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How Conspiracy Replaces Ordered Existence

October 23, 2023

A lot of corruption was ignored or trivialized, until Trump acquired power and made corruption visible as fascism. Fascism is the socialization of corruption. It feeds on and promotes a breakdown of government, democracy, the economy and social structures.

Corruption depends upon conspiracy, because corruption is inherently weak being in conflict with reality. Conspiracy is a form of power. It adds persons to the task of handling the complexities of corruption, while increased numbers of persons create a show of force to overwhelm opponents.

Corrupters cannot totally succeed, because corruption puts persons in conflict with the universe. The response to failing is to increase effort in trying to succeed. Corrupters don't know they are defying the universe; so they have unrealistic expectations of prevailing.

To prevail with corruption requires scale to overwhelm opponents. In scaling up corruption, ordered existence is replaced with chaotic existence.

Of course conspiracy is not viewed as a negative thing by corrupters. They view conspiracy as a creative process like synthesizing a computer chip. As the process is optimized, everyone is expected to follow the requirements. Anyone who defies the process is supposedly a disgraceful luddite disrupting something necessary.

The self-righteousness of corrupters is a result of their assuming it takes corruption to get anything done. Since corrupters are failures at producing rationality, they assume rational persons are unrealistically trying to defy the necessity of corruption.

One of the consequences is that fraud transforms into a good thing rather than a bad thing, because the frauds are designed to promote conspiracy by removing interference resulting from rationality.

Corruption exists in a force medium which conflicts with the reality medium. Getting forces to work right is no easy task.

At the starting point, power is mongered by incompetents who want to get more out of life than their incompetence produces. They need fraud to do that. Fraud is a disconnect from and replacement for rationality. Rationality is complex and demanding, while fraud creates malleable realities designed to prevent rationality from getting in the way of motives.

Motives replace realities in making incompetents winners. Incompetence means realities are not accounted for properly. Instead of correcting realities, corrupters erase realities and promote motives with fluid, malleable, false realities.

Since incompetence is not a self-sustaining process, power mongering frauds take over the social structures and use them for personal gain at everyone else's expense, which is an exploitation process, not a constructive process. It means the purpose of social structures changes from solving social problems to personal gain by incompetent corrupters.

Taking over the social structures is a complex process, even with the demands being reduced to arbitrary whims of incompetents. Conspiracy is needed to do that. Conspiracy creates the power of numbers and a control process, which are needed to stomp out the demands of rationality and ordered existence. Maintaining chaos is needed to overwhelm rationality—a demanding challenge which requires conspiracy to keep realities in a disordered state.

There are a number of requirements for sustaining the chaos of conspiracies. Besides stomping rationality out of existence, promotion of values must replace alignment upon objective realities. Values determine motives and purposes. Corrupters must have suitable values for the purpose.

Also replacing rationality is word salad as meaningless replication of irrelevancies. Ph.D. degrees can be acquired by replacing knowledge and relevance with nonsensical word salad.

Producing the fakery required to replace normalcy with corruption is no small task, as fake science and technology have been showing. Know-nothings are used in journalism and organizations to impose fake science and technology onto society; and no criticism is allowed. Absence of qualifications is required for the know-nothings to create a wall of nihilism in place of rationality.

Physics is where conspiracies are most developed. Relativity is designed for the purpose, as it is contrivance with no relationship to laws of the universe. It is used to impose fraud onto physics and force physicists to be part of a fraud machine. Why? Because incompetent power mongers need fraud to overwhelm rationality.

In politics, conservatives create the same wall of nihilism by promoting values instead of solving problems through objective realities, as if the purpose of government were to change social values instead of solve problems.

Fascism is the result, when the socialization of corruption overwhelms the social order. Only after the social order has been overwhelm by corruption can demagogues such as Trump redesign the political process around fascism. Just as know-nothings were required to impose fake science and technology onto society, a know-nothing with no qualifications was needed to re-orient politics around fascism.

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