken by conservatives in imposing minority rule; but correcting the criminality is impossible due to the overwhelming assault upon the process.

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