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How Reality Defeats Corruption


March 31, 2023

Corrupters operate in a force medium, because realities defeat them. That means developing realities is the methodology that needs to be used to defeat corruption. Fighting with corrupters does not defeat them. They never lose of fight, because there is no wrong way to destroy realities in the force medium.

Truth increases through interactions of realities, because when realities interact, consistent relationships are strengthened and inconsistent relationships are weakened. Truth is consistent relationships between realities, which means links to the unified realities that the universe creates in defining life and solutions to problems.

Truth is the only force corrupters cannot defeat, because truth is linked to the unified realities aligned upon the universe. No realities are comparable in size or significance to unified reality.

That means a wide variety of methods can be used to create the interactions of realities that defeat corruption. Circumstances and events generate a lot of realities. In fact, corrupters need greatly limited events or processes to wall off realities which would cause truth to increase. That condition is called a "silo" in recent journalism. It means no contact with surrounding realities.

Corrupters go to a lot of trouble to prevent criticism, because their corruptions are in conflict with surrounding realities. No criticism was allowed in the journalism that imposed fake science and technology onto society. When the issues were being argued, about twenty years ago, criticism was said to be "trolling." Trolling meant an evil monster was out to get them. Criticism is like an evil monster to corrupters, while rationality thrives on criticism.

Over-classification of everything bureaucrats do stems from those motives. First, corruption prevails in the darkness of absence of accountability. With corruption prevailing, realities are vulnerable to being contradicted through openness and accountability. Over-classification has the purpose of walling off (siloing) realities from surrounding realities. Certainly, a small amount of classifying is needed. In fact, one or more of the classification properties should require public visibility, so everyone knows how to handle the documents.

In science, the investigative process needs a degree of shelter from outside influences due to the complexities and tentativeness of processes. But afterwards, if the information is not openly available to the public, it isn't science. It won't be correct and won't integrate into the rest of unified reality. So, like everything else, recent science is being "siloed" and is unavailable to the public that pays for it.

Similarly, judicial investigations need to be sheltered from outside influences before court cases. So conservatives in Congress have been trying to interfere in judiciary investigations, which is another form of the criminality that is putting fascists in control of our lives.

Conservatives transforming into fascists have no respect for government and are trying to reduce the social order to chaotic anarchy which does not impose laws upon them.

As Trump continually states, he derives his purposes out of nothing but gut feelings. Absence of everything is needed to prevent realities from generating truth about his criminality.

When conservatives say investigations of Trump are political, they are saying laws are not relevant. Absence of laws creates the basis of totalitarian dictatorships. Along with no laws for themselves conservatives, fascists and totalitarians create endless manipulation of vulnerable persons with meaningless and unmeetable demands.

Lawlessness is an element of the attempts by corrupters to prevail against other persons through force and violence with no realities involved or demands upon themselves. Force overwhelming persons and realities is the methodology of corrupters.

Realities have to be visible to be corrected. That means the falsehoods being imposed need to be visible and available to criticism. So of course, corrupters do everything possible to shelter their corrupt realities, which includes the one-way communication of journalists who impose fake science and technology onto society. No criticism is allowed.

Instead of visibility, accountability and criticism, the new-fangled fraud is "fact checking." Some source which no one has heard of checks facts on fake science and technology, which is supposed to be the last word on the subject in place of openness, accountability and criticism.

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