Moral Philosophy

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Moral Philosophy  286



October 11, 2022

Corrupters need invisibility, so no one notices they are incapable of functioning at expected standards.

Invisibility requires quick fixes for the incompetence of corrupters. Lying is the quick fix. Lies are not simply false realities; they are substitutes for vast amounts of related realities. In fact, the related realities being defied include all of the universe, because all elements of truth are inter-related; and therefore lies are in conflict with all of that reality.

The simplifying process of lying is supposed to rapidly move on to some other subject without anyone noticing the discrepancies. In that manner, the needed realities are sacrificed to the personal problems of corrupters. Over time, a lot of reality gets trashed for the sake of allowing corrupters to impose themselves onto society.

While the realities disappear into nonsense, the corrupters become obnoxious in standing in the way of constructive purposes. Constructivity requires a lot of complex evaluation. So the rationality process runs into conflict with the fakery of corrupters. Then corrupters attempt to maintain their positions of influence by creating barriers to the effects of rationality.

The primary method of blocking rationality is to produce the maximum amount of absurdity. Then corrupters are not so invisible. But at that point, a social force is generated by a large group of like-minded persons collaborating to protect corruptions from the counter-forces of truth that rationality produces.

When corruption expands to the group level, the individual corrupters pretend they are off the hook for responsibility. They are then just like all the other collaborators; and if a large number of them got something wrong, there must have been a good reason beyond the incompetence of the persons.

On a large social scale, the contrivances of incompetent corrupters are viewed as a social necessity which supersedes the truth of the subject. The related realities are supposedly irrelevant, because the social forces must be maintain for some contrived purpose.

Maintaining contrivances which are disconnected from reality requires claims to come out of a dark hole with no relationship to relevant realities which would produce truth through rationality. Quips replace the evaluation process of rationality. What starts with lying ends with nonsensical quips, as contrivances increase as social forces. Renewable energy being "on par with coal" is an example.

In other words, corrupters need to strip the reality element from the contrivances that they promote, because truth is the only force corrupters cannot defy. Then they expect to get results in conflict with objective reality.

What convinces corrupters that they can get results in conflict with objective reality is that they acquire power through fraud. They substitute their personal power for real results.

Power mongers have been taking over the social structures and using them for the personal gain of corrupters. In doing that, reality is trashed to insulate corruption from truth.

As fascism takes over society, corrupters expect everyone to live by trash reality, because objective reality exposes the frauds for what they are.

Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power

Consensus As Rightness

The March To Fascism

Why Corruption

Why Nazism

Electricity Problem

Radiative Transfer Equations

Other Factors Heat The Planet

Firing Scientists

Renewable Energy

Electric Vehicles



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