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The Meaning Of Disconnect From Objective Reality


January 23, 2024

Persons with missing reality have no way of knowing what reality they are missing. Corrupters have so much missing reality that they assume they know everything—the bliss of ignorance.

An example is electric vehicles. There is no way to get enough energy and wiring into cities or along highways. A city would need hundreds of times as much wiring. Where are the wires going to go? What buildings are supposed to be moved out of the way for the wires? Do you think someone will just grab an extra drop cord? Nothing in the propaganda says there will be any problems.

Corrupters have a motive for knowing less. They disconnect from reality, because truth exposes them as corrupters. They try to substitute the need to know with the need to promote motives.

Disconnect from reality varies a lot. It's about the same as degree of corruption, because corrupt reality replacing objective reality is the essence of disconnect from objective reality.

Proper is to make sure all accepted reality is aligned upon objective reality. A developed habit or pattern of thought is required to align realities properly. If it is too haphazard, corruption is the result.

The way the process works improperly is that missing reality is filled in by aligning upon motives, when a strict standard is not adhered to in aligning upon objective reality. Aligning reality on anything other than objective reality results not only in false reality but directed reality for a purpose which gives it a force in conflict with objective reality.

The starting point of this subject is to understand what objective reality is and why it matters. Objective reality is that reality which originates outside one's own mind. Of course, all sorts of nonsense can originate outside one's own mind including someone else's errors. But the only objective reality of relevance is that which is aligned upon the laws of the universe which define life and solutions to problems, which creates a unified reality. So objective reality implicitly means unified reality.

But corrupters pick up garbage reality which has been aligned upon motives by like-minded persons. Where does the garbage reality originate? Power mongers search high and low for exploitable realities, which are not aligned upon the unified realities of the universe, because they need to disconnect from the truth and rationality that expose them as the corrupters that they are.

Corrupters assume they can monger power by contriving versions of reality which are not aligned upon the unified reality of the universe. They can only make that assumption when they do not know that the universe determines unified reality and will always prevail due to the overwhelming size and influence of unified reality.

Not knowing that is a large part of what corruption is. The ignorance starts with so much missing reality that a concept does not exist for the universe creating an overwhelming set of realities. In other words, if too much missing realities exists in a corrupters mind, the persons assume realities can take any form and need to be aligned upon motives.

In fact, corrupters assume that realities which are not aligned upon motives are misdirected and creating problems for everyone. Supposedly, reality should flow out from a person; and if it doesn't, it is misdirected.

That's what corrupters mean by misfits. Corrupters assume that persons who don't know realities must flow out from personal motives are misfits and must be removed from influencing the social order, either through homelessness or such means as "gassing the worthless eaters," as the Nazis did.

That includes all rational persons as assumed misfits. A large part of the war that is being fought, tooth and claw, in politics is an attempt to eradicate rationality from the social order assuming that not aligning upon motives including values is a product of erroneous assumptions which must be removed from the social order as the cause of corruption.

It shouldn't need to be said, but actually does, that not aligning upon the objective realities of the universe that define life and solutions to problems is destructive corruption. That includes alignment of realities upon motives and values, no matter how perfect, which is the ruination of man. Alignment upon motives and values removes realities from the unified realities that define life and solutions to problems.

So rational persons have a good reason for fighting back against the war against misfits. The motives and values are not relevant in determining what objective reality is. Corrupters cannot understand that point, because they have too much missing reality to know what objective reality is as alignment upon the laws of the universe.

Values and motives can be validly promoted without misaligning realities to do so. But corrupters cannot distinguish the difference between promoting their purposes and misaligning realities in the process.

Simple-minded persons mistake objectivity for cold-blooded destructivity. What they miss is that promoting life in a real way is part of the unified reality that originates with the laws of the universe. That means everyone has a right to live, not just the superior persons. The real cold-bloodedness is assuming that only a few persons are deserving of living due to having the right values and motives.

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