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Moral Philosophy  281

Anti-Rationality As Destructiveness


September 29, 2022

Corrupters promote anti-rationality. The definition of corruption is simply destructivity. Anti-rationality is promoting destructivity as an ethic. Corrupters have the purpose of replacing the rationality that human life depends upon with destructivity as an ethic.

There is no analysis to corruption, as corrupters do no evaluating. Corruption simply flows out of corrupters in their quest to acquire the power needed to prevail over other persons.

Rationality creates the opposing force to corruption, because ordered existence requires problem-solving procedures, which in turn require rationality.

Rationality is making relationships between realities. Order is the proper relationships between realities required by the complexities of human life. Life could not be ordered or complex without proper relationships between the realities.

Corrupters miss the fact that the complexities of ordered existence require knowledge of the complexities to sustain ordered existence. They assume ordered social structures including government and laws are a product of fools, which shapes their values. What they miss is that they cannot sustain their exploits without ordered existence. In other words, the primary error of corrupters is the assumption that everything falls into place when rationality is replaced by motives promoted through whim.

In pursuing their destructiveness, corrupters convince themselves that life would work better with no definable relationships between realities. They get that way by attacking rationality so perpetually that doing so becomes an ethic. Since destroying rationality is necessary for them to prevail over other persons, the subconscious assumption of anti-rationality being a superior standard develops absurdly in their minds.

In fact, all elements of destructivity (corruption) develop subconsciously as virtues simply through the practice of exploiting corruption to get the power that corrupters need for prevailing. Power becomes the test for all that is right in the values of corrupters, because destructivity is needed to acquire the type of social power corrupters need for prevailing.

The end result of corruption is the assumption that life would work better with no rationality. Supposedly, realities would fit together better through randomness and corrupt whims than evaluation of proper relationships. In other words, proper should just flow out from motives without being evaluated.

And that is what Nazism is—the most completely developed result of corruption that can be achieved in modern human society. Nazis assume that removing evaluation from existence would perfect everything by aligning upon motives and underlying values.

The most basic concept that corrupters miss in their assumption that corruption is the answer to everything is that each corrupter acquires conflicting motives with all other corrupters. There is no way to align everyone's motives and values upon realities in the same way without the objective realities which define life and the solution to problems.

For corrupters to assume the complexities of life would simply fall into place without awareness of relationships between realities is infantile stupidity. They make themselves stupid by fighting a war against rationality and assuming destructive methods of doing things is an improvement.

Corruption As Void

Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Corruption As Void

Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power

Consensus As Rightness

The March To Fascism

Why Corruption

Why Nazism

Corruption Is An Ethic

What Corruption Is

How Power Mongering Works



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