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Corruption Of Science  34

Incompetent Physicists

March 5, 2022

Incompetent physicists are totally convinced that carbon dioxide absorbing radiation has to be producing heat in the atmosphere. What they are missing is that the absorbed energy is instantly re-emitted at broader wavelengths that are invisible due to being mixed with the rest of the infrared radiation.

In other words, the radiation is absorbed in three very narrow bands and emitted with the usual infrared radiation that all molecules emit due to heat being radiated away as infrared radiation.

Nothing other than that could occur, because heat is always dissipated away as infrared radiation. Yet idiot physicists assume the energy is "trapped" when absorbed by carbon dioxide.

How could energy get trapped by carbon dioxide and never any place else? That question is never answered, because it is never asked by incompetents.

Incompetence isn't erroneous thought; it is absence of thought. Errors get corrected; absence doesn't get corrected.

You didn't know physicists could be that incompetent and ignorant? They haven't gotten a thing right in physics in the past 177 years, since they contrived Joule's measurement for defining kinetic energy and got it wrong. That's because physics is so abstract that physicist never meet the demands with modern complexities of science.

In fact, physicists shove out competent scientists, because they cannot tolerate rational persons exposing their corruptness. Physicists contrived relativity in total contempt for laws of the universe for that reason. Relativity is so absurd that it requires physicists to commit themselves to corruption or get shoved out. It's similar to street gangsters requiring crimes to be committed to show their worthiness to the group.

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