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Impositions Are The Basis Of Corruption


August 14, 2023

Corrupters impose rather than explain. Imposing destroys interactions with other persons; and less obviously, imposing destroys relationships between realities. Rationality is needed to determine relationships between realities.

That means realities are not determined when imposing. So where do realities come from when imposing? Anything will do for realities by imposing corrupters, so long as realities represent the purpose. In fact, corrupters constantly contradict themselves with no concerns, because aligning upon the purpose requires no particular realities.

The purpose of corrupters is to monger power as a method of prevailing. The starting point of corruption is the (subconscious) assumption that if a person could prevail against others, it would solve his problems. Prevailing requires power; so mongering power is the methodology for corrupters prevailing.

Corrupters must always use positive terminology for their corruptness, so they replace power mongering with winning. Being winners is their test of all that is right. Being destroyers is how they get there.

The most visible characteristic of corrupters is their overwhelming impositions. They will not allow anyone else to be different than themselves. Right now they are decimating libraries to prevent opposing values and realities from being visible to the public. They promote white racism to prevent anyone from being different than themselves. The Nazis claimed to be producing a nonexistent Arian race by destroying everyone different than themselves.

Imposing realities is how fake science and technology overwhelmed society. "On par with coal" replaces five hundred years of science and technology with the impositions of know-nothings. Looking out the window replaces the science of carbon dioxide.

Imposing realities makes know-nothing frauds superior to scientists and engineers. When real scientists tried to explain and criticize, they were shoved out of the process if not out of science.

Know-nothing corrupters making themselves superior to scientists is social ruin. Of course, the know-nothings have supposed scientists on their side. Even if they did, that doesn't make know-nothings superior to scientists. Persons who have not studied science are not qualified to speak for scientists no matter who is on their side.

To impose science is to replace the need to explain science. Imposing complexities without explanations is a guarantee of being wrong. Complex realities cannot be correct by accident or without a lot of complex effort to be correct, let alone when aligned upon the motives of corrupters whose purpose is to monger power to prevail against other persons.

Know-nothings making themselves out to be scientists and engineers replace the need for scientists and engineers to take responsibility for the fraudulent technology that is destroying energy and transportation systems. That's because power mongers need conspiracies to impose their frauds; and conspirators need to hide behind know-nothings who have no accountability.

Power mongers need the power of numbers to overwhelm society. Corrupters generating the power of numbers is conspiracy. In fact, all corruption requires conspiracy, because corrupters are in conflict with the universe and only the power of numbers gives them the psychological encouragement to defy the universe. For that reason, the Bible uses the terms sin and conspiracy as synonyms.

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Renewable Energy Fraud

Greenhouse Gas Fraud

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



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Radiative Transfer Equations
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Firing Scientists
Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
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Gravity Waves
Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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