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The Mechanics Of Fascism

March 3, 2024

It takes proper methods to get constructive results. Corruption requires improper methods to prevent rationality from exposing corrupters for what they are.

That means corruption cannot exist without corrupt methods of producing it. So why allow corrupt methods to produce any result?

In fact, the reason why fascism developed was because corrupt methods were allowed to replace rationality.

Rationality is showing relationships between realities. When doing that, the only relationships which are consistent are those which are aligned upon the objective realities of the universe which define life and solutions to problems.

Therefore, corruption can only be promoted by defying rationality in not explaining claims. Corrupters make grandiose claims of their purposes and results with no explanations. Why allow them to get by with it?

Humans have a responsibility for the accuracy of their statements. They can't blame someone else for the errors that they promote. Yet corruption is promoted with no indication of where the claims came from, while persons who know what the truth is and try to explain it are shoved out of the process, if not their jobs, as occurred with scientists and engineers who tried to correct the fake science and technology that are overwhelming the social order.

Journalism has the primary responsibility for the correctness of the realities that society gets. In a democracy, politicians only have a secondary responsibility, as they must represent the social realities.

Know-nothings in journalism impose fake science and technology onto society and do not allow criticism of it. After establishing that standard as normalcy, they swamped the social order with Trumpism, as if it were another form of politics, while it is below the level of Hitlerian Nazism.

Trump is more like a Nazi in character than Hitler was. Hitler gave actual speeches attempting to convince someone of something. Trump does no more than ridicule his opponents, which includes everyone who does not worship him.

Corrupters strive for a void of standards and processes that leaves nothing but chaos in place of ordered existence. Imposing arbitrary whims onto everyone is their purpose.

Greens are convinced they are saving mankind from carbon dioxide, while they don't have a clue what carbon dioxide is or how technology works. It's not possible to get a constructive result at that standard. It's like trying to fix a television with a hammer. So why are they allowed to prevail? Why were they allowed to shove real scientists out of science for trying to explain the subject?

Corruption is as old as human existence; but it doesn't get socialized, until corrupters take over the social order.

The socialization of corruption was officially introduced as the prevailing methods of society with Reaganism. Reaganites said they were producing "a new normal." "Morning in America," Reagan called it, after getting elected a second time told him that his purposes were prevailing.

Reagan said, government is the problem—not the power of government which he was controlling but the laws of government which get in the way of incompetent corrupters prevailing over rational existence.

The Reagan methodology was to throw out critical laws as so-called deregulation. Reaganites said they were getting rid of eighty years of liberalism gone awry. Eighty years earlier, laws were being produced to prevent the "Robber Barons" from taking over the banking system.

Throwing out banking laws allowed resources to be channeled upward creating power for incompetent corrupters who took over the social structures and converted them into power structures for their personal gain at everyone else's expense.

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