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How Exploitation Works

March 2, 2023

Exploitation starts with the functional results that rationality produces and reduces the result to rubble. The first step is like magic. It produces the usual result with no input requirements. It's the equivalent of robbing a bank. Why work, when robbing banks solves all problems? What happens when the banks are destroyed? That's what exploitation is.

An example is electric vehicles. Plug in an electric vehicle; and the cost is one tenth that of a tank of gas. That was a few years ago, when electrical systems were designed for toasters. Now plug in the electric vehicle; and it costs more than a tank of gas. And the process hasn't quite gotten started yet.

The reason why electricity now costs more is because the cheap coal plants have been shut down and replaced with natural gas, while there is now a shortage of natural gas. Who could not have seen that happening years ago? How much natural gas is there going to be? Russia has quite a bit—no one knows how much—while their supply has been cut off.

The coal that is not being used in Wyoming is going to be covered with snow and unrecoverable, when the next ice age occurs. It was scheduled to have begun already, but give or take a century or two. It will start when there is more snow in northern areas than melts during the summers and reflects away sunlight. It could have started a century ago, when the Arctic Ocean opened up and was being explored for a "Northwest Passage" by Amundsen in 1903-1906. But the Arctic froze back up.

Exploitation reduces constructivity to rubble. Competitiveness disappears resulting in a balance of trade problem, where less is exported and more is imported. During the late Obama years, the balance of trade was almost equalized through much effort; and then Trump's "art of the deal" reversed the result, which now results in about ten times as much import value as export value.

money supplyExploitation drains economies dry much like the billionaires did in extracting the money supply and using it for gambling on the stock market and investing in counter-constructive nonsense. With the economy drained dry, workers cannot pay for rent, healthcare and education and their employers cannot increase their wages, because the money doesn't exist in the normal economy. Inflation results from the unmet needs.

Exploitation is how incompetent power mongers replace social structures with power structures for personal gain. Rationality is replaced with word salad which has no meaning. The "good of all" is replaced with domination. Government based on laws is replaced with totalitarian whims. Democracy is replaced with fascism. It's a temporary process, because it is based on crime instead of constructivity.

There is not the slightest possibility of one molecule in 2,500 influencing the atmosphere no matter what its temperature is or what it does; but know-nothings in journalism imposed the fraud onto society, because fraud is needed to monger power by incompetents.

There have been no relevant improvements in the fake technology of so-called renewable energy and electric vehicles for several years. Yet the fakes still pretend that they are going to replace normal energy and transportation systems with the fakery. There is already a shortage of metals; and all electric vehicles can be used for is entertainment by the 1%ers. The frauds acquire power by lying about the future, while turning the present into rubble.

The fraud of exploitation is promoted with futurism, where fake reality removes the negatives of criminality and promotes magical solutions coming out of a dark pit with no explanations. A war against rationality is how power is mongered claiming that results come out of nowhere.

Reagan said, if you have to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed everyone is trying to be a winner by fighting a war against rationality. Rationality is explaining claims, so relationships between realities can be determined in solving problems. Solving problems is portrayed as the ruination of man by frauds.

While frauds have someone else's results to exploit, they are supposedly the answer to everything—about like the Mafia is the answer to banking.

Draining The Economy Dry

Renewable Energy

The March To Fascism

Ice Age

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
Draining The Economy Dry
Degeneracy Of The Conservative Cause
Consensus As Rightness
Why Corruption
Why Nazism
The March To Fascism
Corruption Is An Ethic
What Corruption Is
How Power Mongering Works
Radiative Transfer Equations
Quotes By Incompetents
Firing Scientists
Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Gravity Waves
Peer Review



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