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Moral Philosophy



November 1, 2022

There's normalcy and contempt for normalcy. Normalcy is the result the universe requires for sustaining life by solving problems. Incompetent corrupters cannot live with normalcy, because it exposes them as the incompetent corrupters that they are.

Incompetent corrupters are intolerant of demands placed upon them through normalcy. So they want to change what normalcy is. They said so. When Reagan acquired power in 1981, conservatives came out of the woodwork and said they were creating a new purpose in existence which they called "a new normal." They weren't talking about politics, because there isn't a normal or anything new in politics. They were talking about the purpose in existence, as they demonstrated.

Normalcy is the result that the universe creates in defining life and the solution to problems. No one competes with the universe at anything. Yet the Reaganites thought they were doing just that—that is, mindlessly, not having a clue what they were doing. They only knew that normalcy was unacceptable to them and assumed they could change the result by mongering power and imposing their purposes onto everyone.

So the detailed specifics need to be evaluated in comparing normalcy to the opposite that corrupters are trying to replace normalcy with. Normalcy can easily be described as rationality applied to the objective realities created by the universe in defining life and the solutions to problems. Rationality is relating to (acquiring and explaining) the objective realities that are relevant.

The opposition to normalcy is like a rotten tomato that defies description. So we need to plod through the characteristics of the rotten tomato to better understand what the forces against normalcy consist of.

Opposition to ordered existence is the best description of the problem. In more detail, corrupters are opposed to any forces acting against themselves particularly laws which are validly produced through government. Whimsical impositions upon everyone but themselves is their substitute for valid laws and ordered existence.

That state is called chaos and anarchy, since elements of it have existed as long as corruption has existed. Yet corrupters assume they are producing a higher state of existence. They have no understanding of abstract realities; so they would never associate such negative terms with their purpose. Why then do they assume their purpose to be a higher state of existence?

The answer is simply that it works for them when viewed only in the most immediate terms of them gaining something from their strife to monger power. It works in increasing their power. What they miss is that it destroys everyone and everything including themselves, when going beyond the most immediate terms.

When corrupters see the negatives of their power mongering corruptions, they assume something unfair is going on. They assume there doesn't need to be any negatives and if they could get rid of opponents, there would be no negatives to their corruptness.

To get rid of the negatives to corruption, everything related to rationality must be eradicated from existence. Rationality exposes corrupters for the incompetent corrupters that they are; so of course it must be the worst of evils to corrupters. To exist without rationality means everything they do must come out of a dark pit with no explanations. Explanations are for fools, in their view. Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser.

Rationality also generates truth, which is the only force corrupters cannot defeat. Truth is linkage to the objective realities of the universe. The source of truth as the universe is so large and complex that nothing resembling it can be created as an alternative. The definition of truth is, the communicated representation of unified reality. The only significant unified reality that can exist consists of the objective realities of the universe.

Objective reality is that which originates outside a person's mind. Subjective reality originates inside a person's mind. Subjective reality is inappropriate in general social discourse, because it cannot be properly evaluated or integrated into rest of objective reality. Yet corrupters have nothing for reality but subjective reality, because they are disconnected from objective reality.

Corrupters are focussed upon themselves and the problems that they have due to their inadequacies. If they could accept their limitations, they could function constructively; but they don't want to be so limited; they want to be winners. To be winners with inadequacies requires power to prevail over other persons. To acquire power requires destructivity, because the whole purpose of power is to overwhelm.

The social structures are supposed to be problem-solving tools, not power mongering forces. But corrupters take over social structures and turn them into power structures to make themselves winners through incompetence and corruption.

What corrupters do with power is absolutize their domination of society. Nothing outside their control can be allowed to exist. Homogenization must replace diversity, because complexities defeat their purpose. Vulnerable persons must be destroyed to homogenize values and self-gratify the need to prevail.

Vulnerable persons and the lowly have justice on their side, which corrupters can't stand; but the harder corrupters try to get justice on their side through corruption, the more they fail. Justice can be defined as the result that the universe produces. Creating the power of truth is imposing justice upon corrupters.

Vulnerable persons must be ripped off before they can be victimized. Otherwise, resources give them options which make them harder to victimize. So the result is corrupters channeling resources upward as their primary requirement of prevailing over society.

As corrupters acquired more and more power over recent decades, they drained the economy dry. That means they channeled the money supply into nonfunctional harbors which they control. money supplyThe superficial appearance is that wages almost kept up with inflation; but what gets missed in that analysis is that huge expenses were ballooned in healthcare, housing and education, while about half of society was pushed into minimum wage jobs.

It was inexcusable for those expenses to increases that way. The result was both conspired and uncontrolled, as corrupters are totally incompetent at managing complexities. They measure their godliness in terms of superficial trivia, while they bankrupt society with overwhelming destructiveness.

Corrupters are focussed on themselves and their values, because complexities don't enter their awareness. Complexities are what conservatives see in liberals and define their conflict. Complexities overwhelm corrupters and expose them as incompetents. Their opposition to complexities leaves them with chaos, anarchy, bankruptcy and ruin. So they assume opponents are creating the problems by producing complexities. Corrupters don't see the source of complexities in the universe; so they assume opponents needlessly create complexities due to mindlessness—the mindlessness of corrupters projected onto opponents.

Corrupters ruled during the Dark Ages. They want to get back to that.

The most basic error of corrupters is the assumption that they can dictate everything on the basis of whim and get the same result their opponents get without the hassle and confusion of complexities. They don't know that they strip science, engineering, technology and modern society from existence at their standard.


It's strange that the education debt is being discussed as if students were supposed to pay for their education. Student loans are not paying for education; they are supporting the banking industry. That's because students are paying 8% compounded annually with attempts to increase it to 12% compounded annually.

Home borrowers cannot pay more than 3-4% compounded interest. No one who has to borrow can pay 8% compounded annually. The amount owed keeps increasing for the rest of their lives.

That's not paying for education; it's supporting the banking industry. It's called loan sharking.

There is now trillions of dollars being spent attempting to re-industrialize the U.S. economy. It's doomed to failure due to a shortage of workers particularly specialists. Maybe the lower classes don't owe their lives to the re-industrialization of power mongers who depend upon government support for their rip offs.

Conservatives had corporations burn $3 trillion dollars through two tax give-aways during the Trump years; so they can now harp on budget deficits in their war against the lower classes. That's almost twice the total debt of student loans.


Corruption As Void

Disconnect Is Not Valid Methodology

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Corruption As Void
Draining The Economy Dry
Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Disconnect Is Not Valid Methodology
Consensus As Rightness
The March To Fascism
Why Corruption
Why Nazism
Corruption Is An Ethic
What Corruption Is
How Power Mongering Works



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