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Moral Philosophy  324

Lack Of Knowledge


October 11, 2023

The information super highway no longer exists as a source of information. It was replaced by social media, which is oriented around entertainment. When the internet began in the 1990s, power mongers were in a panic to "get the crazies off the internet." Crazies were individuals with a new freedom to criticize. My web site would disappear for weeks at a time, as the real crazies searched in vain for methods of getting the crazies off the internet.

They succeeded in recent years in shutting down the internet as a source of knowledge. The primary mechanism is to not allow more than about 200 items to be searched and then fill those 200 spaces with garbage. It's the reason why businesses have to sell through Amazon—they no longer have visibility by searching.

Knowledge is a human synthesis. That makes it abstract. Abstract means not perceivable; and it means defined by relationships between realities. Evaluating relationships between realities requires knowing what the related realities are, which is knowledge.

It takes knowledge to acquire knowledge. Corrupters never start the process. One of the consequences is that the method of evaluation doesn't exist for persons who do not acquire knowledge. That means they don't look to find out.

Truth is the only force corrupters cannot defeat. They can defy truth attitudinally, but they lose trying. So to be winners (their purpose in life) they fight a war against truth and the rationality that produces truth. That means a war against the universe. The universe always wins. So corrupters reduce their existence to self-destroying psychopathology. Nazism is the end result in the modern, complex society. Fascism is the next step down.

Fascism is the socialization of corruption. Nazism is the elimination of all social structures. The developed countries are in a state of fascism pushing for Nazism. That means incompetent power mongers have taken over the social structures and turned them into power structures for their personal gain at everyone else's expense.

Fascism and Nazism need to be defined in moral terms, not the usual historical terms, because they are inseparable from increased corruption in a complex society. The original terms were examples of that result.

Fascists do not allow demands to be placed upon themselves. Oddly, they are obsessed with placing demands upon opponents, particularly low-class and vulnerable persons. Eliminating a government of laws is a major part of the process of corrupters removing demands upon themselves. Reagan said, government is the problem. So Reaganites used so-called deregulation as a method of stripping laws from government.

In place of knowledge corrupters use memory to replicate the realities which are needed for mongering power. They can get Ph.D. degrees by memorizing word salad with no basic knowledge of the meaning. Physics is so abstract that incompetent power mongers took over the field and allowed nothing but fraud.

Media is rapidly deteriorating, as fascists promote superficialities as a method of avoiding the dreaded rationality that condemns them as incompetent corrupters. Know-nothings impose their version of science onto society and allow no criticism of their claims. Fact checking is used to eliminate rationality from the process.

Instead of acquiring knowledge, corrupters look to a consensus generated by like-minded persons to determine what reality is. Consensus is a source of power through numbers. Corrupters assume power to be truth, knowledge and justice.

Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed being a winner is the purpose in life and rationality is for fools. Explaining claims is the most visible element of rationality.

Mongering power is given positive connotations by referring to it as winning. The purpose of mongering power is to prevail through domination. Corrupters assume, if they could prevail over other persons, it would solve their problems. To prevail is to dominate; to dominate requires power. Nothing can be accomplished being dominated by corrupters.

Constructivity requires alignment upon the objective realities which are consistent with the laws of the universe which define life and solutions to problems, which is rationality. Disconnecting from objective reality requires exploitation of results produced by rational persons.

Yet corrupters assume destroying rationality and the persons who produce rationality to be the answer to everything. It only works when there is something to exploit produced by rational persons. Yet corrupters assume their destructivity will go on forever.

Corrupters, being out of contract with objective reality, have no judgement. They don't know the boundaries around realities. So they assume every problem can be solved after destroying rational persons, such as using fake science and technology to conquer the universe, as if batteries could be forever improved to electrify transportation and going to Mars would be a push button process.

Physicists are constantly hyping planets around distant stars trying to convince dupes that they will be inhabiting the universe. Similarly, fakes pretend that computer algorithms can produce superior knowledge to humans. They describe the human mind in computer terms for that reason.

Computers require clocks and multi-function switches. Human minds do not have clocks or switches. Neurotransmitter junctions are often portrayed as switches; but they do not switch anything. What they do is tune the sensitivity of the nerve system up and down as needed.

Uninformed persons do not know that acceleration in space requires an equal and opposite force, which must be produced by an exhaust emitting mass. The mass runs out awful fast, which is not the least reason why no one is going to be going to Mars. Yet getting to Mars is now the official government policy.

The idiots should have produced the alternative systems for energy and transportation before destroying what previously existed. Know-nothings are madly dismantling energy and transportation systems, while there has not been significant progress in those areas in more than a decade. Running on lies is destroying planet Earth, not carbon dioxide.

Fakery Of Space Projects

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
Draining The Economy Dry
The March To Fascism
Radiative Transfer Equations
Quotes On Greenhouse Fraud
Other Factors Heat The Planet
Firing Scientists
Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Helicopter On Mars Fraud
Gravity Waves
Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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