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How Fake Science Prevailed Over Real Science


January 10, 2022

Democracy will not survive fascism. It never does. It took WW-II to stop fascism eighty years ago.

For the same reason, fraud prevailed over rationality in science, as incompetent corrupters shoved out real scientists and produced big lie after big lie in science to enhance their power.

A greenhouse effect in the atmosphere is infantile stupidity no different than Trump having the election stolen from him. A small molecule in the atmosphere cannot trap heat. It re-emits absorbed radiation in 83 femto seconds.

And there is almost no radiation available for carbon dioxide to absorb. CO2 will only absorb low frequency radiation which is emitted from cold surfaces. Almost no radiation is emitted from cold surfaces.

Will a cold brick on a kitchen table heat the kitchen by one degree? It's the same dynamic. Radiation from the cold surface of the Earth, 59°F average, emits no significant amount of radiation. Eight percent of that radiation gets absorbed by carbon dioxide upon traveling ten meters in the atmosphere. Doubling the carbon dioxide results in the distance being reduced to five meters. Shortening the distance is not increasing the amount of heat in the atmosphere.

No competent scientists ever thought otherwise; but fascists prevailed in science easier than in politics because of the obscurity of science. It takes openness and accountability for rationality to prevail anywhere.

Instead of openness and accountability, trash journalists ran with the frauds imposing nihilism upon the public by preventing real scientists from criticizing the claims.

The most recent big lie in science is the claim of a helicopter on Mars. With only one percent as much atmosphere as on Earth, there is no such thing as a helicopter on Mars. Frauds need fakery, because rationality places demands upon them and generates truth exposing them for the incompetent corrupters that they are.

Energy and transportation systems are being destroyed attempting to electrify transportation with so-called renewable energy. There isn't enough metal on planet Earth to do so. Engineers used to explain why; but trash journalists shoved them aside and promoted the frauds of the fascists in science.

The price of electricity increases by a factor of ten at 15% renewables as solar and wind. No one can get past 15% renewables as solar and wind due to fluctuations which are too rapid and long lasting. Germany reverted to building coal plants at 15% renewables of the solar and wind type. England tried to revert to nuclear after 15% renewables, but it was unrealistic; and now they do not have a solution to their energy problem. Trashheads say otherwise, but to believe them is to believe the QAnons of science in promoting fascism in science.

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